Displaying all 15 test cases
This code implements Hard-coded Password vulnerability in a "Loop" structure
This code implements Hard-coded Password vulnerability in a "Scope" structure
This code implements Hard-coded Password vulnerability
The code updates database table. User-controlled data are sanitized by using SQL parameters.
The code updates database table. Data are sanitized by using SQL parameters.
The code updates database table. User-controlled data are sanitized by using SQL parameters.
This code implements SQL Injection vulnerability in a "Loop" structure, data provided by the client in the text box is written as is to SQL query, without any filtering
This code implements SQL Injection vulnerability in a "Scope" structure, data provided by the client in the text box is written as is to SQL query, without any filtering
This code implements SQL Injection vulnerability, data provided by the client in the text box is written as is to SQL query, without any filtering
The code implements Cross-site Scripting, data provided by the client is written as is, without any filtering
The code implements Cross-site Scripting, data provided by the client is written as is, without any filtering
The code implements Cross-site Scripting, data provided by the client is written as is, without any filtering
The code implements OS Command Injection, it runs OS Command entered by user without validating the input
The code implements OS Command Injection, it runs OS Command entered by user without validating the input
The code implements OS Command Injection, it runs OS Command entered by user without validating the input