Displaying test cases 290951 - 290975 of 291048 in total
Safe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : use of ternary condition construction : fopen
Safe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : use of ternary condition construction : concatenation with simple quote
Safe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : use of ternary condition construction : interpretation with simple quote
Unsafe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted SANITIZE : use of preg_replace construction : fopen
Unsafe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : none construction : fopen
Safe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : cast into int construction : concatenation and checks if the user is allowed to see this data
Safe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : cast into int construction : prepared query and right verification
Unsafe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : cast into int construction : prepared query and no right verification
Safe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : cast into int construction : right verification
Unsafe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : cast into int construction : concatenation with simple quote
Unsafe sample input : use fopen to read /tmp/tainted.txt and put the first line in $tainted sanitize : cast into int construction : interpretation with simple quote
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses indirect reference construction : prepared query and right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses indirect reference construction : prepared query and no right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses indirect reference construction : right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses indirect reference construction : interpretation with simple quote
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses of ESAPI, an OWASP API construction : prepared query and right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses of ESAPI, an OWASP API construction : prepared query and no right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses of ESAPI, an OWASP API construction : right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : uses of ESAPI, an OWASP API construction : interpretation with simple quote
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : use in_array to check if $tainted is in the white list construction : concatenation and checks if the user is allowed to see this data
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : use in_array to check if $tainted is in the white list construction : prepared query and right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : use in_array to check if $tainted is in the white list construction : prepared query and no right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : use in_array to check if $tainted is in the white list construction : right verification
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : use in_array to check if $tainted is in the white list construction : fopen
Safe sample input : use exec to execute the script /tmp/tainted.php and store the output in $tainted SANITIZE : use in_array to check if $tainted is in the white list construction : concatenation with simple quote