Juliet C/C++ 1.3 Test suite #112
A collection of test cases in the C/C++ language. It contains examples organized under 118 different CWEs. Version 1.3 adds test cases for increment and decrement and fixes some dozen systematic problems in 1.2 cases.
All documents related to the Juliet Test Suite can be found at the documents page.
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Pursuant to 17 USC 105, Juliet Test Suite for C/C++ version 1.3 is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. To the extent NIST may claim Foreign Rights in Juliet Test Suite for C/C++ version 1.3, the Test Suite is being made available to you under the CC0 1.0 Public Domain License.
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sinks: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 67 Data flow: data passed in a struct from one function to another in different source files
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 68 Data flow: data passed as a global variable from one function to another in different source f...
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sinks: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 72 Data flow: data passed in a vector from one function to another in different source files
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sinks: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 73 Data flow: data passed in a list from one function to another in different source files
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sinks: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 74 Data flow: data passed in a map from one function to another in different source files
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sinks: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 81 Data flow: data passed in a parameter to an virtual method called via a reference
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 82 Data flow: data passed in a parameter to an virtual method called via a pointer
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sinks: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 83 Data flow: data passed to class constructor and destructor by declaring the class object on t...
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sinks: w32_execvp BadSink : execute command with wexecvp Flow Variant: 84 Data flow: data passed to class constructor and destructor by declaring the class object on t...
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 01 Baseline
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 02 Control flow: if(1) and if(0)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 03 Control flow: if(5==5) and if(5!=5)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 04 Control flow: if(STATIC_CONST_TRUE) and if(STATIC_CONST_FALSE)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 05 Control flow: if(staticTrue) and if(staticFalse)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 06 Control flow: if(STATIC_CONST_FIVE==5) and if(STATIC_CONST_FIVE!=5)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 07 Control flow: if(staticFive==5) and if(staticFive!=5)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 08 Control flow: if(staticReturnsTrue()) and if(staticReturnsFalse())
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 09 Control flow: if(GLOBAL_CONST_TRUE) and if(GLOBAL_CONST_FALSE)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 10 Control flow: if(globalTrue) and if(globalFalse)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 11 Control flow: if(globalReturnsTrue()) and if(globalReturnsFalse())
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 12 Control flow: if(globalReturnsTrueOrFalse())
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 13 Control flow: if(GLOBAL_CONST_FIVE==5) and if(GLOBAL_CONST_FIVE!=5)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 14 Control flow: if(globalFive==5) and if(globalFive!=5)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 15 Control flow: switch(6)
CWE: 78 OS Command Injection BadSource: listen_socket Read data using a listen socket (server side) GoodSource: Fixed string Sink: w32spawnl BadSink : execute command with wspawnl Flow Variant: 16 Control flow: while(1)