ABM 1.0.1 Test suite #35
Fortify Software\''s Analyzer BenchMark v. 1.0.1
Displaying test cases 76 - 100 of 112 in total
An unsafe function is used causing the entire container to exit.
An unsafe function is used causing the entire container to exit.
Tainted output allows cross-site scripting attack.
Tainted output allows cross-site scripting attack.
Tainted output allows cross-site scripting attack. (fixed version 2)
Printf is called with a user supplied format string.
Printf is called with a programmer supplied format string.
Syslog is called with a programmer supplied format string.
System() is called with user-provided data but the data is strictly scrutinized first.
A string decode function misses a termination check which allows the decode to proceed past the end of the buffer.
A string decode function properly checks for termination and no buffer overflow occurs.
An ad hoc gets without bounds checkes allows a stack buffer to be overrun.
An ad hoc gets with bounds check does not allow a stack buffer to be overrun.
An ad-hoc string copy without bounds check overflows a stack buffer.
An ad-hoc string copy with bounds check does not overflows a stack buffer.
Syslog is called with a user supplied format string. An attempt was made to preformat the buffer but the vulnerability remains.
Syslog is called with a programmer supplied format string.
Printf is called with a static format string. This is not a defect.
gets is never safe for untrusted input due to lack of buffer length checks.
fgets is used in place of gets with a proper bounds check.
fgets is called with an incorrect bound allowing a stack buffer to be overrun.
fgets is called with a correct bound.
integer overflow results in a short malloc and an overflow. A guard was put in place to protect the overflow but the guard is incorrect.
integer overflow results in a short malloc and an overflow. A guard is put in place to protect against the overflow.
malloc\'d data is never freed and all pointers to the data are lost.