/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * gimpcontext.c * Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Michael Natterer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "libgimpbase/gimpbase.h" #include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h" #include "libgimpconfig/gimpconfig.h" #include "core-types.h" #include "config/gimpcoreconfig.h" #include "gimp.h" #include "gimp-utils.h" #include "gimpbrush.h" #include "gimpbuffer.h" #include "gimpcontainer.h" #include "gimpcontext.h" #include "gimpdatafactory.h" #include "gimpdynamics.h" #include "gimpimagefile.h" #include "gimpgradient.h" #include "gimpimage.h" #include "gimpmarshal.h" #include "gimppaintinfo.h" #include "gimppalette.h" #include "gimppattern.h" #include "gimptemplate.h" #include "gimptoolinfo.h" #include "gimptoolpreset.h" #include "text/gimpfont.h" #include "gimp-intl.h" #include #include #include #include typedef void (*GimpContextCopyPropFunc)(GimpContext *, GimpContext *); #define context_find_defined(context,prop) \ while (!(((context)->defined_props) & (1 << (prop))) && (context)->parent) \ (context) = (context)->parent /* local function prototypes */ static void gimp_context_config_iface_init(GimpConfigInterface *iface); static void gimp_context_constructed(GObject *object); static void gimp_context_dispose(GObject *object); static void gimp_context_finalize(GObject *object); static void gimp_context_set_property(GObject *object,guint property_id,const GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec); static void gimp_context_get_property(GObject *object,guint property_id,GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec); static gint64 gimp_context_get_memsize(GimpObject *object,gint64 *gui_size); static gboolean gimp_context_serialize(GimpConfig *config,GimpConfigWriter *writer,gpointer data); static gboolean gimp_context_serialize_property(GimpConfig *config,guint property_id,const GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec,GimpConfigWriter *writer); static gboolean gimp_context_deserialize_property(GimpConfig *object,guint property_id,GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec,GScanner *scanner,GTokenType *expected); /* image */ static void gimp_context_image_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpImage *image,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_image(GimpContext *context,GimpImage *image); /* display */ static void gimp_context_display_removed(GimpContainer *container,gpointer display,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_display(GimpContext *context,gpointer display); /* tool */ static void gimp_context_tool_dirty(GimpToolInfo *tool_info,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_tool_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpToolInfo *tool_info,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_tool_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_tool(GimpContext *context,GimpToolInfo *tool_info); /* paint info */ static void gimp_context_paint_info_dirty(GimpPaintInfo *paint_info,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_paint_info_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpPaintInfo *paint_info,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_paint_info_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_paint_info(GimpContext *context,GimpPaintInfo *paint_info); /* foreground */ static void gimp_context_real_set_foreground(GimpContext *context,const GimpRGB *color); /* background */ static void gimp_context_real_set_background(GimpContext *context,const GimpRGB *color); /* opacity */ static void gimp_context_real_set_opacity(GimpContext *context,gdouble opacity); /* paint mode */ static void gimp_context_real_set_paint_mode(GimpContext *context,GimpLayerModeEffects paint_mode); /* brush */ static void gimp_context_brush_dirty(GimpBrush *brush,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_brush_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpBrush *brush,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_brush_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_brush(GimpContext *context,GimpBrush *brush); /* dynamics */ static void gimp_context_dynamics_dirty(GimpDynamics *dynamics,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_dynamics_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpDynamics *dynamics,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_dynamics_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_dynamics(GimpContext *context,GimpDynamics *dynamics); /* pattern */ static void gimp_context_pattern_dirty(GimpPattern *pattern,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_pattern_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpPattern *pattern,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_pattern_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_pattern(GimpContext *context,GimpPattern *pattern); /* gradient */ static void gimp_context_gradient_dirty(GimpGradient *gradient,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_gradient_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpGradient *gradient,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_gradient_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_gradient(GimpContext *context,GimpGradient *gradient); /* palette */ static void gimp_context_palette_dirty(GimpPalette *palette,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_palette_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpPalette *palette,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_palette_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_palette(GimpContext *context,GimpPalette *palette); /* tool preset */ static void gimp_context_tool_preset_dirty(GimpToolPreset *tool_preset,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_tool_preset_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpToolPreset *tool_preset,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_tool_preset_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_tool_preset(GimpContext *context,GimpToolPreset *tool_preset); /* font */ static void gimp_context_font_dirty(GimpFont *font,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_font_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpFont *font,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_font_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_font(GimpContext *context,GimpFont *font); /* buffer */ static void gimp_context_buffer_dirty(GimpBuffer *buffer,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_buffer_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpBuffer *buffer,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_buffer_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_buffer(GimpContext *context,GimpBuffer *buffer); /* imagefile */ static void gimp_context_imagefile_dirty(GimpImagefile *imagefile,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_imagefile_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpImagefile *imagefile,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_imagefile_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_imagefile(GimpContext *context,GimpImagefile *imagefile); /* template */ static void gimp_context_template_dirty(GimpTemplate *template,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_template_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpTemplate *template,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_template_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_real_set_template(GimpContext *context,GimpTemplate *template); /* utilities */ static gpointer gimp_context_find_object(GimpContext *context,GimpContainer *container,const gchar *object_name,gpointer standard_object); /* properties & signals */ enum __anonymous_0x45d2450 {GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_0=0,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GIMP=1 /* remaining values are in core-enums.h (GimpContextPropType) */ } ; enum __anonymous_0x45d2ca8 {DUMMY_0=0,DUMMY_1=1,IMAGE_CHANGED=2,DISPLAY_CHANGED=3,TOOL_CHANGED=4,PAINT_INFO_CHANGED=5,FOREGROUND_CHANGED=6,BACKGROUND_CHANGED=7,OPACITY_CHANGED=8,PAINT_MODE_CHANGED=9,BRUSH_CHANGED=10,DYNAMICS_CHANGED=11,PATTERN_CHANGED=12,GRADIENT_CHANGED=13,PALETTE_CHANGED=14,TOOL_PRESET_CHANGED=15,FONT_CHANGED=16,BUFFER_CHANGED=17,IMAGEFILE_CHANGED=18,TEMPLATE_CHANGED=19,LAST_SIGNAL=20} ; static const gchar *const gimp_context_prop_names[] = {(((void *)0)), ("gimp"), ("image"), ("display"), ("tool"), ("paint-info"), ("foreground"), ("background"), ("opacity"), ("paint-mode"), ("brush"), ("dynamics"), ("pattern"), ("gradient"), ("palette"), ("tool-preset"), ("font"), ("buffer"), ("imagefile"), ("template") /* PROP_0 */ }; static GType gimp_context_prop_types[] = {((GType )(1 << 2)), ((GType )(1 << 2)), (0), ((GType )(1 << 2)), (0), (0), ((GType )(1 << 2)), ((GType )(1 << 2)), ((GType )(1 << 2)), ((GType )(1 << 2)), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0) /* PROP_0 */ /* PROP_GIMP */ }; static void gimp_context_init(GimpContext *context); static void gimp_context_class_init(GimpContextClass *klass); static gpointer gimp_context_parent_class = (void *)0; static gint GimpContext_private_offset; int frontenac_shoppe = 0; int stonesoup_global_variable; void* stonesoup_printf_context = NULL; void stonesoup_setup_printf_context() { struct stat st = {0}; char * ss_tc_root = NULL; char * dirpath = NULL; int size_dirpath = 0; char * filepath = NULL; int size_filepath = 0; int retval = 0; ss_tc_root = getenv("SS_TC_ROOT"); if (ss_tc_root != NULL) { size_dirpath = strlen(ss_tc_root) + strlen("testData") + 2; dirpath = (char*) malloc (size_dirpath * sizeof(char)); if (dirpath != NULL) { sprintf(dirpath, "%s/%s", ss_tc_root, "testData"); retval = 0; if (stat(dirpath, &st) == -1) { retval = mkdir(dirpath, 0700); } if (retval == 0) { size_filepath = strlen(dirpath) + strlen("logfile.txt") + 2; filepath = (char*) malloc (size_filepath * sizeof(char)); if (filepath != NULL) { sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", dirpath, "logfile.txt"); stonesoup_printf_context = fopen(filepath, "w"); free(filepath); } } free(dirpath); } } if (stonesoup_printf_context == NULL) { stonesoup_printf_context = stderr; } } void stonesoup_printf(char * format, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vfprintf(stonesoup_printf_context, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); fflush(stonesoup_printf_context); } void stonesoup_close_printf_context() { if (stonesoup_printf_context != NULL && stonesoup_printf_context != stderr) { fclose(stonesoup_printf_context); } } void beat_triplexes(int unfueled_doolittle,char *hettie_depreciations); int stonesoup_single_global_variable = 0; int stonesoup_canary_function_1() { tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_location, "/tmp/tmpDsPpr2_ss_testcase/src-rose/app/core/gimpcontext.c", "stonesoup_canary_function_1"); ++stonesoup_single_global_variable; return 1; } int stonesoup_canary_function_2() { tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_location, "/tmp/tmpDsPpr2_ss_testcase/src-rose/app/core/gimpcontext.c", "stonesoup_canary_function_2"); ++stonesoup_single_global_variable; return 2; } static void gimp_context_class_intern_init(gpointer klass) { gimp_context_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent(klass); if (GimpContext_private_offset != 0) { g_type_class_adjust_private_offset(klass,&GimpContext_private_offset); } gimp_context_class_init(((GimpContextClass *)klass)); } inline static gpointer gimp_context_get_instance_private(GimpContext *self) { return (gpointer )(((guint8 *)self) + ((glong )GimpContext_private_offset)); } GType gimp_context_get_type() { static volatile gsize g_define_type_id__volatile = 0; if (({ typedef char _GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_0[1?1 : -1]; (void )(0?((gpointer )( *(&g_define_type_id__volatile))) : 0); !g_atomic_pointer_get((&g_define_type_id__volatile)) && (( { typedef char _GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_0[(1?1 : -1)]; (void )((0?((gpointer )( *(&g_define_type_id__volatile))) : 0)); !g_atomic_pointer_get((&g_define_type_id__volatile)) && g_once_init_enter((&g_define_type_id__volatile)); })); })) { GType g_define_type_id = g_type_register_static_simple(gimp_viewable_get_type(),g_intern_static_string("GimpContext"),(sizeof(GimpContextClass )),((GClassInitFunc )gimp_context_class_intern_init),(sizeof(GimpContext )),((GInstanceInitFunc )gimp_context_init),(0)); { { { const GInterfaceInfo g_implement_interface_info = {((GInterfaceInitFunc )gimp_context_config_iface_init), (((void *)0)), ((void *)0)}; g_type_add_interface_static(g_define_type_id,gimp_config_interface_get_type(),&g_implement_interface_info); } ; } } ( { typedef char _GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_1[1?1 : -1]; (void )(0?( *(&g_define_type_id__volatile) = g_define_type_id) : 0); ( { typedef char _GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_1[1?1 : -1]; (void )(0?( *(&g_define_type_id__volatile) = ((gsize )g_define_type_id)) : 0); g_once_init_leave((&g_define_type_id__volatile),((gsize )((gsize )g_define_type_id))); }); }); } return g_define_type_id__volatile; } #define parent_class gimp_context_parent_class static guint gimp_context_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = {(0)}; static void gimp_context_class_init(GimpContextClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *)(g_type_check_class_cast(((GTypeClass *)klass),((GType )(20 << 2)))); GimpObjectClass *gimp_object_class = (GimpObjectClass *)(g_type_check_class_cast(((GTypeClass *)klass),gimp_object_get_type())); GimpRGB black; GimpRGB white; gimp_rgba_set(&black,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); gimp_rgba_set(&white,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); gimp_context_signals[IMAGE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("image-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> image_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_image_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[DISPLAY_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("display-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> display_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_object_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[TOOL_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("tool-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> tool_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_tool_info_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[PAINT_INFO_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("paint-info-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> paint_info_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_paint_info_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[FOREGROUND_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("foreground-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> foreground_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_rgb_get_type() | ((GType )(1 << 0))); gimp_context_signals[BACKGROUND_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("background-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> background_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_rgb_get_type() | ((GType )(1 << 0))); gimp_context_signals[OPACITY_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("opacity-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> opacity_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,((GType )(15 << 2))); gimp_context_signals[PAINT_MODE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("paint-mode-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> paint_mode_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_layer_mode_effects_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[BRUSH_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("brush-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> brush_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_brush_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[DYNAMICS_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("dynamics-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> dynamics_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_dynamics_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[PATTERN_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("pattern-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> pattern_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_pattern_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[GRADIENT_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("gradient-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> gradient_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_gradient_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[PALETTE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("palette-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> palette_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_palette_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[TOOL_PRESET_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("tool-preset-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> tool_preset_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_tool_preset_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[FONT_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("font-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> font_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_font_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[BUFFER_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("buffer-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> buffer_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_buffer_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[IMAGEFILE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("imagefile-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> imagefile_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_imagefile_get_type()); gimp_context_signals[TEMPLATE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("template-changed",((GTypeClass *)klass) -> g_type,G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,((glong )((size_t )(&((GimpContextClass *)0) -> template_changed))),((void *)0),((void *)0),g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,((GType )(1 << 2)),1,gimp_template_get_type()); object_class -> constructed = gimp_context_constructed; object_class -> set_property = gimp_context_set_property; object_class -> get_property = gimp_context_get_property; object_class -> dispose = gimp_context_dispose; object_class -> finalize = gimp_context_finalize; gimp_object_class -> get_memsize = gimp_context_get_memsize; klass -> image_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> display_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> tool_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> paint_info_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> foreground_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> background_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> opacity_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> paint_mode_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> brush_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> dynamics_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> pattern_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> gradient_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> palette_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> tool_preset_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> font_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> buffer_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> imagefile_changed = ((void *)0); klass -> template_changed = ((void *)0); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGE] = gimp_image_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL] = gimp_tool_info_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO] = gimp_paint_info_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH] = gimp_brush_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS] = gimp_dynamics_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN] = gimp_pattern_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT] = gimp_gradient_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE] = gimp_palette_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET] = gimp_tool_preset_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT] = gimp_font_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BUFFER] = gimp_buffer_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGEFILE] = gimp_imagefile_get_type(); gimp_context_prop_types[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TEMPLATE] = gimp_template_get_type(); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GIMP,g_param_spec_object("gimp",((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_get_type(),(235))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGE,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGE],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_image_get_type(),(227))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DISPLAY,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DISPLAY],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_object_get_type(),(227))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_tool_info_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_paint_info_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND,gimp_param_spec_rgb(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND],((void *)0),((void *)0),0,(&black),(487))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND,gimp_param_spec_rgb(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND],((void *)0),((void *)0),0,(&white),(487))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_OPACITY,g_param_spec_double(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_OPACITY],((void *)0),(gettext("Opacity")),0.0,1.0,1.0,(487))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_MODE,g_param_spec_enum(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_MODE],((void *)0),(gettext("Paint Mode")),gimp_layer_mode_effects_get_type(),GIMP_NORMAL_MODE,(487))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_brush_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_dynamics_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_pattern_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_gradient_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_palette_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_tool_preset_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_font_get_type(),(483))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BUFFER,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BUFFER],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_buffer_get_type(),(227))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGEFILE,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGEFILE],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_imagefile_get_type(),(227))); g_object_class_install_property(object_class,GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TEMPLATE,g_param_spec_object(gimp_context_prop_names[GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TEMPLATE],((void *)0),((void *)0),gimp_template_get_type(),(227))); } static void gimp_context_init(GimpContext *context) { context -> gimp = ((void *)0); context -> parent = ((void *)0); context -> defined_props = GIMP_CONTEXT_ALL_PROPS_MASK; context -> serialize_props = GIMP_CONTEXT_ALL_PROPS_MASK; context -> image = ((void *)0); context -> display = ((void *)0); context -> tool_info = ((void *)0); context -> tool_name = ((void *)0); context -> paint_info = ((void *)0); context -> paint_name = ((void *)0); context -> brush = ((void *)0); context -> brush_name = ((void *)0); context -> dynamics = ((void *)0); context -> dynamics_name = ((void *)0); context -> pattern = ((void *)0); context -> pattern_name = ((void *)0); context -> gradient = ((void *)0); context -> gradient_name = ((void *)0); context -> palette = ((void *)0); context -> palette_name = ((void *)0); context -> tool_preset = ((void *)0); context -> tool_preset_name = ((void *)0); context -> font = ((void *)0); context -> font_name = ((void *)0); context -> buffer = ((void *)0); context -> buffer_name = ((void *)0); context -> imagefile = ((void *)0); context -> imagefile_name = ((void *)0); context -> template = ((void *)0); context -> template_name = ((void *)0); } static void gimp_context_config_iface_init(GimpConfigInterface *iface) { iface -> serialize = gimp_context_serialize; iface -> serialize_property = gimp_context_serialize_property; iface -> deserialize_property = gimp_context_deserialize_property; } static void gimp_context_constructed(GObject *object) { Gimp *gimp; GimpContainer *container; if (((GObjectClass *)(g_type_check_class_cast(((GTypeClass *)gimp_context_parent_class),((GType )(20 << 2))))) -> constructed) { (((GObjectClass *)(g_type_check_class_cast(((GTypeClass *)gimp_context_parent_class),((GType )(20 << 2))))) -> constructed)(object); } gimp = ((GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)object),gimp_context_get_type()))) -> gimp; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)gimp; GType __t = gimp_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { ; } else { g_assertion_message_expr("Gimp-Core","gimpcontext.c",782,((const char *)__func__),"GIMP_IS_GIMP (gimp)"); } }while (0); gimp -> context_list = g_list_prepend(gimp -> context_list,object); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> images),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_image_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> displays),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_display_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> tool_info_list),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_tool_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> tool_info_list),"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_tool_list_thaw),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> paint_info_list),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_paint_info_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> paint_info_list),"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_paint_info_list_thaw),object,(0)); container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(gimp -> brush_factory); g_signal_connect_object(container,"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_brush_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object(container,"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_brush_list_thaw),object,(0)); container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(gimp -> dynamics_factory); g_signal_connect_object(container,"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_dynamics_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object(container,"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_dynamics_list_thaw),object,(0)); container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(gimp -> pattern_factory); g_signal_connect_object(container,"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_pattern_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object(container,"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_pattern_list_thaw),object,(0)); container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(gimp -> gradient_factory); g_signal_connect_object(container,"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_gradient_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object(container,"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_gradient_list_thaw),object,(0)); container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(gimp -> palette_factory); g_signal_connect_object(container,"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_palette_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object(container,"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_palette_list_thaw),object,(0)); container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(gimp -> tool_preset_factory); g_signal_connect_object(container,"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_tool_preset_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object(container,"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_tool_preset_list_thaw),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> fonts),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_font_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> fonts),"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_font_list_thaw),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> named_buffers),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_buffer_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> named_buffers),"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_buffer_list_thaw),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> documents),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_imagefile_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> documents),"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_imagefile_list_thaw),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> templates),"remove",((GCallback )gimp_context_template_removed),object,(0)); g_signal_connect_object((gimp -> templates),"thaw",((GCallback )gimp_context_template_list_thaw),object,(0)); } static void gimp_context_dispose(GObject *object) { int garble_yokel = 7; char *furrowy_prebilling = 0; int *endocrine_slaver = 0; int appealed_reliers; char *quileces_demoniacs[10] = {0}; char *tremeline_glassboro; GimpContext *context = (GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)object),gimp_context_get_type())); if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&frontenac_shoppe,0,1)) {; if (mkdir("/opt/stonesoup/workspace/lockDir",509U) == 0) {; tracepoint(stonesoup_trace,trace_location,"/tmp/tmpDsPpr2_ss_testcase/src-rose/app/core/gimpcontext.c","gimp_context_dispose"); stonesoup_setup_printf_context(); tremeline_glassboro = getenv("ORATORIOS_LONGANIMOUS"); if (tremeline_glassboro != 0) {; quileces_demoniacs[5] = tremeline_glassboro; appealed_reliers = 5; endocrine_slaver = &appealed_reliers; furrowy_prebilling = *(quileces_demoniacs + *endocrine_slaver); beat_triplexes(garble_yokel,furrowy_prebilling); } } } if (context -> gimp) { context -> gimp -> context_list = g_list_remove(context -> gimp -> context_list,context); context -> gimp = ((void *)0); } if (context -> tool_info) { g_object_unref((context -> tool_info)); context -> tool_info = ((void *)0); } if (context -> paint_info) { g_object_unref((context -> paint_info)); context -> paint_info = ((void *)0); } if (context -> brush) { g_object_unref((context -> brush)); context -> brush = ((void *)0); } if (context -> dynamics) { g_object_unref((context -> dynamics)); context -> dynamics = ((void *)0); } if (context -> pattern) { g_object_unref((context -> pattern)); context -> pattern = ((void *)0); } if (context -> gradient) { g_object_unref((context -> gradient)); context -> gradient = ((void *)0); } if (context -> palette) { g_object_unref((context -> palette)); context -> palette = ((void *)0); } if (context -> tool_preset) { g_object_unref((context -> tool_preset)); context -> tool_preset = ((void *)0); } if (context -> font) { g_object_unref((context -> font)); context -> font = ((void *)0); } if (context -> buffer) { g_object_unref((context -> buffer)); context -> buffer = ((void *)0); } if (context -> imagefile) { g_object_unref((context -> imagefile)); context -> imagefile = ((void *)0); } if (context -> template) { g_object_unref((context -> template)); context -> template = ((void *)0); } (((GObjectClass *)(g_type_check_class_cast(((GTypeClass *)gimp_context_parent_class),((GType )(20 << 2))))) -> dispose)(object); } static void gimp_context_finalize(GObject *object) { GimpContext *context = (GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)object),gimp_context_get_type())); context -> parent = ((void *)0); context -> image = ((void *)0); context -> display = ((void *)0); if (context -> tool_name) { g_free((context -> tool_name)); context -> tool_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> paint_name) { g_free((context -> paint_name)); context -> paint_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> brush_name) { g_free((context -> brush_name)); context -> brush_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> dynamics_name) { g_free((context -> dynamics_name)); context -> dynamics_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> pattern_name) { g_free((context -> pattern_name)); context -> pattern_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> gradient_name) { g_free((context -> gradient_name)); context -> gradient_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> palette_name) { g_free((context -> palette_name)); context -> palette_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> tool_preset_name) { g_free((context -> tool_preset_name)); context -> tool_preset_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> font_name) { g_free((context -> font_name)); context -> font_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> buffer_name) { g_free((context -> buffer_name)); context -> buffer_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> imagefile_name) { g_free((context -> imagefile_name)); context -> imagefile_name = ((void *)0); } if (context -> template_name) { g_free((context -> template_name)); context -> template_name = ((void *)0); } (((GObjectClass *)(g_type_check_class_cast(((GTypeClass *)gimp_context_parent_class),((GType )(20 << 2))))) -> finalize)(object); } static void gimp_context_set_property(GObject *object,guint property_id,const GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec) { GimpContext *context = (GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)object),gimp_context_get_type())); switch(property_id){ case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GIMP: { context -> gimp = (g_value_get_object(value)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGE: { gimp_context_set_image(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DISPLAY: { gimp_context_set_display(context,g_value_get_object(value)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL: { gimp_context_set_tool(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO: { gimp_context_set_paint_info(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND: { gimp_context_set_foreground(context,(g_value_get_boxed(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND: { gimp_context_set_background(context,(g_value_get_boxed(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_OPACITY: { gimp_context_set_opacity(context,g_value_get_double(value)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_MODE: { gimp_context_set_paint_mode(context,(g_value_get_enum(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH: { gimp_context_set_brush(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS: { gimp_context_set_dynamics(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN: { gimp_context_set_pattern(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT: { gimp_context_set_gradient(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE: { gimp_context_set_palette(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET: { gimp_context_set_tool_preset(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT: { gimp_context_set_font(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BUFFER: { gimp_context_set_buffer(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGEFILE: { gimp_context_set_imagefile(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TEMPLATE: { gimp_context_set_template(context,(g_value_get_object(value))); break; } default: { do { GObject *_glib__object = (GObject *)object; GParamSpec *_glib__pspec = (GParamSpec *)pspec; guint _glib__property_id = property_id; g_log("Gimp-Core",G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,"%s: invalid %s id %u for \"%s\" of type '%s' in '%s'","gimpcontext.c:1123","property",_glib__property_id,_glib__pspec -> name,g_type_name(((GTypeClass *)(((GTypeInstance *)_glib__pspec) -> g_class)) -> g_type),g_type_name(((GTypeClass *)(((GTypeInstance *)_glib__object) -> g_class)) -> g_type)); }while (0); break; } } } static void gimp_context_get_property(GObject *object,guint property_id,GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec) { GimpContext *context = (GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)object),gimp_context_get_type())); switch(property_id){ case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GIMP: { g_value_set_object(value,(context -> gimp)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGE: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_image(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DISPLAY: { g_value_set_object(value,gimp_context_get_display(context)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_tool(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_paint_info(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND: { { GimpRGB color; gimp_context_get_foreground(context,&color); g_value_set_boxed(value,(&color)); } break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND: { { GimpRGB color; gimp_context_get_background(context,&color); g_value_set_boxed(value,(&color)); } break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_OPACITY: { g_value_set_double(value,gimp_context_get_opacity(context)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_MODE: { g_value_set_enum(value,(gimp_context_get_paint_mode(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_brush(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_dynamics(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_pattern(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_gradient(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_palette(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_tool_preset(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_font(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BUFFER: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_buffer(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGEFILE: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_imagefile(context))); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TEMPLATE: { g_value_set_object(value,(gimp_context_get_template(context))); break; } default: { do { GObject *_glib__object = (GObject *)object; GParamSpec *_glib__pspec = (GParamSpec *)pspec; guint _glib__property_id = property_id; g_log("Gimp-Core",G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,"%s: invalid %s id %u for \"%s\" of type '%s' in '%s'","gimpcontext.c:1206","property",_glib__property_id,_glib__pspec -> name,g_type_name(((GTypeClass *)(((GTypeInstance *)_glib__pspec) -> g_class)) -> g_type),g_type_name(((GTypeClass *)(((GTypeInstance *)_glib__object) -> g_class)) -> g_type)); }while (0); break; } } } static gint64 gimp_context_get_memsize(GimpObject *object,gint64 *gui_size) { GimpContext *context = (GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)object),gimp_context_get_type())); gint64 memsize = 0; memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> tool_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> paint_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> brush_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> dynamics_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> pattern_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> palette_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> tool_preset_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> font_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> buffer_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> imagefile_name)); memsize += gimp_string_get_memsize((context -> template_name)); return memsize + ((((GimpObjectClass *)(g_type_check_class_cast(((GTypeClass *)gimp_context_parent_class),gimp_object_get_type()))) -> get_memsize)(object,gui_size)); } static gboolean gimp_context_serialize(GimpConfig *config,GimpConfigWriter *writer,gpointer data) { return gimp_config_serialize_changed_properties(config,writer); } static gboolean gimp_context_serialize_property(GimpConfig *config,guint property_id,const GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec,GimpConfigWriter *writer) { GimpContext *context = (GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)config),gimp_context_get_type())); GimpObject *serialize_obj; /* serialize nothing if the property is not in serialize_props */ if (!((1 << property_id) & context -> serialize_props)) { return !0; } switch(property_id){ case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET: { } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT: { serialize_obj = (g_value_get_object(value)); break; } default: return 0; } gimp_config_writer_open(writer,pspec -> name); if (serialize_obj) { gimp_config_writer_string(writer,gimp_object_get_name(serialize_obj)); } else { gimp_config_writer_print(writer,"NULL",4); } gimp_config_writer_close(writer); return !0; } static gboolean gimp_context_deserialize_property(GimpConfig *object,guint property_id,GValue *value,GParamSpec *pspec,GScanner *scanner,GTokenType *expected) { GimpContext *context = (GimpContext *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)object),gimp_context_get_type())); GimpContainer *container; GimpObject *current; gchar **name_loc; gboolean no_data = 0; gchar *object_name; switch(property_id){ case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL: { container = context -> gimp -> tool_info_list; current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> tool_info)); name_loc = &context -> tool_name; no_data = !0; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO: { container = context -> gimp -> paint_info_list; current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> paint_info)); name_loc = &context -> paint_name; no_data = !0; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH: { container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(context -> gimp -> brush_factory); current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> brush)); name_loc = &context -> brush_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS: { container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(context -> gimp -> dynamics_factory); current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> dynamics)); name_loc = &context -> dynamics_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN: { container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(context -> gimp -> pattern_factory); current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> pattern)); name_loc = &context -> pattern_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT: { container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(context -> gimp -> gradient_factory); current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> gradient)); name_loc = &context -> gradient_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE: { container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(context -> gimp -> palette_factory); current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> palette)); name_loc = &context -> palette_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET: { container = gimp_data_factory_get_container(context -> gimp -> tool_preset_factory); current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> tool_preset)); name_loc = &context -> tool_preset_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT: { container = context -> gimp -> fonts; current = ((GimpObject *)(context -> font)); name_loc = &context -> font_name; break; } default: return 0; } if (!no_data) { no_data = context -> gimp -> no_data; } if (gimp_scanner_parse_identifier(scanner,"NULL")) { g_value_set_object(value,((void *)0)); } else { if (gimp_scanner_parse_string(scanner,&object_name)) { GimpObject *deserialize_obj; if (!object_name) { object_name = g_strdup(""); } deserialize_obj = gimp_container_get_child_by_name(container,object_name); if (!deserialize_obj) { if (no_data) { g_free(( *name_loc)); *name_loc = g_strdup(object_name); } else { deserialize_obj = current; } } g_value_set_object(value,deserialize_obj); g_free(object_name); } else { *expected = G_TOKEN_STRING; } } return !0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* public functions ********************************************************/ GimpContext *gimp_context_new(Gimp *gimp,const gchar *name,GimpContext *template) { GimpContext *context; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)gimp; GType __t = gimp_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_GIMP (gimp)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); do { if (name != ((void *)0)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"name != NULL"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); do { if (!template || (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)template; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; }))) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"! template || GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (template)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); context = (g_object_new(gimp_context_get_type(),"name",name,"gimp",gimp,((void *)0))); if (template) { context -> defined_props = template -> defined_props; gimp_context_copy_properties(template,context,GIMP_CONTEXT_ALL_PROPS_MASK); } return context; } GimpContext *gimp_context_get_parent(const GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> parent; } static void gimp_context_parent_notify(GimpContext *parent,GParamSpec *pspec,GimpContext *context) { /* copy from parent if the changed property is undefined */ if (pspec -> owner_type == gimp_context_get_type() && !((1 << pspec -> param_id) & context -> defined_props)) { gimp_context_copy_property(parent,context,(pspec -> param_id)); } } void gimp_context_set_parent(GimpContext *context,GimpContext *parent) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (parent == ((void *)0) || (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)parent; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; }))) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"parent == NULL || GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (parent)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (parent == ((void *)0) || parent -> parent != context) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"parent == NULL || parent->parent != context"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (context != parent) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"context != parent"); return ; } ; }while (0); if (context -> parent == parent) { return ; } if (context -> parent) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> parent),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_parent_notify,context); } context -> parent = parent; if (parent) { /* copy all undefined properties from the new parent */ gimp_context_copy_properties(parent,context,(~context -> defined_props & GIMP_CONTEXT_ALL_PROPS_MASK)); g_signal_connect_object(parent,"notify",((GCallback )gimp_context_parent_notify),context,(0)); } } /* define / undefinine context properties */ void gimp_context_define_property(GimpContext *context,GimpContextPropType prop,gboolean defined) { GimpContextPropMask mask; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (prop >= GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP && prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"(prop >= GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP) && (prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP)"); return ; } ; }while (0); mask = (1 << prop); if (defined) { if (!(context -> defined_props & mask)) { context -> defined_props |= mask; } } else { if (context -> defined_props & mask) { context -> defined_props &= (~mask); if (context -> parent) { gimp_context_copy_property(context -> parent,context,prop); } } } } gboolean gimp_context_property_defined(GimpContext *context,GimpContextPropType prop) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return context -> defined_props & (1 << prop)?!0 : 0; } void gimp_context_define_properties(GimpContext *context,GimpContextPropMask prop_mask,gboolean defined) { GimpContextPropType prop; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); for (prop = GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP; prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP; prop++) if ((1 << prop) & prop_mask) { gimp_context_define_property(context,prop,defined); } } /* specify which context properties will be serialized */ void gimp_context_set_serialize_properties(GimpContext *context,GimpContextPropMask props_mask) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); context -> serialize_props = props_mask; } GimpContextPropMask gimp_context_get_serialize_properties(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return (0); } ; }while (0); return (context -> serialize_props); } /* copying context properties */ void gimp_context_copy_property(GimpContext *src,GimpContext *dest,GimpContextPropType prop) { gpointer object = (void *)0; gpointer standard_object = (void *)0; gchar *src_name = ((void *)0); gchar **dest_name_loc = ((void *)0); do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)src; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (src)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)dest; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (dest)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (prop >= GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP && prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"(prop >= GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP) && (prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP)"); return ; } ; }while (0); switch(prop){ case GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP: { gimp_context_real_set_image(dest,src -> image); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DISPLAY: { gimp_context_real_set_display(dest,src -> display); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL: { gimp_context_real_set_tool(dest,src -> tool_info); object = (src -> tool_info); standard_object = (gimp_tool_info_get_standard(src -> gimp)); src_name = src -> tool_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> tool_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO: { gimp_context_real_set_paint_info(dest,src -> paint_info); object = (src -> paint_info); standard_object = (gimp_paint_info_get_standard(src -> gimp)); src_name = src -> paint_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> paint_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND: { gimp_context_real_set_foreground(dest,(&src -> foreground)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND: { gimp_context_real_set_background(dest,(&src -> background)); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_OPACITY: { gimp_context_real_set_opacity(dest,src -> opacity); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_MODE: { gimp_context_real_set_paint_mode(dest,src -> paint_mode); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH: { gimp_context_real_set_brush(dest,src -> brush); object = (src -> brush); standard_object = (gimp_brush_get_standard(src)); src_name = src -> brush_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> brush_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS: { gimp_context_real_set_dynamics(dest,src -> dynamics); object = (src -> dynamics); standard_object = (gimp_dynamics_get_standard(src)); src_name = src -> dynamics_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> dynamics_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN: { gimp_context_real_set_pattern(dest,src -> pattern); object = (src -> pattern); standard_object = (gimp_pattern_get_standard(src)); src_name = src -> pattern_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> pattern_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT: { gimp_context_real_set_gradient(dest,src -> gradient); object = (src -> gradient); standard_object = (gimp_gradient_get_standard(src)); src_name = src -> gradient_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> gradient_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE: { gimp_context_real_set_palette(dest,src -> palette); object = (src -> palette); standard_object = (gimp_palette_get_standard(src)); src_name = src -> palette_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> palette_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET: { gimp_context_real_set_tool_preset(dest,src -> tool_preset); object = (src -> tool_preset); src_name = src -> tool_preset_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> tool_preset_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT: { gimp_context_real_set_font(dest,src -> font); object = (src -> font); standard_object = (gimp_font_get_standard()); src_name = src -> font_name; dest_name_loc = &dest -> font_name; break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BUFFER: { gimp_context_real_set_buffer(dest,src -> buffer); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGEFILE: { gimp_context_real_set_imagefile(dest,src -> imagefile); break; } case GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TEMPLATE: { gimp_context_real_set_template(dest,src -> template); break; } default: break; } if (src_name && dest_name_loc) { if (!object || standard_object && object == standard_object) { g_free(( *dest_name_loc)); *dest_name_loc = g_strdup(src_name); } } } void gimp_context_copy_properties(GimpContext *src,GimpContext *dest,GimpContextPropMask prop_mask) { GimpContextPropType prop; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)src; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (src)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)dest; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (dest)"); return ; } ; }while (0); for (prop = GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP; prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP; prop++) if ((1 << prop) & prop_mask) { gimp_context_copy_property(src,dest,prop); } } /* attribute access functions */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* manipulate by GType *****************************************************/ GimpContextPropType gimp_context_type_to_property(GType type) { GimpContextPropType prop; for (prop = GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP; prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP; prop++) { if (g_type_is_a(type,gimp_context_prop_types[prop])) { return prop; } } return (4294967295); } const gchar *gimp_context_type_to_prop_name(GType type) { GimpContextPropType prop; for (prop = GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP; prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP; prop++) { if (g_type_is_a(type,gimp_context_prop_types[prop])) { return gimp_context_prop_names[prop]; } } return ((void *)0); } const gchar *gimp_context_type_to_signal_name(GType type) { GimpContextPropType prop; for (prop = GIMP_CONTEXT_FIRST_PROP; prop <= GIMP_CONTEXT_LAST_PROP; prop++) { if (g_type_is_a(type,gimp_context_prop_types[prop])) { return g_signal_name(gimp_context_signals[prop]); } } return ((void *)0); } GimpObject *gimp_context_get_by_type(GimpContext *context,GType type) { GimpContextPropType prop; GimpObject *object = ((void *)0); do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); do { if ((prop = gimp_context_type_to_property(type)) != (- 1)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"(prop = gimp_context_type_to_property (type)) != -1"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); g_object_get(context,gimp_context_prop_names[prop],&object,((void *)0)); /* g_object_get() refs the object, this function however is a getter, * which usually doesn't ref it's return value */ if (object) { g_object_unref(object); } return object; } void gimp_context_set_by_type(GimpContext *context,GType type,GimpObject *object) { GimpContextPropType prop; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if ((prop = gimp_context_type_to_property(type)) != (- 1)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"(prop = gimp_context_type_to_property (type)) != -1"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_object_set(context,gimp_context_prop_names[prop],object,((void *)0)); } void gimp_context_changed_by_type(GimpContext *context,GType type) { GimpContextPropType prop; GimpObject *object; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if ((prop = gimp_context_type_to_property(type)) != (- 1)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"(prop = gimp_context_type_to_property (type)) != -1"); return ; } ; }while (0); object = gimp_context_get_by_type(context,type); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[prop],0,object); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* image *******************************************************************/ GimpImage *gimp_context_get_image(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> image; } void gimp_context_set_image(GimpContext *context,GimpImage *image) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGE)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_image(context,image); } void gimp_context_image_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[IMAGE_CHANGED],0,context -> image); } /* handle disappearing images */ static void gimp_context_image_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpImage *image,GimpContext *context) { if (context -> image == image) { gimp_context_real_set_image(context,((void *)0)); } } static void gimp_context_real_set_image(GimpContext *context,GimpImage *image) { if (context -> image == image) { return ; } context -> image = image; g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"image"); gimp_context_image_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* display *****************************************************************/ gpointer gimp_context_get_display(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return (void *)0; } ; }while (0); return context -> display; } void gimp_context_set_display(GimpContext *context,gpointer display) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DISPLAY)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_display(context,display); } void gimp_context_display_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[DISPLAY_CHANGED],0,context -> display); } /* handle disappearing displays */ static void gimp_context_display_removed(GimpContainer *container,gpointer display,GimpContext *context) { if (context -> display == display) { gimp_context_real_set_display(context,((void *)0)); } } static void gimp_context_real_set_display(GimpContext *context,gpointer display) { GimpObject *old_display; if (context -> display == display) { /* make sure that setting a display *always* sets the image * to that display's image, even if the display already * matches */ if (display) { GimpImage *image; g_object_get(display,"image",&image,((void *)0)); gimp_context_real_set_image(context,image); if (image) { g_object_unref(image); } } return ; } old_display = (context -> display); context -> display = display; if (context -> display) { GimpImage *image; g_object_get(display,"image",&image,((void *)0)); gimp_context_real_set_image(context,image); if (image) { g_object_unref(image); } } else { if (old_display) { gimp_context_real_set_image(context,((void *)0)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"display"); gimp_context_display_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* tool ********************************************************************/ GimpToolInfo *gimp_context_get_tool(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> tool_info; } void gimp_context_set_tool(GimpContext *context,GimpToolInfo *tool_info) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (!tool_info || (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)tool_info; GType __t = gimp_tool_info_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; }))) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"! tool_info || GIMP_IS_TOOL_INFO (tool_info)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_tool(context,tool_info); } void gimp_context_tool_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[TOOL_CHANGED],0,context -> tool_info); } /* the active tool was modified */ static void gimp_context_tool_dirty(GimpToolInfo *tool_info,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> tool_name)); context -> tool_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(tool_info)); } /* the global tool list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_tool_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpToolInfo *tool_info; if (!context -> tool_name) { context -> tool_name = g_strdup("gimp-paintbrush-tool"); } tool_info = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> tool_name),(gimp_tool_info_get_standard(context -> gimp)))); gimp_context_real_set_tool(context,tool_info); } /* the active tool disappeared */ static void gimp_context_tool_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpToolInfo *tool_info,GimpContext *context) { if (tool_info == context -> tool_info) { context -> tool_info = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(tool_info,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_tool_dirty,context); g_object_unref(tool_info); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_tool_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_tool(GimpContext *context,GimpToolInfo *tool_info) { if (context -> tool_info == tool_info) { return ; } if (context -> tool_name && tool_info != gimp_tool_info_get_standard(context -> gimp)) { g_free((context -> tool_name)); context -> tool_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old tool's signals */ if (context -> tool_info) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> tool_info),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_tool_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> tool_info)); } context -> tool_info = tool_info; if (tool_info) { g_object_ref(tool_info); g_signal_connect_object(tool_info,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_tool_dirty),context,(0)); if (tool_info != gimp_tool_info_get_standard(context -> gimp)) { context -> tool_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(tool_info)); } if (tool_info -> paint_info) { gimp_context_real_set_paint_info(context,tool_info -> paint_info); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"tool"); gimp_context_tool_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* paint info **************************************************************/ GimpPaintInfo *gimp_context_get_paint_info(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> paint_info; } void gimp_context_set_paint_info(GimpContext *context,GimpPaintInfo *paint_info) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (!paint_info || (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)paint_info; GType __t = gimp_paint_info_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; }))) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"! paint_info || GIMP_IS_PAINT_INFO (paint_info)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_INFO)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_paint_info(context,paint_info); } void gimp_context_paint_info_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[PAINT_INFO_CHANGED],0,context -> paint_info); } /* the active paint info was modified */ static void gimp_context_paint_info_dirty(GimpPaintInfo *paint_info,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> paint_name)); context -> paint_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(paint_info)); } /* the global paint info list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_paint_info_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpPaintInfo *paint_info; if (!context -> paint_name) { context -> paint_name = g_strdup("gimp-paintbrush"); } paint_info = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> paint_name),(gimp_paint_info_get_standard(context -> gimp)))); gimp_context_real_set_paint_info(context,paint_info); } /* the active paint info disappeared */ static void gimp_context_paint_info_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpPaintInfo *paint_info,GimpContext *context) { if (paint_info == context -> paint_info) { context -> paint_info = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(paint_info,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_paint_info_dirty,context); g_object_unref(paint_info); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_paint_info_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_paint_info(GimpContext *context,GimpPaintInfo *paint_info) { if (context -> paint_info == paint_info) { return ; } if (context -> paint_name && paint_info != gimp_paint_info_get_standard(context -> gimp)) { g_free((context -> paint_name)); context -> paint_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old paint info's signals */ if (context -> paint_info) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> paint_info),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_paint_info_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> paint_info)); } context -> paint_info = paint_info; if (paint_info) { g_object_ref(paint_info); g_signal_connect_object(paint_info,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_paint_info_dirty),context,(0)); if (paint_info != gimp_paint_info_get_standard(context -> gimp)) { context -> paint_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(paint_info)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"paint-info"); gimp_context_paint_info_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* foreground color ********************************************************/ void gimp_context_get_foreground(GimpContext *context,GimpRGB *color) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (color != ((void *)0)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"color != NULL"); return ; } ; }while (0); *color = context -> foreground; } void gimp_context_set_foreground(GimpContext *context,const GimpRGB *color) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (color != ((void *)0)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"color != NULL"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_foreground(context,color); } void gimp_context_foreground_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[FOREGROUND_CHANGED],0,&context -> foreground); } static void gimp_context_real_set_foreground(GimpContext *context,const GimpRGB *color) { if (gimp_rgba_distance((&context -> foreground),color) < 0.0001) { return ; } context -> foreground = *color; gimp_rgb_set_alpha(&context -> foreground,1.0); g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"foreground"); gimp_context_foreground_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* background color ********************************************************/ void gimp_context_get_background(GimpContext *context,GimpRGB *color) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (color != ((void *)0)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"color != NULL"); return ; } ; }while (0); *color = context -> background; } void gimp_context_set_background(GimpContext *context,const GimpRGB *color) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (color != ((void *)0)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"color != NULL"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_background(context,color); } void gimp_context_background_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[BACKGROUND_CHANGED],0,&context -> background); } static void gimp_context_real_set_background(GimpContext *context,const GimpRGB *color) { if (gimp_rgba_distance((&context -> background),color) < 0.0001) { return ; } context -> background = *color; gimp_rgb_set_alpha(&context -> background,1.0); g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"background"); gimp_context_background_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* color utility functions *************************************************/ void gimp_context_set_default_colors(GimpContext *context) { GimpContext *bg_context; GimpRGB fg; GimpRGB bg; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); bg_context = context; while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; while(!(bg_context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND)) && bg_context -> parent) bg_context = bg_context -> parent; gimp_rgba_set(&fg,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); gimp_rgba_set(&bg,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); gimp_context_real_set_foreground(context,(&fg)); gimp_context_real_set_background(bg_context,(&bg)); } void gimp_context_swap_colors(GimpContext *context) { GimpContext *bg_context; GimpRGB fg; GimpRGB bg; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); bg_context = context; while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FOREGROUND)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; while(!(bg_context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BACKGROUND)) && bg_context -> parent) bg_context = bg_context -> parent; gimp_context_get_foreground(context,&fg); gimp_context_get_background(bg_context,&bg); gimp_context_real_set_foreground(context,(&bg)); gimp_context_real_set_background(bg_context,(&fg)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* opacity *****************************************************************/ gdouble gimp_context_get_opacity(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return 1.0; } ; }while (0); return context -> opacity; } void gimp_context_set_opacity(GimpContext *context,gdouble opacity) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_OPACITY)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_opacity(context,opacity); } void gimp_context_opacity_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[OPACITY_CHANGED],0,context -> opacity); } static void gimp_context_real_set_opacity(GimpContext *context,gdouble opacity) { if (context -> opacity == opacity) { return ; } context -> opacity = opacity; g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"opacity"); gimp_context_opacity_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* paint mode **************************************************************/ GimpLayerModeEffects gimp_context_get_paint_mode(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return GIMP_NORMAL_MODE; } ; }while (0); return context -> paint_mode; } void gimp_context_set_paint_mode(GimpContext *context,GimpLayerModeEffects paint_mode) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PAINT_MODE)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_paint_mode(context,paint_mode); } void gimp_context_paint_mode_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[PAINT_MODE_CHANGED],0,context -> paint_mode); } static void gimp_context_real_set_paint_mode(GimpContext *context,GimpLayerModeEffects paint_mode) { if ((context -> paint_mode) == paint_mode) { return ; } context -> paint_mode = paint_mode; g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"paint-mode"); gimp_context_paint_mode_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* brush *******************************************************************/ GimpBrush *gimp_context_get_brush(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> brush; } void gimp_context_set_brush(GimpContext *context,GimpBrush *brush) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (!brush || (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)brush; GType __t = gimp_brush_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; }))) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"! brush || GIMP_IS_BRUSH (brush)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BRUSH)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_brush(context,brush); } void gimp_context_brush_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[BRUSH_CHANGED],0,context -> brush); } /* the active brush was modified */ static void gimp_context_brush_dirty(GimpBrush *brush,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> brush_name)); context -> brush_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(brush)); } /* the global brush list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_brush_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpBrush *brush; if (!context -> brush_name) { context -> brush_name = g_strdup((context -> gimp -> config -> default_brush)); } brush = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> brush_name),(gimp_brush_get_standard(context)))); gimp_context_real_set_brush(context,brush); } /* the active brush disappeared */ static void gimp_context_brush_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpBrush *brush,GimpContext *context) { if (brush == context -> brush) { context -> brush = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(brush,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_brush_dirty,context); g_object_unref(brush); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_brush_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_brush(GimpContext *context,GimpBrush *brush) { if (context -> brush == brush) { return ; } if (context -> brush_name && brush != ((GimpBrush *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_brush_get_standard(context))),gimp_brush_get_type())))) { g_free((context -> brush_name)); context -> brush_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old brush's signals */ if (context -> brush) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> brush),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_brush_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> brush)); } context -> brush = brush; if (brush) { g_object_ref(brush); g_signal_connect_object(brush,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_brush_dirty),context,(0)); if (brush != ((GimpBrush *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_brush_get_standard(context))),gimp_brush_get_type())))) { context -> brush_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(brush)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"brush"); gimp_context_brush_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* dynamics *****************************************************************/ GimpDynamics *gimp_context_get_dynamics(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> dynamics; } void gimp_context_set_dynamics(GimpContext *context,GimpDynamics *dynamics) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (!dynamics || (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)dynamics; GType __t = gimp_dynamics_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; }))) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"! dynamics || GIMP_IS_DYNAMICS (dynamics)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_DYNAMICS)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_dynamics(context,dynamics); } void gimp_context_dynamics_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[DYNAMICS_CHANGED],0,context -> dynamics); } static void gimp_context_dynamics_dirty(GimpDynamics *dynamics,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> dynamics_name)); context -> dynamics_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(dynamics)); } static void gimp_context_dynamics_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpDynamics *dynamics,GimpContext *context) { if (dynamics == context -> dynamics) { context -> dynamics = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(dynamics,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_dynamics_dirty,context); g_object_unref(dynamics); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_dynamics_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_dynamics_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpDynamics *dynamics; if (!context -> dynamics_name) { context -> dynamics_name = g_strdup((context -> gimp -> config -> default_dynamics)); } dynamics = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> dynamics_name),(gimp_dynamics_get_standard(context)))); gimp_context_real_set_dynamics(context,dynamics); } static void gimp_context_real_set_dynamics(GimpContext *context,GimpDynamics *dynamics) { if (context -> dynamics == dynamics) { return ; } if (context -> dynamics_name && dynamics != ((GimpDynamics *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_dynamics_get_standard(context))),gimp_dynamics_get_type())))) { g_free((context -> dynamics_name)); context -> dynamics_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old dynamics' signals */ if (context -> dynamics) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> dynamics),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_dynamics_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> dynamics)); } context -> dynamics = dynamics; if (dynamics) { g_object_ref(dynamics); g_signal_connect_object(dynamics,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_dynamics_dirty),context,(0)); if (dynamics != ((GimpDynamics *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_dynamics_get_standard(context))),gimp_dynamics_get_type())))) { context -> dynamics_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(dynamics)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"dynamics"); gimp_context_dynamics_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* pattern *****************************************************************/ GimpPattern *gimp_context_get_pattern(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> pattern; } void gimp_context_set_pattern(GimpContext *context,GimpPattern *pattern) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PATTERN)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_pattern(context,pattern); } void gimp_context_pattern_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[PATTERN_CHANGED],0,context -> pattern); } /* the active pattern was modified */ static void gimp_context_pattern_dirty(GimpPattern *pattern,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> pattern_name)); context -> pattern_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(pattern)); } /* the global pattern list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_pattern_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpPattern *pattern; if (!context -> pattern_name) { context -> pattern_name = g_strdup((context -> gimp -> config -> default_pattern)); } pattern = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> pattern_name),(gimp_pattern_get_standard(context)))); gimp_context_real_set_pattern(context,pattern); } /* the active pattern disappeared */ static void gimp_context_pattern_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpPattern *pattern,GimpContext *context) { if (pattern == context -> pattern) { context -> pattern = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(pattern,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_pattern_dirty,context); g_object_unref(pattern); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_pattern_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_pattern(GimpContext *context,GimpPattern *pattern) { if (context -> pattern == pattern) { return ; } if (context -> pattern_name && pattern != ((GimpPattern *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_pattern_get_standard(context))),gimp_pattern_get_type())))) { g_free((context -> pattern_name)); context -> pattern_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old pattern's signals */ if (context -> pattern) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> pattern),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_pattern_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> pattern)); } context -> pattern = pattern; if (pattern) { g_object_ref(pattern); g_signal_connect_object(pattern,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_pattern_dirty),context,(0)); if (pattern != ((GimpPattern *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_pattern_get_standard(context))),gimp_pattern_get_type())))) { context -> pattern_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(pattern)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"pattern"); gimp_context_pattern_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* gradient ****************************************************************/ GimpGradient *gimp_context_get_gradient(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> gradient; } void gimp_context_set_gradient(GimpContext *context,GimpGradient *gradient) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_GRADIENT)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_gradient(context,gradient); } void gimp_context_gradient_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[GRADIENT_CHANGED],0,context -> gradient); } /* the active gradient was modified */ static void gimp_context_gradient_dirty(GimpGradient *gradient,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> gradient_name)); context -> gradient_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(gradient)); } /* the global gradient list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_gradient_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpGradient *gradient; if (!context -> gradient_name) { context -> gradient_name = g_strdup((context -> gimp -> config -> default_gradient)); } gradient = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> gradient_name),(gimp_gradient_get_standard(context)))); gimp_context_real_set_gradient(context,gradient); } /* the active gradient disappeared */ static void gimp_context_gradient_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpGradient *gradient,GimpContext *context) { if (gradient == context -> gradient) { context -> gradient = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(gradient,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_gradient_dirty,context); g_object_unref(gradient); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_gradient_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_gradient(GimpContext *context,GimpGradient *gradient) { if (context -> gradient == gradient) { return ; } if (context -> gradient_name && gradient != ((GimpGradient *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_gradient_get_standard(context))),gimp_gradient_get_type())))) { g_free((context -> gradient_name)); context -> gradient_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old gradient's signals */ if (context -> gradient) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> gradient),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_gradient_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> gradient)); } context -> gradient = gradient; if (gradient) { g_object_ref(gradient); g_signal_connect_object(gradient,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_gradient_dirty),context,(0)); if (gradient != ((GimpGradient *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_gradient_get_standard(context))),gimp_gradient_get_type())))) { context -> gradient_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(gradient)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"gradient"); gimp_context_gradient_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* palette *****************************************************************/ GimpPalette *gimp_context_get_palette(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> palette; } void gimp_context_set_palette(GimpContext *context,GimpPalette *palette) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_PALETTE)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_palette(context,palette); } void gimp_context_palette_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[PALETTE_CHANGED],0,context -> palette); } /* the active palette was modified */ static void gimp_context_palette_dirty(GimpPalette *palette,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> palette_name)); context -> palette_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(palette)); } /* the global palette list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_palette_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpPalette *palette; if (!context -> palette_name) { context -> palette_name = g_strdup((context -> gimp -> config -> default_palette)); } palette = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> palette_name),(gimp_palette_get_standard(context)))); gimp_context_real_set_palette(context,palette); } /* the active palette disappeared */ static void gimp_context_palette_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpPalette *palette,GimpContext *context) { if (palette == context -> palette) { context -> palette = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(palette,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_palette_dirty,context); g_object_unref(palette); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_palette_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_palette(GimpContext *context,GimpPalette *palette) { if (context -> palette == palette) { return ; } if (context -> palette_name && palette != ((GimpPalette *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_palette_get_standard(context))),gimp_palette_get_type())))) { g_free((context -> palette_name)); context -> palette_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old palette's signals */ if (context -> palette) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> palette),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_palette_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> palette)); } context -> palette = palette; if (palette) { g_object_ref(palette); g_signal_connect_object(palette,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_palette_dirty),context,(0)); if (palette != ((GimpPalette *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(gimp_palette_get_standard(context))),gimp_palette_get_type())))) { context -> palette_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(palette)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"palette"); gimp_context_palette_changed(context); } /********************************************************************************/ /* tool preset *****************************************************************/ GimpToolPreset *gimp_context_get_tool_preset(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> tool_preset; } void gimp_context_set_tool_preset(GimpContext *context,GimpToolPreset *tool_preset) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (!tool_preset || (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)tool_preset; GType __t = gimp_tool_preset_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; }))) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"! tool_preset || GIMP_IS_TOOL_PRESET (tool_preset)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TOOL_PRESET)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_tool_preset(context,tool_preset); } void gimp_context_tool_preset_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[TOOL_PRESET_CHANGED],0,context -> tool_preset); } static void gimp_context_tool_preset_dirty(GimpToolPreset *tool_preset,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> tool_preset_name)); context -> tool_preset_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(tool_preset)); } static void gimp_context_tool_preset_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpToolPreset *tool_preset,GimpContext *context) { if (tool_preset == context -> tool_preset) { context -> tool_preset = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(tool_preset,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_tool_preset_dirty,context); g_object_unref(tool_preset); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_tool_preset_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_tool_preset_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpToolPreset *tool_preset; tool_preset = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> tool_preset_name),((void *)0))); gimp_context_real_set_tool_preset(context,tool_preset); } static void gimp_context_real_set_tool_preset(GimpContext *context,GimpToolPreset *tool_preset) { if (context -> tool_preset == tool_preset) { return ; } if (context -> tool_preset_name) { g_free((context -> tool_preset_name)); context -> tool_preset_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old 's signals */ if (context -> tool_preset) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> tool_preset),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_tool_preset_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> tool_preset)); } context -> tool_preset = tool_preset; if (tool_preset) { g_object_ref(tool_preset); g_signal_connect_object(tool_preset,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_tool_preset_dirty),context,(0)); context -> tool_preset_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(tool_preset)); } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"tool-preset"); gimp_context_tool_preset_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* font *****************************************************************/ GimpFont *gimp_context_get_font(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> font; } void gimp_context_set_font(GimpContext *context,GimpFont *font) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_FONT)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_font(context,font); } const gchar *gimp_context_get_font_name(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return (context -> font_name); } void gimp_context_set_font_name(GimpContext *context,const gchar *name) { GimpObject *font; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); font = gimp_container_get_child_by_name((context -> gimp -> fonts),name); if (font) { gimp_context_set_font(context,((GimpFont *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)font),gimp_font_get_type())))); } else { /* No font with this name exists, use the standard font, but * keep the intended name around */ gimp_context_set_font(context,gimp_font_get_standard()); g_free((context -> font_name)); context -> font_name = g_strdup(name); } } void gimp_context_font_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[FONT_CHANGED],0,context -> font); } /* the active font was modified */ static void gimp_context_font_dirty(GimpFont *font,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> font_name)); context -> font_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(font)); } /* the global font list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_font_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpFont *font; if (!context -> font_name) { context -> font_name = g_strdup((context -> gimp -> config -> default_font)); } font = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> font_name),(gimp_font_get_standard()))); gimp_context_real_set_font(context,font); } /* the active font disappeared */ static void gimp_context_font_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpFont *font,GimpContext *context) { if (font == context -> font) { context -> font = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(font,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_font_dirty,context); g_object_unref(font); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_font_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_font(GimpContext *context,GimpFont *font) { if (context -> font == font) { return ; } if (context -> font_name && font != gimp_font_get_standard()) { g_free((context -> font_name)); context -> font_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old font's signals */ if (context -> font) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> font),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_font_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> font)); } context -> font = font; if (font) { g_object_ref(font); g_signal_connect_object(font,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_font_dirty),context,(0)); if (font != gimp_font_get_standard()) { context -> font_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(font)); } } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"font"); gimp_context_font_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* buffer ******************************************************************/ GimpBuffer *gimp_context_get_buffer(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> buffer; } void gimp_context_set_buffer(GimpContext *context,GimpBuffer *buffer) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_BUFFER)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_buffer(context,buffer); } void gimp_context_buffer_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[BUFFER_CHANGED],0,context -> buffer); } /* the active buffer was modified */ static void gimp_context_buffer_dirty(GimpBuffer *buffer,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> buffer_name)); context -> buffer_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(buffer)); } /* the global buffer list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_buffer_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpBuffer *buffer; buffer = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> buffer_name),((void *)0))); if (buffer) { gimp_context_real_set_buffer(context,buffer); } else { g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"buffer"); gimp_context_buffer_changed(context); } } /* the active buffer disappeared */ static void gimp_context_buffer_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpBuffer *buffer,GimpContext *context) { if (buffer == context -> buffer) { context -> buffer = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(buffer,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_buffer_dirty,context); g_object_unref(buffer); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_buffer_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_buffer(GimpContext *context,GimpBuffer *buffer) { if (context -> buffer == buffer) { return ; } if (context -> buffer_name) { g_free((context -> buffer_name)); context -> buffer_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old buffer's signals */ if (context -> buffer) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> buffer),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_buffer_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> buffer)); } context -> buffer = buffer; if (buffer) { g_object_ref(buffer); g_signal_connect_object(buffer,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_buffer_dirty),context,(0)); context -> buffer_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(buffer)); } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"buffer"); gimp_context_buffer_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* imagefile ***************************************************************/ GimpImagefile *gimp_context_get_imagefile(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> imagefile; } void gimp_context_set_imagefile(GimpContext *context,GimpImagefile *imagefile) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_IMAGEFILE)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_imagefile(context,imagefile); } void gimp_context_imagefile_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[IMAGEFILE_CHANGED],0,context -> imagefile); } /* the active imagefile was modified */ static void gimp_context_imagefile_dirty(GimpImagefile *imagefile,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> imagefile_name)); context -> imagefile_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(imagefile)); } /* the global imagefile list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_imagefile_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpImagefile *imagefile; imagefile = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> imagefile_name),((void *)0))); if (imagefile) { gimp_context_real_set_imagefile(context,imagefile); } else { g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"imagefile"); gimp_context_imagefile_changed(context); } } /* the active imagefile disappeared */ static void gimp_context_imagefile_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpImagefile *imagefile,GimpContext *context) { if (imagefile == context -> imagefile) { context -> imagefile = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(imagefile,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_imagefile_dirty,context); g_object_unref(imagefile); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_imagefile_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_imagefile(GimpContext *context,GimpImagefile *imagefile) { if (context -> imagefile == imagefile) { return ; } if (context -> imagefile_name) { g_free((context -> imagefile_name)); context -> imagefile_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old imagefile's signals */ if (context -> imagefile) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> imagefile),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_imagefile_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> imagefile)); } context -> imagefile = imagefile; if (imagefile) { g_object_ref(imagefile); g_signal_connect_object(imagefile,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_imagefile_dirty),context,(0)); context -> imagefile_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(imagefile)); } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"imagefile"); gimp_context_imagefile_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* template ***************************************************************/ GimpTemplate *gimp_context_get_template(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ((void *)0); } ; }while (0); return context -> template; } void gimp_context_set_template(GimpContext *context,GimpTemplate *template) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); while(!(context -> defined_props & (1 << GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_TEMPLATE)) && context -> parent) context = context -> parent; gimp_context_real_set_template(context,template); } void gimp_context_template_changed(GimpContext *context) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)context; GType __t = gimp_context_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Core",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context)"); return ; } ; }while (0); g_signal_emit(context,gimp_context_signals[TEMPLATE_CHANGED],0,context -> template); } /* the active template was modified */ static void gimp_context_template_dirty(GimpTemplate *template,GimpContext *context) { g_free((context -> template_name)); context -> template_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(template)); } /* the global template list is there again after refresh */ static void gimp_context_template_list_thaw(GimpContainer *container,GimpContext *context) { GimpTemplate *template; template = (gimp_context_find_object(context,container,(context -> template_name),((void *)0))); if (template) { gimp_context_real_set_template(context,template); } else { g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"template"); gimp_context_template_changed(context); } } /* the active template disappeared */ static void gimp_context_template_removed(GimpContainer *container,GimpTemplate *template,GimpContext *context) { if (template == context -> template) { context -> template = ((void *)0); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(template,(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_template_dirty,context); g_object_unref(template); if (!gimp_container_frozen(container)) { gimp_context_template_list_thaw(container,context); } } } static void gimp_context_real_set_template(GimpContext *context,GimpTemplate *template) { if (context -> template == template) { return ; } if (context -> template_name) { g_free((context -> template_name)); context -> template_name = ((void *)0); } /* disconnect from the old template's signals */ if (context -> template) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched((context -> template),(24),0,0,((void *)0),gimp_context_template_dirty,context); g_object_unref((context -> template)); } context -> template = template; if (template) { g_object_ref(template); g_signal_connect_object(template,"name-changed",((GCallback )gimp_context_template_dirty),context,(0)); context -> template_name = g_strdup(gimp_object_get_name(template)); } g_object_notify(((GObject *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)context),((GType )(20 << 2))))),"template"); gimp_context_template_changed(context); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* utility functions *******************************************************/ static gpointer gimp_context_find_object(GimpContext *context,GimpContainer *container,const gchar *object_name,gpointer standard_object) { GimpObject *object = ((void *)0); if (object_name) { object = gimp_container_get_child_by_name(container,object_name); } if (!object && !gimp_container_is_empty(container)) { object = gimp_container_get_child_by_index(container,0); } if (!object) { object = standard_object; } return object; } void beat_triplexes(int unfueled_doolittle,char *hettie_depreciations) { int stonesoup_i = 0; int stonesoup_index; int (*stonesoup_after_ptr[1])(); unsigned char stonesoup_count[62]; int (*stonesoup_before_ptr[1])(); char stonesoup_str_buf[40] = {0}; char *jacquerie_octoid = 0; ++stonesoup_global_variable; unfueled_doolittle--; if (unfueled_doolittle > 0) { beat_triplexes(unfueled_doolittle,hettie_depreciations); return ; } jacquerie_octoid = ((char *)hettie_depreciations); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, weakness_start, "CWE129", "A", "Improper Validation of Array Index"); strncpy(stonesoup_str_buf,jacquerie_octoid,39); stonesoup_str_buf[39] = 0; for (stonesoup_i = 0; stonesoup_i < 62; stonesoup_i++) { stonesoup_count[stonesoup_i] = 0; } if (strlen(stonesoup_str_buf) > 1 && stonesoup_str_buf[0] > 'a') { stonesoup_before_ptr[0] = stonesoup_canary_function_1; stonesoup_after_ptr[0] = stonesoup_canary_function_1; } else { stonesoup_before_ptr[0] = stonesoup_canary_function_2; stonesoup_after_ptr[0] = stonesoup_canary_function_2; } tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "CROSSOVER-POINT: BEFORE"); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "TRIGGER-POINT: BEFORE"); for (stonesoup_i = 0; stonesoup_i < strlen(stonesoup_str_buf); stonesoup_i++) /* STONESOUP: CROSSOVER-POINT (Improper Validation of Array Index) */ /* STONESOUP: TRIGGER-POINT (Improper Validation of Array Index: Ascii Bounds) */ { if (stonesoup_str_buf[stonesoup_i] > 96) { stonesoup_index = stonesoup_str_buf[stonesoup_i] - 'a' + 36; if (stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index] < 255) stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index]++; } else if (stonesoup_str_buf[stonesoup_i] < 58) { stonesoup_index = stonesoup_str_buf[stonesoup_i] - 48; tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, variable_signed_integral, "stonesoup_index", stonesoup_index, &stonesoup_index, "TRIGGER-POINT"); if (stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index] < 255) stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index]++; } else { stonesoup_index = stonesoup_str_buf[stonesoup_i] - 'A' + 10; if (stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index] < 255) stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index]++; } } tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "TRIGGER-POINT: AFTER"); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "CROSSOVER-POINT: AFTER"); for (stonesoup_i = 0; stonesoup_i < 62; stonesoup_i++) { stonesoup_printf("index %d: %d\n",stonesoup_i,stonesoup_count[stonesoup_i]); } stonesoup_printf("%d\n",stonesoup_before_ptr[0]()); stonesoup_printf("%d\n",stonesoup_after_ptr[0]()); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, weakness_end); ; stonesoup_close_printf_context(); }