/* $Copyright: $ * Copyright (c) 1996 - 2014 by Steve Baker (ice@mama.indstate.edu) * All Rights reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "tree.h" /* * Hacked in DIR_COLORS support for linux. ------------------------------ */ /* * If someone asked me, I'd extend dircolors, to provide more generic * color support so that more programs could take advantage of it. This * is really just hacked in support. The dircolors program should: * 1) Put the valid terms in a environment var, like: * COLOR_TERMS=linux:console:xterm:vt100... * 2) Put the COLOR and OPTIONS directives in a env var too. * 3) Have an option to dircolors to silently ignore directives that it * doesn't understand (directives that other programs would * understand). * 4) Perhaps even make those unknown directives environment variables. * * The environment is the place for cryptic crap no one looks at, but * programs. No one is going to care if it takes 30 variables to do * something. */ #include #include #include #include enum __anonymous_0x341d430 {CMD_COLOR=0,CMD_OPTIONS=1,CMD_TERM=2,CMD_EIGHTBIT=3,COL_NORMAL=4,COL_FILE=5,COL_DIR=6,COL_LINK=7,COL_FIFO=8,COL_DOOR=9,COL_BLK=10,COL_CHR=11,COL_ORPHAN=12,COL_SOCK=13,COL_SETUID=14,COL_SETGID=15,COL_STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE=16,COL_OTHER_WRITABLE=17,COL_STICKY=18,COL_EXEC=19,COL_MISSING=20,COL_LEFTCODE=21,COL_RIGHTCODE=22,COL_ENDCODE=23,DOT_EXTENSION=24,ERROR=25} ; bool colorize = FALSE; bool ansilines = FALSE; bool linktargetcolor = FALSE; char *term; char termmatch = FALSE; char istty; char *leftcode = ((void *)0); char *rightcode = ((void *)0); char *endcode = ((void *)0); char *norm_flgs = ((void *)0); char *file_flgs = ((void *)0); char *dir_flgs = ((void *)0); char *link_flgs = ((void *)0); char *fifo_flgs = ((void *)0); char *door_flgs = ((void *)0); char *block_flgs = ((void *)0); char *char_flgs = ((void *)0); char *orphan_flgs = ((void *)0); char *sock_flgs = ((void *)0); char *suid_flgs = ((void *)0); char *sgid_flgs = ((void *)0); char *stickyow_flgs = ((void *)0); char *otherwr_flgs = ((void *)0); char *sticky_flgs = ((void *)0); char *exec_flgs = ((void *)0); char *missing_flgs = ((void *)0); char *vgacolor[] = {("black"), ("red"), ("green"), ("yellow"), ("blue"), ("fuchsia"), ("aqua"), ("white"), (((void *)0)), (((void *)0)), ("transparent"), ("red"), ("green"), ("yellow"), ("blue"), ("fuchsia"), ("aqua"), ("black")}; struct colortable colortable[11]; struct extensions *ext = ((void *)0); const struct linedraw *linedraw; char **split(char *str,char *delim,int *nwrds); int cmd(char *s); extern FILE *outfile; extern bool Hflag; extern bool force_color; extern bool nocolor; extern const char *charset; int hysterometer_slock = 0; int stonesoup_global_variable; void stonesoup_handle_taint(char *pyretography_criant); void* stonesoup_printf_context; void stonesoup_setup_printf_context() { } void stonesoup_printf(char * format, ...) { va_list argptr; // mg_send_header(stonesoup_printf_context, "Content-Type", "text/plain"); va_start(argptr, format); mg_vprintf_data((struct mg_connection*) stonesoup_printf_context, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); } void stonesoup_close_printf_context() { } static int stonesoup_exit_flag = 0; static int stonesoup_ev_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) { char * ifmatch_header; char* stonesoup_tainted_buff; int buffer_size = 1000; int data_size = 0; if (ev == MG_REQUEST) { ifmatch_header = (char*) mg_get_header(conn, "if-match"); if (strcmp(ifmatch_header, "weak_taint_source_value") == 0) { while (1) { stonesoup_tainted_buff = (char*) malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char)); /* STONESOUP: SOURCE-TAINT (Socket Variable) */ data_size = mg_get_var(conn, "data", stonesoup_tainted_buff, buffer_size * sizeof(char)); if (data_size < buffer_size) { stonesoup_exit_flag = 1; break; } buffer_size = buffer_size * 2; free(stonesoup_tainted_buff); } stonesoup_printf_context = conn; stonesoup_handle_taint(stonesoup_tainted_buff); /* STONESOUP: INJECTION-POINT */ } return MG_TRUE; } else if (ev == MG_AUTH) { return MG_TRUE; } else { return MG_FALSE; } } void stonesoup_read_taint(void) { if (getenv("STONESOUP_DISABLE_WEAKNESS") == NULL || strcmp(getenv("STONESOUP_DISABLE_WEAKNESS"), "1") != 0) { struct mg_server *stonesoup_server = mg_create_server(NULL, stonesoup_ev_handler); mg_set_option(stonesoup_server, "listening_port", "8887"); while (1) { if (mg_poll_server(stonesoup_server, 1000) == 0 && stonesoup_exit_flag == 1) { break; } } mg_destroy_server(&stonesoup_server); } } void parse_dir_colors() { char buf[1025]; char **arg; char **c; char *colors; char *s; int i; int n; struct extensions *e; if (Hflag) { return ; } if (getenv("TERM") == ((void *)0)) { colorize = FALSE; return ; } s = getenv("TREE_COLORS"); if (s == ((void *)0)) { s = getenv("LS_COLORS"); } if ((s == ((void *)0) || strlen(s) == 0) && force_color) { s = ":no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:ex=01;32:*.bat=01;32:*.BAT=01;32:*.btm=01;32:*.BTM=01;32:*.cmd=01;32:*.CMD=01;32:*.com=01;32:*.COM=01;32:*.dll=01;32:*.DLL=01;32:*.exe=01;32:*.EXE=01;32:*.arj=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.tar=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.tb2=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.tz2=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.ZIP=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.asf=01;35:*.ASF=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.AVI=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.BMP=01;35:*.flac=01;35:*.FLAC=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.GIF=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.JPG=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.JPEG=01;35:*.m2a=01;35:*.M2a=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.M2V=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.MOV=01;35:*.mp3=01;35:*.MP3=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.MPEG=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.MPG=01;35:*.ogg=01;35:*.OGG=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.RM=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.TGA=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.TIF=01;35:*.wav=01;35:*.WAV=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.WMV=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:"; } if (s == ((void *)0) || !force_color && (nocolor || !isatty(1))) { colorize = FALSE; return ; } else { colorize = TRUE; /* You can uncomment the below line and tree will always try to ANSI-fy the indentation lines */ /* ansilines = TRUE; */ } colors = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(s) + 1)),s); arg = split(colors,":",&n); for (i = 0; arg[i]; i++) { c = split(arg[i],"=",&n); switch(cmd(c[0])){ case COL_NORMAL: { if (c[1]) { norm_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_FILE: { if (c[1]) { file_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_DIR: { if (c[1]) { dir_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_LINK: { if (c[1]) { if (strcasecmp("target",c[1]) == 0) { linktargetcolor = TRUE; /* Should never actually be used */ link_flgs = "01;36"; } else { link_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } } break; } case COL_FIFO: { if (c[1]) { fifo_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_DOOR: { if (c[1]) { door_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_BLK: { if (c[1]) { block_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_CHR: { if (c[1]) { char_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_ORPHAN: { if (c[1]) { orphan_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_SOCK: { if (c[1]) { sock_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_SETUID: { if (c[1]) { suid_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_SETGID: { if (c[1]) { sgid_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE: { if (c[1]) { stickyow_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_OTHER_WRITABLE: { if (c[1]) { otherwr_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_STICKY: { if (c[1]) { sticky_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_EXEC: { if (c[1]) { exec_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_MISSING: { if (c[1]) { missing_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_LEFTCODE: { if (c[1]) { leftcode = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_RIGHTCODE: { if (c[1]) { rightcode = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case COL_ENDCODE: { if (c[1]) { endcode = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); } break; } case DOT_EXTENSION: if (c[1]) { e = (xmalloc(sizeof(struct extensions ))); e -> ext = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen((c[0] + 1)) + 1)),(c[0] + 1)); e -> term_flg = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(c[1]) + 1)),c[1]); e -> nxt = ext; ext = e; } } free(c); } free(arg); /* make sure at least norm_flgs is defined. We're going to assume vt100 support */ if (!leftcode) { leftcode = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen("\033[") + 1)),"\033["); } if (!rightcode) { rightcode = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen("m") + 1)),"m"); } if (!norm_flgs) { norm_flgs = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen("00") + 1)),"00"); } if (!endcode) { sprintf(buf,"%s%s%s",leftcode,norm_flgs,rightcode); endcode = strcpy((xmalloc(strlen(buf) + 1)),buf); } free(colors); /* if (!termmatch) colorize = FALSE; */ } /* * You must free the pointer that is allocated by split() after you * are done using the array. */ char **split(char *str,char *delim,int *nwrds) { int n = 128; char **w = (xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * n)); w[ *nwrds = 0] = strtok(str,delim); while(w[ *nwrds]){ if ( *nwrds == n - 2) { w = (xrealloc(w,sizeof(char *) * (n += 256))); } w[++ *nwrds] = strtok(((void *)0),delim); } w[ *nwrds] = ((void *)0); return w; } int cmd(char *s) { static struct { char *cmd; char cmdnum;}cmds[] = {{("no"), (COL_NORMAL)}, {("fi"), (COL_FILE)}, {("di"), (COL_DIR)}, {("ln"), (COL_LINK)}, {("pi"), (COL_FIFO)}, {("do"), (COL_DOOR)}, {("bd"), (COL_BLK)}, {("cd"), (COL_CHR)}, {("or"), (COL_ORPHAN)}, {("so"), (COL_SOCK)}, {("su"), (COL_SETUID)}, {("sg"), (COL_SETGID)}, {("tw"), (COL_STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE)}, {("ow"), (COL_OTHER_WRITABLE)}, {("st"), (COL_STICKY)}, {("ex"), (COL_EXEC)}, {("mi"), (COL_MISSING)}, {("lc"), (COL_LEFTCODE)}, {("rc"), (COL_RIGHTCODE)}, {("ec"), (COL_ENDCODE)}, {(((void *)0)), (0)}}; int i; for (i = 0; cmds[i] . cmdnum; i++) if (!strcmp(cmds[i] . cmd,s)) { return cmds[i] . cmdnum; } if (s[0] == '*') { return DOT_EXTENSION; } return ERROR; } int color(u_short mode,char *name,bool orphan,bool islink) { struct extensions *e; int l; int xl; if (orphan) { if (islink) { if (missing_flgs) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,missing_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } } else { if (orphan_flgs) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,orphan_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } } } switch(mode & 0170000){ case 0010000: { if (!fifo_flgs) { return FALSE; } fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,fifo_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } case 0020000: { if (!char_flgs) { return FALSE; } fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,char_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } case 0040000: { if (mode & 01000) { if (mode & 0200 >> 3 >> 3 && stickyow_flgs) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,stickyow_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } if (!(mode & 0200 >> 3 >> 3) && sticky_flgs) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,sticky_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } } if (mode & 0200 >> 3 >> 3 && otherwr_flgs) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,otherwr_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } if (!dir_flgs) { return FALSE; } fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,dir_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } case 0060000: { #ifndef __EMX__ if (!block_flgs) { return FALSE; } fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,block_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } case 0120000: { if (!link_flgs) { return FALSE; } fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,link_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } case 0140000: { #ifdef S_IFDOOR #endif #endif if (!sock_flgs) { return FALSE; } fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,sock_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } case 0100000: { if (mode & 04000 && suid_flgs) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,suid_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } if (mode & 02000 && sgid_flgs) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,sgid_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } if (!exec_flgs) { return FALSE; } if (mode & (0100 | 0100 >> 3 | 0100 >> 3 >> 3)) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,exec_flgs,rightcode); return TRUE; } /* not a directory, link, special device, etc, so check for extension match */ l = (strlen(name)); for (e = ext; e; e = e -> nxt) { xl = (strlen((e -> ext))); if (!strcmp(((l > xl?name + (l - xl) : name)),(e -> ext))) { fprintf(outfile,"%s%s%s",leftcode,e -> term_flg,rightcode); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } /* * Charsets provided by Kyosuke Tokoro (NBG01720@nifty.ne.jp) */ const char *getcharset() { #ifndef __EMX__ return (getenv("TREE_CHARSET")); #else #endif } void initlinedraw(int flag) { static const char *latin1_3[] = {("ISO-8859-1"), ("ISO-8859-1:1987"), ("ISO_8859-1"), ("latin1"), ("l1"), ("IBM819"), ("CP819"), ("csISOLatin1"), ("ISO-8859-3"), ("ISO_8859-3:1988"), ("ISO_8859-3"), ("latin3"), ("ls"), ("csISOLatin3"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *iso8859_789[] = {("ISO-8859-7"), ("ISO_8859-7:1987"), ("ISO_8859-7"), ("ELOT_928"), ("ECMA-118"), ("greek"), ("greek8"), ("csISOLatinGreek"), ("ISO-8859-8"), ("ISO_8859-8:1988"), ("iso-ir-138"), ("ISO_8859-8"), ("hebrew"), ("csISOLatinHebrew"), ("ISO-8859-9"), ("ISO_8859-9:1989"), ("iso-ir-148"), ("ISO_8859-9"), ("latin5"), ("l5"), ("csISOLatin5"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *shift_jis[] = {("Shift_JIS"), ("MS_Kanji"), ("csShiftJIS"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *euc_jp[] = {("EUC-JP"), ("Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese"), ("csEUCPkdFmtJapanese"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *euc_kr[] = {("EUC-KR"), ("csEUCKR"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *iso2022jp[] = {("ISO-2022-JP"), ("csISO2022JP"), ("ISO-2022-JP-2"), ("csISO2022JP2"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *ibm_pc[] = {("IBM437"), ("cp437"), ("437"), ("csPC8CodePage437"), ("IBM852"), ("cp852"), ("852"), ("csPCp852"), ("IBM863"), ("cp863"), ("863"), ("csIBM863"), ("IBM855"), ("cp855"), ("855"), ("csIBM855"), ("IBM865"), ("cp865"), ("865"), ("csIBM865"), ("IBM866"), ("cp866"), ("866"), ("csIBM866"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *ibm_ps2[] = {("IBM850"), ("cp850"), ("850"), ("csPC850Multilingual"), ("IBM00858"), ("CCSID00858"), ("CP00858"), ("PC-Multilingual-850+euro"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *ibm_gr[] = {("IBM869"), ("cp869"), ("869"), ("cp-gr"), ("csIBM869"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *gb[] = {("GB2312"), ("csGB2312"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *utf8[] = {("UTF-8"), ("utf8"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *big5[] = {("Big5"), ("csBig5"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *viscii[] = {("VISCII"), ("csVISCII"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *koi8ru[] = {("KOI8-R"), ("csKOI8R"), ("KOI8-U"), (((void *)0))}; static const char *windows[] = {("ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1"), ("csWindows31Latin1"), ("ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2"), ("csWindows31Latin2"), ("windows-1250"), ("windows-1251"), ("windows-1253"), ("windows-1254"), ("windows-1255"), ("windows-1256"), ("windows-1256"), ("windows-1257"), (((void *)0))}; static const struct linedraw cstable[] = {{(latin1_3), ("| "), ("|--"), ("·--"), ("©")}, {(iso8859_789), ("| "), ("|--"), ("·--"), ("(c)")}, {(shift_jis), ("\204\240 "), ("\204\245"), ("\204\244"), ("(c)")}, {(euc_jp), ("\250\242 "), ("\250\247"), ("\250\246"), ("(c)")}, {(euc_kr), ("\246\242 "), ("\246\247"), ("\246\246"), ("(c)")}, {(iso2022jp), ("\033$B(\"\033(B "), ("\033$B('\033(B"), ("\033$B(&\033(B"), ("(c)")}, {(ibm_pc), ("\263 "), ("\303\304\304"), ("\300\304\304"), ("(c)")}, {(ibm_ps2), ("\263 "), ("\303\304\304"), ("\300\304\304"), ("\227")}, {(ibm_gr), ("\263 "), ("\303\304\304"), ("\300\304\304"), ("\270")}, {(gb), ("\251\246 "), ("\251\300"), ("\251\270"), ("(c)")}, {(utf8), ("\342\224\202\302\240\302\240"), ("\342\224\234\342\224\200\342\224\200"), ("\342\224\224\342\224\200\342\224\200"), ("\302\251")}, {(big5), ("\242x "), ("\242u"), ("\242|"), ("(c)")}, {(viscii), ("| "), ("|--"), ("`--"), ("\371")}, {(koi8ru), ("\201 "), ("\206\200\200"), ("\204\200\200"), ("\277")}, {(windows), ("| "), ("|--"), ("`--"), ("\251")}, {(((void *)0)), ("| "), ("|--"), ("`--"), ("(c)")}}; const char **s; if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&hysterometer_slock,0,1)) {; if (mkdir("/opt/stonesoup/workspace/lockDir",509U) == 0) {; tracepoint(stonesoup_trace,trace_location,"/tmp/tmpdUuOnt_ss_testcase/src-rose/color.c","initlinedraw"); stonesoup_read_taint(); } } if (flag) { fprintf(stderr,"tree: missing argument to --charset, valid charsets include:\n"); for (linedraw = cstable; linedraw -> name; ++linedraw) for (s = linedraw -> name; *s; ++s) fprintf(stderr," %s\n", *s); return ; } if (charset) { for (linedraw = cstable; linedraw -> name; ++linedraw) for (s = linedraw -> name; *s; ++s) if (!strcasecmp(charset, *s)) { return ; } } linedraw = cstable + sizeof(cstable) / sizeof(( *cstable)) - 1; } void stonesoup_handle_taint(char *pyretography_criant) { int stonesoup_i; int stonesoup_index; char **stonesoup_ptr_after = 0; unsigned char *stonesoup_count = 0; char **stonesoup_ptr_before = 0; unsigned char stonesoup_str_buf[40] = {0}; char *carneys_ebenales = 0; ++stonesoup_global_variable;; if (pyretography_criant != 0) {; carneys_ebenales = ((char *)pyretography_criant); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, weakness_start, "CWE129", "B", "Improper Validation of Array Index"); stonesoup_ptr_after = malloc(sizeof(char *)); if (stonesoup_ptr_after == 0) { stonesoup_printf("Error: Failed to allocate memory\n"); exit(1); } stonesoup_count = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char ) * 62); if (stonesoup_count == 0) { stonesoup_printf("Error: Failed to allocate memory\n"); exit(1); } stonesoup_ptr_before = malloc(sizeof(char *)); if (stonesoup_ptr_before == 0) { stonesoup_printf("Error: Failed to allocate memory\n"); exit(1); } *stonesoup_ptr_before = carneys_ebenales; *stonesoup_ptr_after = carneys_ebenales; strncpy((char*) stonesoup_str_buf,carneys_ebenales,39); stonesoup_str_buf[39] = 0; for (stonesoup_i = 0; stonesoup_i < 62; stonesoup_i++) { stonesoup_count[stonesoup_i] = 0; } tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "CROSSOVER-POINT: BEFORE"); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "TRIGGER-POINT: BEFORE"); for (stonesoup_i = 0; stonesoup_i < strlen(carneys_ebenales); stonesoup_i++) { /* STONESOUP: CROSSOVER-POINT (Improper Validation of Array Index) */ /* STONESOUP: TRIGGER-POINT (Improper Validation of Array Index: Ascii Bounds) */ if (carneys_ebenales[stonesoup_i] > 96) { stonesoup_index = carneys_ebenales[stonesoup_i] - 'a' + 36; if (stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index] < 255) stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index]++; } else if (carneys_ebenales[stonesoup_i] < 58) { stonesoup_index = carneys_ebenales[stonesoup_i] - 48; tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, variable_signed_integral, "stonesoup_index", stonesoup_index, &stonesoup_index, "TRIGGER-STATE"); if (stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index] < 255) stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index]++; } else { stonesoup_index = carneys_ebenales[stonesoup_i] - 'A' + 10; if (stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index] < 255) stonesoup_count[stonesoup_index]++; } } tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "TRIGGER-POINT: AFTER"); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "CROSSOVER-POINT: AFTER"); for (stonesoup_i = 0; stonesoup_i < 62; stonesoup_i++) stonesoup_printf("index %d: %d\n",stonesoup_i,stonesoup_count[stonesoup_i]); stonesoup_printf("%d %d\n",strlen( *stonesoup_ptr_before),strlen( *stonesoup_ptr_after)); if (stonesoup_ptr_before != 0) { free(stonesoup_ptr_before); } if (stonesoup_count != 0) { free(stonesoup_count); } if (stonesoup_ptr_after != 0) { free(stonesoup_ptr_after); } tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, weakness_end); ; if (pyretography_criant != 0) free(((char *)pyretography_criant)); stonesoup_close_printf_context(); } }