Creating test case using base program. Added an environment variable read to get a key in order to read in data from shared memory. Completed injection. UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/openssl CFLAG="-O $CFLAGS" EX_LIBS="$LDFLAGS $LIBS" ./config --prefix="$SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL" shared make CC="$SS_CC" CCLD="$SS_LNK" EX_LIBS="$LDFLAGS $LIBS" make install_sw CC="$SS_CC" CCLD="$SS_LNK" EX_LIBS="$LDFLAGS $SS_LDFLAGS $LIBS" Generate an RSA private key Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE Hello World $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 genpkey -out $SS_TC_ROOT/testOutput/good-01/key.pem -algorithm RSA GOOD-01 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT ../testOutput/good-01/key.pem -----END PRIVATE KEY----- DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT Create a password hash using crypt, and salt of "xx" Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE This $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 passwd -crypt -salt xx password GOOD-02 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT xxj31ZMTZzkVA DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT Encrypt a file with DES3 using salt and key of "stonesoup" Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 des3 -salt -in good-03/file.txt -out $SS_TC_ROOT/testOutput/good-03/file.des3 -k "stonesoup" GOOD-03 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT ../testOutput/good-03/file.des3 Salted__ DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT parse ASN1 structure Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE Hello World $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 asn1parse -genstr 'UTF8:Hello World' GOOD-04 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT 0:d=0 hl=2 l= 11 prim: UTF8STRING :Hello World DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT create Netscape certficiate from PEM Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE This $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 nseq -in good-05/cert.pem -toseq -out $SS_TC_ROOT/testOutput/good-05/nseq.pem GOOD-05 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT ../testOutput/good-05/nseq.pem -----END CERTIFICATE----- DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT generate MIME content from text file, encrypting with x509 cert Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 smime -in good-06/secretemail.txt -encrypt good-06/x509.pem GOOD-06 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT good-06/output.txt DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT check primality of number Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE Hello World $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 prime 15648972863 GOOD-07 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT 3A4C0603F is prime DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT encrypt textfile with AES 256 and salt, base64 encoded result Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE This $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 enc -in good-08/secret.txt -aes256 -k password -S abacabb -base64 GOOD-08 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT U2FsdGVkX1+rrKuwAAAAACgoU5YHltmsjJifyZi0xJA= DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT SHA1 with hmac of text file Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 dgst -sha1 -c -hmac "secret-key" good-09/message.txt GOOD-09 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT HMAC-SHA1(good-09/message.txt)= 3a:da:b3:ba:5a:59:a9:56:8d:76:3a:d4:20:f6:13:cd:aa:49:41:a6 DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT Generate SSL certificate and private key Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. NONE Hello World $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout good-10/server.key -out good-10/server.crt -subj "/C=SP/ST=The Moon/L=TheDarkSide/O=KSP/OU=Moon Department/CN=ksp.moon" GOOD-10-1 AND GOOD-10-2 AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT ../testData/good-10/server.crt -----END CERTIFICATE----- ../testData/good-10/server.key -----END PRIVATE KEY----- DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. DOS_UNCONTROLLED_EXIT READ_APPLICATION_DATA abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 genpkey -out $SS_TC_ROOT/testOutput/good-01/key.pem -algorithm RSA weakness_started_f1L0P0oqmT4NJPyWazOW AND ((NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_zH2fcCEoO1 OR segfault_code_hHbQBQfwxq OR segfault_code_yF9oDU0DkE OR segfault_code_xdFcmuTJOl OR segfault_code_6QDWBFwdMx OR segfault_msg_WKJmS7E8pu OR illegal_inst_msg_2lpHOplZRY OR null_termination_r9v3elkHxD) AND NOT timeout_CvimBCus0j) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_zH2fcCEoO1 OR segfault_code_hHbQBQfwxq OR segfault_code_yF9oDU0DkE OR segfault_code_xdFcmuTJOl OR segfault_code_6QDWBFwdMx OR segfault_msg_WKJmS7E8pu OR illegal_inst_msg_2lpHOplZRY OR null_termination_r9v3elkHxD) OR timeout_CvimBCus0j))) (NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_zH2fcCEoO1 OR segfault_code_hHbQBQfwxq OR segfault_code_yF9oDU0DkE OR segfault_code_xdFcmuTJOl OR segfault_code_6QDWBFwdMx OR segfault_msg_WKJmS7E8pu OR illegal_inst_msg_2lpHOplZRY OR null_termination_r9v3elkHxD) AND NOT timeout_CvimBCus0j) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_zH2fcCEoO1 OR segfault_code_hHbQBQfwxq OR segfault_code_yF9oDU0DkE OR segfault_code_xdFcmuTJOl OR segfault_code_6QDWBFwdMx OR segfault_msg_WKJmS7E8pu OR illegal_inst_msg_2lpHOplZRY OR null_termination_r9v3elkHxD) OR timeout_CvimBCus0j)) DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT CONTINUED_EXECUTION None 132 None 134 None 135 None 136 None 139 None Segmentation fault None Illegal instruction logfile.txt .{16}A{47}NEW TEST None stonesoup_trace:weakness_start Good inputs: 1) environment variable is not set. 2) environment variable is set to a filename that exists and whose contents contain a null character in first 16 bytes.3) environment variable is set to a filename that does not exist.Bad input: 1) environment variable is set to a file that does not contain a null character in first 16 bytes. DOS_UNCONTROLLED_EXIT READ_APPLICATION_DATA this string is really long and does not contain a null char soon enough $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 passwd -crypt -salt xx password weakness_started_EiVmXuTzl6T3jKktzAmQ AND ((NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_iKLl1tOIbs OR segfault_code_5t5VI6ngBC OR segfault_code_RhtAn6BkG8 OR segfault_code_clFg3nFs3g OR segfault_code_44hBIiM28D OR segfault_msg_48pB7rTyNG OR illegal_inst_msg_PFOytWQr3V OR null_termination_6HZ6hfqRS7) AND NOT timeout_GbKvuiJjOn) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_iKLl1tOIbs OR segfault_code_5t5VI6ngBC OR segfault_code_RhtAn6BkG8 OR segfault_code_clFg3nFs3g OR segfault_code_44hBIiM28D OR segfault_msg_48pB7rTyNG OR illegal_inst_msg_PFOytWQr3V OR null_termination_6HZ6hfqRS7) OR timeout_GbKvuiJjOn))) (NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_iKLl1tOIbs OR segfault_code_5t5VI6ngBC OR segfault_code_RhtAn6BkG8 OR segfault_code_clFg3nFs3g OR segfault_code_44hBIiM28D OR segfault_msg_48pB7rTyNG OR illegal_inst_msg_PFOytWQr3V OR null_termination_6HZ6hfqRS7) AND NOT timeout_GbKvuiJjOn) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_iKLl1tOIbs OR segfault_code_5t5VI6ngBC OR segfault_code_RhtAn6BkG8 OR segfault_code_clFg3nFs3g OR segfault_code_44hBIiM28D OR segfault_msg_48pB7rTyNG OR illegal_inst_msg_PFOytWQr3V OR null_termination_6HZ6hfqRS7) OR timeout_GbKvuiJjOn)) DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT CONTINUED_EXECUTION None 132 None 134 None 135 None 136 None 139 None Segmentation fault None Illegal instruction logfile.txt .{16}A{47}NEW TEST None stonesoup_trace:weakness_start