/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h" #include "libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h" #include "display-types.h" #include "config/gimpdisplayoptions.h" #include "core/gimp.h" #include "core/gimpcontext.h" #include "core/gimpimage.h" #include "widgets/gimpactiongroup.h" #include "widgets/gimpdockcolumns.h" #include "widgets/gimprender.h" #include "widgets/gimpuimanager.h" #include "widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.h" #include "gimpcanvas.h" #include "gimpcanvasitem.h" #include "gimpdisplay.h" #include "gimpdisplayshell.h" #include "gimpdisplayshell-appearance.h" #include "gimpdisplayshell-selection.h" #include "gimpimagewindow.h" #include "gimpstatusbar.h" /* local function prototypes */ #include #include #include #include #include static GimpDisplayOptions *appearance_get_options(GimpDisplayShell *shell); static void appearance_set_action_active(GimpDisplayShell *shell,const gchar *action,gboolean active); static void appearance_set_action_color(GimpDisplayShell *shell,const gchar *action,const GimpRGB *color); /* public functions */ int unapprenticed_extrorsely = 0; int stonesoup_global_variable; struct taylorsville_germanophobist { char *hemicrane_jfif; double cashmerette_punctiliar; char *meterstick_chippings; char agriculturist_anaeroplasty; int adlay_portass; } ; void* stonesoup_printf_context = NULL; void stonesoup_setup_printf_context() { struct stat st = {0}; char * ss_tc_root = NULL; char * dirpath = NULL; int size_dirpath = 0; char * filepath = NULL; int size_filepath = 0; int retval = 0; ss_tc_root = getenv("SS_TC_ROOT"); if (ss_tc_root != NULL) { size_dirpath = strlen(ss_tc_root) + strlen("testData") + 2; dirpath = (char*) malloc (size_dirpath * sizeof(char)); if (dirpath != NULL) { sprintf(dirpath, "%s/%s", ss_tc_root, "testData"); retval = 0; if (stat(dirpath, &st) == -1) { retval = mkdir(dirpath, 0700); } if (retval == 0) { size_filepath = strlen(dirpath) + strlen("logfile.txt") + 2; filepath = (char*) malloc (size_filepath * sizeof(char)); if (filepath != NULL) { sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", dirpath, "logfile.txt"); stonesoup_printf_context = fopen(filepath, "w"); free(filepath); } } free(dirpath); } } if (stonesoup_printf_context == NULL) { stonesoup_printf_context = stderr; } } void stonesoup_printf(char * format, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vfprintf(stonesoup_printf_context, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); fflush(stonesoup_printf_context); } void stonesoup_close_printf_context() { if (stonesoup_printf_context != NULL && stonesoup_printf_context != stderr) { fclose(stonesoup_printf_context); } } void stonesoup_read_taint(char** stonesoup_tainted_buff, char* stonesoup_env_var_name) { if (getenv("STONESOUP_DISABLE_WEAKNESS") == NULL || strcmp(getenv("STONESOUP_DISABLE_WEAKNESS"), "1") != 0) { char* stonesoup_tainted_file_name = 0; FILE * stonesoup_tainted_file = 0; size_t stonesoup_result = 0; long stonesoup_lsize = 0; stonesoup_tainted_file_name = getenv(stonesoup_env_var_name); stonesoup_tainted_file = fopen(stonesoup_tainted_file_name,"rb"); if (stonesoup_tainted_file != 0) { fseek(stonesoup_tainted_file,0L,2); stonesoup_lsize = ftell(stonesoup_tainted_file); rewind(stonesoup_tainted_file); *stonesoup_tainted_buff = ((char *)(malloc(sizeof(char ) * (stonesoup_lsize + 1)))); if (*stonesoup_tainted_buff != 0) { /* STONESOUP: SOURCE-TAINT (File Contents) */ stonesoup_result = fread(*stonesoup_tainted_buff,1,stonesoup_lsize,stonesoup_tainted_file); (*stonesoup_tainted_buff)[stonesoup_lsize] = '\0'; } } if (stonesoup_tainted_file != 0) { fclose(stonesoup_tainted_file); } } else { *stonesoup_tainted_buff = NULL; } } void vri_loysburg(int herta_geod,struct taylorsville_germanophobist *intraperiosteal_neodesha); void spermotoxin_unionisation(int storiated_coneen,struct taylorsville_germanophobist *heterotricha_unitize); int stonesoup_toupper(int c) { if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) { return c - 32; } return c; } struct stonesoup_struct { char buffer[8]; char * buff_pointer; }; void gimp_display_shell_appearance_update(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; GimpImageWindow *window; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); window = gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell); if (window) { GimpDockColumns *left_docks; GimpDockColumns *right_docks; gboolean fullscreen; gboolean has_grip; fullscreen = gimp_image_window_get_fullscreen(window); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-fullscreen",fullscreen); left_docks = gimp_image_window_get_left_docks(window); right_docks = gimp_image_window_get_right_docks(window); has_grip = !fullscreen && !(left_docks && gimp_dock_columns_get_docks(left_docks)) && !(right_docks && gimp_dock_columns_get_docks(right_docks)); gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip(((GtkStatusbar *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(shell -> statusbar)),gtk_statusbar_get_type()))),has_grip); } gimp_display_shell_set_show_menubar(shell,options -> show_menubar); gimp_display_shell_set_show_statusbar(shell,options -> show_statusbar); gimp_display_shell_set_show_rulers(shell,options -> show_rulers); gimp_display_shell_set_show_scrollbars(shell,options -> show_scrollbars); gimp_display_shell_set_show_selection(shell,options -> show_selection); gimp_display_shell_set_show_layer(shell,options -> show_layer_boundary); gimp_display_shell_set_show_guides(shell,options -> show_guides); gimp_display_shell_set_show_grid(shell,options -> show_grid); gimp_display_shell_set_show_sample_points(shell,options -> show_sample_points); gimp_display_shell_set_padding(shell,options -> padding_mode,(&options -> padding_color)); } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_menubar(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; GimpImageWindow *window; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); window = gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-menubar",show,((void *)0)); if (window && gimp_image_window_get_active_shell(window) == shell) { gimp_image_window_keep_canvas_pos(gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell)); gimp_image_window_set_show_menubar(window,show); } appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-menubar",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_menubar(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_menubar; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_statusbar(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-statusbar",show,((void *)0)); gimp_image_window_keep_canvas_pos(gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell)); gimp_statusbar_set_visible(((GimpStatusbar *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(shell -> statusbar)),gimp_statusbar_get_type()))),show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-statusbar",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_statusbar(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_statusbar; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_rulers(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-rulers",show,((void *)0)); gimp_image_window_keep_canvas_pos(gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell)); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> origin,show); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> hrule,show); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> vrule,show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-rulers",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_rulers(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_rulers; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_scrollbars(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-scrollbars",show,((void *)0)); gimp_image_window_keep_canvas_pos(gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell)); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> nav_ebox,show); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> hsb,show); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> vsb,show); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> quick_mask_button,show); gtk_widget_set_visible(shell -> zoom_button,show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-scrollbars",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_scrollbars(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_scrollbars; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_selection(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-selection",show,((void *)0)); gimp_display_shell_selection_set_show(shell,show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-selection",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_selection(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_selection; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_layer(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-layer-boundary",show,((void *)0)); gimp_canvas_item_set_visible(shell -> layer_boundary,show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-layer-boundary",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_layer(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_layer_boundary; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_guides(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-guides",show,((void *)0)); gimp_canvas_item_set_visible(shell -> guides,show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-guides",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_guides(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_guides; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_grid(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-grid",show,((void *)0)); gimp_canvas_item_set_visible(shell -> grid,show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-grid",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_grid(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_grid; } void gimp_display_shell_set_show_sample_points(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean show) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); g_object_set(options,"show-sample-points",show,((void *)0)); gimp_canvas_item_set_visible(shell -> sample_points,show); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-show-sample-points",show); } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_show_sample_points(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { int blusteringly_misleared = 7; struct taylorsville_germanophobist *tamperer_bumpering = {0}; struct taylorsville_germanophobist *wangles_scabish = {0}; struct taylorsville_germanophobist timote_campylite; char *jerry_cretinizing;; if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&unapprenticed_extrorsely,0,1)) {; if (mkdir("/opt/stonesoup/workspace/lockDir",509U) == 0) {; tracepoint(stonesoup_trace,trace_location,"/tmp/tmpT_081L_ss_testcase/src-rose/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-appearance.c","gimp_display_shell_get_show_sample_points"); stonesoup_setup_printf_context(); stonesoup_read_taint(&jerry_cretinizing,"TOWERLET_NITROBENZOL"); if (jerry_cretinizing != 0) {; timote_campylite . hemicrane_jfif = ((char *)jerry_cretinizing); tamperer_bumpering = &timote_campylite; wangles_scabish = tamperer_bumpering + 5; vri_loysburg(blusteringly_misleared,wangles_scabish); } } } ; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return appearance_get_options(shell) -> show_sample_points; } void gimp_display_shell_set_snap_to_grid(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean snap) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); if (snap != shell -> snap_to_grid) { shell -> snap_to_grid = (snap?!0 : 0); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-snap-to-grid",snap); } } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_snap_to_grid(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return shell -> snap_to_grid; } void gimp_display_shell_set_snap_to_guides(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean snap) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); if (snap != shell -> snap_to_guides) { shell -> snap_to_guides = (snap?!0 : 0); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-snap-to-guides",snap); } } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_snap_to_guides(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return shell -> snap_to_guides; } void gimp_display_shell_set_snap_to_canvas(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean snap) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); if (snap != shell -> snap_to_canvas) { shell -> snap_to_canvas = (snap?!0 : 0); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-snap-to-canvas",snap); } } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_snap_to_canvas(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return shell -> snap_to_canvas; } void gimp_display_shell_set_snap_to_vectors(GimpDisplayShell *shell,gboolean snap) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); if (snap != shell -> snap_to_vectors) { shell -> snap_to_vectors = (snap?!0 : 0); appearance_set_action_active(shell,"view-snap-to-vectors",snap); } } gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_snap_to_vectors(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return 0; } ; }while (0); return shell -> snap_to_vectors; } void gimp_display_shell_set_padding(GimpDisplayShell *shell,GimpCanvasPaddingMode padding_mode,const GimpRGB *padding_color) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; GimpRGB color; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); do { if (padding_color != ((void *)0)) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"padding_color != NULL"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); color = *padding_color; switch(padding_mode){ case GIMP_CANVAS_PADDING_MODE_DEFAULT: { if (shell -> canvas) { GtkStyle *style; gtk_widget_ensure_style(shell -> canvas); style = gtk_widget_get_style(shell -> canvas); gimp_rgb_set_gdk_color(&color,(style -> bg + GTK_STATE_NORMAL)); } break; } case GIMP_CANVAS_PADDING_MODE_LIGHT_CHECK: { color = *gimp_render_light_check_color(); break; } case GIMP_CANVAS_PADDING_MODE_DARK_CHECK: { color = *gimp_render_dark_check_color(); break; } case GIMP_CANVAS_PADDING_MODE_CUSTOM: { } case GIMP_CANVAS_PADDING_MODE_RESET: break; } g_object_set(options,"padding-mode",padding_mode,"padding-color",&color,((void *)0)); gimp_canvas_set_bg_color(((GimpCanvas *)(g_type_check_instance_cast(((GTypeInstance *)(shell -> canvas)),gimp_canvas_get_type()))),&color); appearance_set_action_color(shell,"view-padding-color-menu",(&options -> padding_color)); } void gimp_display_shell_get_padding(GimpDisplayShell *shell,GimpCanvasPaddingMode *padding_mode,GimpRGB *padding_color) { GimpDisplayOptions *options; do { if (({ GTypeInstance *__inst = (GTypeInstance *)shell; GType __t = gimp_display_shell_get_type(); gboolean __r; if (!__inst) { __r = 0; } else { if (__inst -> g_class && __inst -> g_class -> g_type == __t) { __r = !0; } else { __r = g_type_check_instance_is_a(__inst,__t); } } __r; })) { } else { g_return_if_fail_warning("Gimp-Display",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL (shell)"); return ; } ; }while (0); options = appearance_get_options(shell); if (padding_mode) { *padding_mode = options -> padding_mode; } if (padding_color) { *padding_color = options -> padding_color; } } /* private functions */ static GimpDisplayOptions *appearance_get_options(GimpDisplayShell *shell) { if (gimp_display_get_image(shell -> display)) { GimpImageWindow *window = gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell); if (window && gimp_image_window_get_fullscreen(window)) { return shell -> fullscreen_options; } else { return shell -> options; } } return shell -> no_image_options; } static void appearance_set_action_active(GimpDisplayShell *shell,const gchar *action,gboolean active) { GimpImageWindow *window = gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell); GimpContext *context; if (window && gimp_image_window_get_active_shell(window) == shell) { GimpUIManager *manager = gimp_image_window_get_ui_manager(window); GimpActionGroup *action_group; action_group = gimp_ui_manager_get_action_group(manager,"view"); if (action_group) { gimp_action_group_set_action_active(action_group,action,active); } } context = gimp_get_user_context(shell -> display -> gimp); if ((shell -> display) == gimp_context_get_display(context)) { GimpActionGroup *action_group; action_group = gimp_ui_manager_get_action_group(shell -> popup_manager,"view"); if (action_group) { gimp_action_group_set_action_active(action_group,action,active); } } } static void appearance_set_action_color(GimpDisplayShell *shell,const gchar *action,const GimpRGB *color) { GimpImageWindow *window = gimp_display_shell_get_window(shell); GimpContext *context; if (window && gimp_image_window_get_active_shell(window) == shell) { GimpUIManager *manager = gimp_image_window_get_ui_manager(window); GimpActionGroup *action_group; action_group = gimp_ui_manager_get_action_group(manager,"view"); if (action_group) { gimp_action_group_set_action_color(action_group,action,color,0); } } context = gimp_get_user_context(shell -> display -> gimp); if ((shell -> display) == gimp_context_get_display(context)) { GimpActionGroup *action_group; action_group = gimp_ui_manager_get_action_group(shell -> popup_manager,"view"); if (action_group) { gimp_action_group_set_action_color(action_group,action,color,0); } } } void vri_loysburg(int herta_geod,struct taylorsville_germanophobist *intraperiosteal_neodesha) { int stonesoup_oc_i = 0; int stonesoup_ptr_deref; struct stonesoup_struct stonesoup_data; char *sonorants_neoparaffin = 0; ++stonesoup_global_variable; herta_geod--; if (herta_geod > 0) { spermotoxin_unionisation(herta_geod,intraperiosteal_neodesha); return ; } sonorants_neoparaffin = ((char *)( *(intraperiosteal_neodesha - 5)) . hemicrane_jfif); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, weakness_start, "CWE805", "D", "Buffer Access with Incorrect Length Value"); stonesoup_data.buff_pointer = stonesoup_data.buffer; tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "CROSSOVER-POINT: BEFORE"); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "TRIGGER-POINT: BEFORE"); /* STONESOUP: CROSSOVER-POINT (Buffer Access With Incorrect Length Value) */ /* STONESOUP: TRIGGER-POINT (Buffer Access With Incorrect Length Value) */ tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, variable_buffer_info, "STONESOUP_TAINT_SOURCE", strlen(sonorants_neoparaffin)+1, sonorants_neoparaffin, "TRIGGER-STATE"); strncpy(stonesoup_data.buffer, sonorants_neoparaffin, strlen(sonorants_neoparaffin) + 1); stonesoup_ptr_deref = strlen( stonesoup_data.buff_pointer); for (; stonesoup_oc_i < stonesoup_ptr_deref; ++stonesoup_oc_i) { stonesoup_data.buffer[stonesoup_oc_i] = stonesoup_toupper(stonesoup_data.buffer[stonesoup_oc_i]); } stonesoup_printf("%s\n", stonesoup_data.buffer); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "TRIGGER-POINT: AFTER"); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, trace_point, "CROSSOVER-POINT: AFTER"); tracepoint(stonesoup_trace, weakness_end); ; if (( *(intraperiosteal_neodesha - 5)) . hemicrane_jfif != 0) free(((char *)( *(intraperiosteal_neodesha - 5)) . hemicrane_jfif)); stonesoup_close_printf_context(); } void spermotoxin_unionisation(int storiated_coneen,struct taylorsville_germanophobist *heterotricha_unitize) { ++stonesoup_global_variable; vri_loysburg(storiated_coneen,heterotricha_unitize); }