Creating test case using base program. Added an environment variable read to get a filename to read in the file contents using an fread operation within the function Completed injection. TRUE UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED ./configure -v --prefix="$SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL" --with-apr="$SS_TC_DEPS/bin/apr-1-config" --with-apr-util="$SS_TC_DEPS/bin/apu-1-config" --with-serf --with-sqlite="$SS_TC_DEPS" --with-sasl --with-libmagic --with-zlib --without-kwallet --without-gnome-keyring --disable-keychain --without-trang --without-doxygen --without-swig --without-jikes --without-ctypesgen --without-junit --without-jdk --without-apxs --with-editor="/usr/bin/vi" --disable-shared --with-pic=yes make VERBOSE=1 CC="$SS_CC" CCLD="$SS_LNK" make install CC="$SS_CC" CCLD="$SS_LNK" create a repository Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt Hello $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svnserve -d --foreground -r $SS_TC_ROOT/testData/svnrepos --pid-file=$SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/ STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT Checked out revision 0. DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT commit a file Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt a $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svnserve -d --foreground -r $SS_TC_ROOT/testData/svnrepos --pid-file=$SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/ CHECKOUT AND ADD AND COMMIT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT Checked out revision 0. A file.txt good-02/output.txt DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT diff two files using svn diff Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt ok_str $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn diff css/main.css css/main2.css STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT good-03/output.txt DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT use svn mkdir to create a directory and add it to the svn repo Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt Hello $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn mkdir newdir STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT A newdir DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT use svn to move a file and its position in the repo Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt a $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn move 404.html js/ STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT good-05/output.txt DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT run blame on 404.html Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt ok_str $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn blame 404.html STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT good-06/output.txt DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT apply a patch Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt Hello $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn patch good-07.diff STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT U 404.html DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT add a property Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt a $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn propset rating "awesome" 404.html STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT property 'rating' set on '404.html' DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT get a property Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt ok_str $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn propget rating 404.html STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT awesome DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT delete a property Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars NONE /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt Hello $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn propdel rating 404.html STDOUT AND NOT TIMEOUT AND NOT CONTROLLED_EXIT property 'rating' deleted from '404.html'. DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars DOS_UNCONTROLLED_EXIT /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt This_input_is_too_long_to_be_contained_in_buffer $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn propget rating 404.html weakness_started_hZxtKPajz1sJzmHgsFrQ AND ((NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_bUbQRrHIoC OR segfault_code_w7tq4KZ7f7 OR segfault_code_gcqOt4RA1J OR segfault_code_0EaV6TRxCE OR segfault_code_ddtiR0YXru OR segfault_msg_ukv17xgGHT OR illegal_inst_msg_neJ8vgUlQg) AND NOT timeout_xKjc0bvMHo) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_bUbQRrHIoC OR segfault_code_w7tq4KZ7f7 OR segfault_code_gcqOt4RA1J OR segfault_code_0EaV6TRxCE OR segfault_code_ddtiR0YXru OR segfault_msg_ukv17xgGHT OR illegal_inst_msg_neJ8vgUlQg) OR timeout_xKjc0bvMHo))) (NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_bUbQRrHIoC OR segfault_code_w7tq4KZ7f7 OR segfault_code_gcqOt4RA1J OR segfault_code_0EaV6TRxCE OR segfault_code_ddtiR0YXru OR segfault_msg_ukv17xgGHT OR illegal_inst_msg_neJ8vgUlQg) AND NOT timeout_xKjc0bvMHo) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_bUbQRrHIoC OR segfault_code_w7tq4KZ7f7 OR segfault_code_gcqOt4RA1J OR segfault_code_0EaV6TRxCE OR segfault_code_ddtiR0YXru OR segfault_msg_ukv17xgGHT OR illegal_inst_msg_neJ8vgUlQg) OR timeout_xKjc0bvMHo)) DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT CONTINUED_EXECUTION None 132 None 134 None 135 None 136 None 139 None Segmentation fault None Illegal instruction None stonesoup_trace:weakness_start Good inputs:1) envrionment variable is set to a value whose length is less than or equal to 8 charsBad inputs:1) environment variable is not set2) environment variable is set to a value whose length is greater than 8 chars DOS_UNCONTROLLED_EXIT /opt/stonesoup/workspace/testData/furnacite_moisturizer/plumbicon_submanagership.txt abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $SS_TC_ROOT/logs/execute/lttng $SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/$SS_TC_DEPS/lib64/ 0 $SS_TC_ROOT/$SS_TC_INSTALL/bin/svn diff css/main.css css/main2.css weakness_started_NFQgLkzviInAYRNieJJW AND ((NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_g85YXmOFDx OR segfault_code_3IP3NCOE1r OR segfault_code_6zmlOYUIsy OR segfault_code_HdgZ98pIVY OR segfault_code_5tarLvdqQZ OR segfault_msg_DOwekoKqmN OR illegal_inst_msg_zmvKE12hSK) AND NOT timeout_ewBAW482TJ) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_g85YXmOFDx OR segfault_code_3IP3NCOE1r OR segfault_code_6zmlOYUIsy OR segfault_code_HdgZ98pIVY OR segfault_code_5tarLvdqQZ OR segfault_msg_DOwekoKqmN OR illegal_inst_msg_zmvKE12hSK) OR timeout_ewBAW482TJ))) (NOT PERFORMER AND (segfault_code_g85YXmOFDx OR segfault_code_3IP3NCOE1r OR segfault_code_6zmlOYUIsy OR segfault_code_HdgZ98pIVY OR segfault_code_5tarLvdqQZ OR segfault_msg_DOwekoKqmN OR illegal_inst_msg_zmvKE12hSK) AND NOT timeout_ewBAW482TJ) or (PERFORMER AND NOT ((segfault_code_g85YXmOFDx OR segfault_code_3IP3NCOE1r OR segfault_code_6zmlOYUIsy OR segfault_code_HdgZ98pIVY OR segfault_code_5tarLvdqQZ OR segfault_msg_DOwekoKqmN OR illegal_inst_msg_zmvKE12hSK) OR timeout_ewBAW482TJ)) DOES_NOT_RETURN CONTROLLED_EXIT CONTINUED_EXECUTION None 132 None 134 None 135 None 136 None 139 None Segmentation fault None Illegal instruction None stonesoup_trace:weakness_start