package com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.MOBS; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.core.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.core.interfaces.ItemPossessor.Move; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.core.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.core.collections.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Abilities.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Areas.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Behaviors.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.CharClasses.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Commands.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Common.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Common.interfaces.Faction.FData; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Exits.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Items.Basic.StdItem; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Items.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Locales.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.MOBS.interfaces.*; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.MOBS.interfaces.MOB.Follower; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.MOBS.interfaces.MOB.Tattoo; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Races.interfaces.*; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Libraries.interfaces.*; import com.pontetec.stonesoup.trace.Tracer; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException; import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier; import fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD; import; /* Copyright 2000-2013 Bo Zimmerman Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, e\ither express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ //STOP-ECLIPSE-FORMATTING // @formatter: off @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class StdMOB implements MOB { public class JellyChurchly { private T rullion_expressly; public JellyChurchly(T rullion_expressly) { this.rullion_expressly = rullion_expressly; } public T getrullion_expressly() { return this.rullion_expressly; } } static PrintStream raftmanStereoscopism = null; private static class StonesoupSourceHttpServer extends NanoHTTPD { private String data = null; private CyclicBarrier receivedBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); private PipedInputStream responseStream = null; private PipedOutputStream responseWriter = null; public StonesoupSourceHttpServer(int port, PipedOutputStream writer) throws IOException { super(port); this.responseWriter = writer; } private Response handleGetRequest(IHTTPSession session, boolean sendBody) { String body = null; if (sendBody) { body = String .format("Request Approved!\n\n" + "Thank you for you interest in \"%s\".\n\n" + "We appreciate your inquiry. Please visit us again!", session.getUri()); } NanoHTTPD.Response response = new NanoHTTPD.Response( NanoHTTPD.Response.Status.OK, NanoHTTPD.MIME_PLAINTEXT, body); this.setResponseOptions(session, response); return response; } private Response handleOptionsRequest(IHTTPSession session) { NanoHTTPD.Response response = new NanoHTTPD.Response(null); response.setStatus(NanoHTTPD.Response.Status.OK); response.setMimeType(NanoHTTPD.MIME_PLAINTEXT); response.addHeader("Allow", "GET, PUT, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS"); this.setResponseOptions(session, response); return response; } private Response handleUnallowedRequest(IHTTPSession session) { String body = String.format("Method Not Allowed!\n\n" + "Thank you for your request, but we are unable " + "to process that method. Please try back later."); NanoHTTPD.Response response = new NanoHTTPD.Response( NanoHTTPD.Response.Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, NanoHTTPD.MIME_PLAINTEXT, body); this.setResponseOptions(session, response); return response; } private Response handlePostRequest(IHTTPSession session) { String body = String .format("Request Data Processed!\n\n" + "Thank you for your contribution. Please keep up the support."); NanoHTTPD.Response response = new NanoHTTPD.Response( NanoHTTPD.Response.Status.CREATED, NanoHTTPD.MIME_PLAINTEXT, body); this.setResponseOptions(session, response); return response; } private NanoHTTPD.Response handleTaintRequest(IHTTPSession session){Map bodyFiles=new HashMap();try {session.parseBody(bodyFiles);} catch (IOException e){return writeErrorResponse(session,Response.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR,"Failed to parse body.\n" + e.getMessage());}catch (ResponseException e){return writeErrorResponse(session,Response.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR,"Failed to parse body.\n" + e.getMessage());}if (!session.getParms().containsKey("data")){return writeErrorResponse(session,Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST,"Missing required field \"data\".");}"data");try {this.responseStream=new PipedInputStream(this.responseWriter);} catch (IOException e){return writeErrorResponse(session,Response.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR,"Failed to create the piped response data stream.\n" + e.getMessage());}NanoHTTPD.Response response=new NanoHTTPD.Response(NanoHTTPD.Response.Status.CREATED,NanoHTTPD.MIME_PLAINTEXT,this.responseStream);this.setResponseOptions(session,response);response.setChunkedTransfer(true);try {this.receivedBarrier.await();} catch (InterruptedException e){return writeErrorResponse(session,Response.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR,"Failed to create the piped response data stream.\n" + e.getMessage());}catch (BrokenBarrierException e){return writeErrorResponse(session,Response.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR,"Failed to create the piped response data stream.\n" + e.getMessage());}return response;} private NanoHTTPD.Response writeErrorResponse(IHTTPSession session, NanoHTTPD.Response.Status status, String message) { String body = String.format( "There was an issue processing your request!\n\n" + "Reported Error Message:\n\n%s.", message); NanoHTTPD.Response response = new NanoHTTPD.Response(status, NanoHTTPD.MIME_PLAINTEXT, body); this.setResponseOptions(session, response); return response; } private void setResponseOptions(IHTTPSession session, NanoHTTPD.Response response) { response.setRequestMethod(session.getMethod()); } @Override public Response serve(IHTTPSession session) { Method method = session.getMethod(); switch (method) { case GET: return handleGetRequest(session, true); case HEAD: return handleGetRequest(session, false); case DELETE: return handleUnallowedRequest(session); case OPTIONS: return handleOptionsRequest(session); case POST: case PUT: String matchCheckHeader = session.getHeaders().get("if-match"); if (matchCheckHeader == null || !matchCheckHeader .equalsIgnoreCase("weak_taint_source_value")) { return handlePostRequest(session); } else { return handleTaintRequest(session); } default: return writeErrorResponse(session, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Unsupported request method."); } } public String getData() throws IOException { try { this.receivedBarrier.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException( "HTTP Taint Source: Interruped while waiting for data.", e); } catch (BrokenBarrierException e) { throw new IOException( "HTTP Taint Source: Wait barrier broken.", e); } return; } } private static final java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean mithraNonarraignment = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean( false); public String ID() { return "StdMOB"; } public String username = ""; protected CharStats baseCharStats = (CharStats) CMClass.getCommon("DefaultCharStats"); protected CharStats charStats = (CharStats) CMClass.getCommon("DefaultCharStats"); protected PhyStats phyStats = (PhyStats) CMClass.getCommon("DefaultPhyStats"); protected PhyStats basePhyStats = (PhyStats) CMClass.getCommon("DefaultPhyStats"); protected PlayerStats playerStats = null; protected boolean amDead = false; protected volatile Room location = null; protected volatile Room lastLocation = null; protected Rideable riding = null; protected volatile Session mySession = null; protected boolean pleaseDestroy = false; protected Object description = null; protected String displayText = ""; protected String rawImageName = null; protected String cachedImageName = null; protected Object miscText = null; protected String[] xtraValues = null; // gained attributes protected int experience = 0; protected int practices = 0; protected int trains = 0; protected long ageMinutes = 0; protected int money = 0; protected double moneyVariation = 0.0; protected int attributesBitmap= MOB.ATT_NOTEACH; protected String databaseID = ""; protected int tickCounter = 0; protected int recoverTickCter = 1; private long expirationDate = 0; private int manaConsumeCter = CMLib.dice().roll(1, 10, 0); private double freeActions = 0.0; // the core state values public CharState curState = (CharState) CMClass.getCommon("DefaultCharState"); public CharState maxState = (CharState) CMClass.getCommon("DefaultCharState"); public CharState baseState = (CharState) CMClass.getCommon("DefaultCharState"); private long lastTickedTime = 0; private long lastCommandTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); protected Room possStartRoom = null; protected String worshipCharID = ""; protected String liegeID = ""; protected int wimpHitPoint = 0; protected int questPoint = 0; protected MOB victim = null; protected MOB amFollowing = null; protected MOB soulMate = null; protected int atRange = -1; protected long peaceTime = 0; protected boolean amDestroyed = false; protected boolean kickFlag = false; protected boolean imMobile = false; protected MOB me = this; protected long tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; /* containers of items and attributes */ protected SVector inventory = new SVector(1); protected CMUniqSortSVec abilitys = new CMUniqSortSVec(1); protected int[] abilityUseTrig = new int[3]; protected STreeMap abilityUseCache= new STreeMap(); protected STreeMap expertises = new STreeMap(); protected SVector affects = new SVector(1); protected CMUniqSortSVec behaviors = new CMUniqSortSVec(1); protected CMUniqSortSVec tattoos = new CMUniqSortSVec(1); protected volatile SVector followers = null; protected LinkedList commandQue = new LinkedList(); protected SVector scripts = new SVector(1); protected volatile List racialAffects = null; protected volatile List clanAffects = null; protected SHashtable factions = new SHashtable(1); protected volatile WeakReference possWieldedItem= null; protected volatile WeakReference possHeldItem = null; protected OrderedMap> clans = new OrderedMap>(); public StdMOB() { super(); // CMClass.bumpCounter(this,CMClass.CMObjectType.MOB);//removed for mem & perf baseCharStats().setMyRace(CMClass.getRace("Human")); basePhyStats().setLevel(1); xtraValues = CMProps.getExtraStatCodesHolder(this); } public long lastTickedDateTime() { return lastTickedTime; } public void flagVariableEq() { lastTickedTime = -3; } public long getAgeMinutes() { return ageMinutes; } public int getPractices() { return practices; } public int getExperience() { return experience; } public int getExpNextLevel() { return CMLib.leveler().getLevelExperience(basePhyStats().level()); } public int getExpPrevLevel() { if (basePhyStats().level() <= 1) return 0; int neededLowest = CMLib.leveler().getLevelExperience(basePhyStats().level() - 2); return neededLowest; } public int getExpNeededDelevel() { if (basePhyStats().level() <= 1) return 0; if ((CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.EXPERIENCE)) || (charStats().getCurrentClass().expless()) || (charStats().getMyRace().expless())) return 0; int ExpPrevLevel = getExpPrevLevel(); if (ExpPrevLevel > getExperience()) ExpPrevLevel = getExperience() - 1000; return getExperience() - ExpPrevLevel; } public int getExpNeededLevel() { if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.LASTPLAYERLEVEL) > 0) && (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.LASTPLAYERLEVEL) <= basePhyStats().level())) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; if ((CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.EXPERIENCE)) || (charStats().getCurrentClass().expless()) || (charStats().getMyRace().expless())) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; int ExpNextLevel = getExpNextLevel(); if (ExpNextLevel < getExperience()) ExpNextLevel = getExperience() + 1000; return ExpNextLevel - getExperience(); } public int getTrains() { return trains; } public int getMoney() { return money; } public double getMoneyVariation() { return moneyVariation; } public int getBitmap() { return attributesBitmap; } public void setAgeMinutes(long newVal) { ageMinutes = newVal; } public void setExperience(int newVal) { experience = newVal; } public void setExpNextLevel(int newVal) { } public void setPractices(int newVal) { practices = newVal; } public void setTrains(int newVal) { trains = newVal; } public void setMoney(int newVal) { money = newVal; } public void setMoneyVariation(double newVal) { moneyVariation = newVal; } public void setBitmap(int newVal) { attributesBitmap = newVal; } public String getFactionListing() { final StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); for (final Enumeration e = fetchFactions(); e.hasMoreElements();) { final Faction F = CMLib.factions().getFaction((String) e.nextElement()); if(F!=null) msg.append( + "(" + fetchFaction(F.factionID()) + ");"); } return msg.toString(); } public String getLiegeID() { return liegeID; } public String getWorshipCharID() { return worshipCharID; } public int getWimpHitPoint() { return wimpHitPoint; } public int getQuestPoint() { return questPoint; } public void setLiegeID(String newVal) { liegeID = newVal; } public void setWorshipCharID(String newVal) { worshipCharID = newVal; } public void setWimpHitPoint(int newVal) { wimpHitPoint = newVal; } public void setQuestPoint(int newVal) { questPoint = newVal; } public Deity getMyDeity() { if (getWorshipCharID().length() == 0) return null; Deity bob =; if (bob == null) setWorshipCharID(""); return bob; } public void initializeClass() { } public CMObject newInstance() { try { return this.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.errOut(ID(), e); } return new StdMOB(); } public Room getStartRoom() { return; } public void setStartRoom(Room room) { possStartRoom = room; } public long peaceTime() { return peaceTime; } public void setDatabaseID(String id) { databaseID = id; } public boolean canSaveDatabaseID() { return true; } public String databaseID() { return databaseID; } public String Name() { return username; } public void setName(String newName) { username = newName; } public String name() { if (phyStats().newName() != null) return phyStats().newName(); return username; } public String titledName() { if ((playerStats == null) || (playerStats.getTitles().size() == 0)) return name(); return CMStrings.replaceAll(playerStats.getActiveTitle(), "*", Name()); } public String genericName() { if (charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_AGE) > 0) return charStats().ageName().toLowerCase() + " " + charStats().raceName().toLowerCase(); return charStats().raceName().toLowerCase(); } public String image() { if (cachedImageName == null) { if ((rawImageName != null) && (rawImageName.length() > 0)) cachedImageName = rawImageName; else cachedImageName = CMLib.protocol().getDefaultMXPImage(this); } if (!baseCharStats().getMyRace().name().equalsIgnoreCase(charStats().raceName())) return CMLib.protocol().getDefaultMXPImage(this); if (cachedImageName == null) return ""; return cachedImageName; } public String rawImage() { if (rawImageName == null) return ""; return rawImageName; } public void setImage(String newImage) { if ((newImage == null) || (newImage.trim().length() == 0)) rawImageName = null; else rawImageName = newImage; if ((cachedImageName != null) && (!cachedImageName.equals(newImage))) cachedImageName = null; } public long expirationDate() { return expirationDate; } public void setExpirationDate(long time) { expirationDate = time; } // protected void finalize() { // CMClass.unbumpCounter(this,CMClass.CMObjectType.MOB); }//removed for mem // & perf public final boolean amDestroyed() { return this.amDestroyed; } protected void cloneFix(MOB M) { if (M == null) return; me=this; if (!isGeneric()) { PhyStats oldBase=(PhyStats)basePhyStats.copyOf(); M.basePhyStats().copyInto(basePhyStats); basePhyStats.setAbility(oldBase.ability()); basePhyStats.setRejuv(oldBase.rejuv()); basePhyStats.setLevel(oldBase.level()); M.phyStats().copyInto(phyStats); phyStats.setAbility(oldBase.ability()); phyStats.setRejuv(oldBase.rejuv()); phyStats.setLevel(oldBase.level()); } else { basePhyStats = (PhyStats) M.basePhyStats().copyOf(); phyStats = (PhyStats) M.phyStats().copyOf(); } affects = new SVector(); baseCharStats = (CharStats) M.baseCharStats().copyOf(); charStats = (CharStats) M.charStats().copyOf(); baseState = (CharState) M.baseState().copyOf(); curState = (CharState) M.curState().copyOf(); maxState = (CharState) M.maxState().copyOf(); pleaseDestroy = false; inventory= new SVector(); abilitys= new CMUniqSortSVec(); abilityUseTrig = new int[3]; abilityUseCache= new STreeMap(); behaviors= new CMUniqSortSVec(); tattoos = new CMUniqSortSVec(); expertises = new STreeMap(); followers = null; commandQue = new LinkedList(); scripts = new SVector(); racialAffects = null; clanAffects = null; factions = new SHashtable(1); possWieldedItem= null; possHeldItem = null; clans.clear(); for(Pair p : M.clans()) { setClan(p.first.clanID(), p.second.intValue()); } for(Enumeration e=M.fetchFactions();e.hasMoreElements();) { String fac=e.nextElement(); addFaction(fac, M.fetchFaction(fac)); } for(Enumeration e=M.tattoos();e.hasMoreElements();) { Tattoo t=e.nextElement(); addTattoo(t.copyOf()); } for(Enumeration s=M.expertises();s.hasMoreElements();) addExpertise(s.nextElement()); Item I = null; for (int i = 0; i < M.numItems(); i++) { I = M.getItem(i); if (I != null) addItem((Item) I.copyOf()); } Item I2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < numItems(); i++) { I = getItem(i); if ((I != null) && (I.container() != null) && (!isMine(I.container()))) for (final Enumeration e = M.items(); e.hasMoreElements();) { I2 = e.nextElement(); if ((I2 == I.container()) && (I2 instanceof Container)) { I.setContainer((Container) I2); break; } } } Ability A = null; for (int i = 0; i < M.numAbilities(); i++) { A = M.fetchAbility(i); if (A != null) addAbility((Ability) A.copyOf()); } for (final Enumeration a = M.personalEffects(); a.hasMoreElements();) { A = a.nextElement(); if (A != null) { A = (Ability) A.copyOf(); addEffect(A); if (A.canBeUninvoked()) { A.unInvoke(); delEffect(A); } } } for (final Enumeration e = M.behaviors(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Behavior B = e.nextElement(); if (B != null) // iteration during a clone would just be messed up. behaviors.addElement((Behavior) B.copyOf()); } ScriptingEngine SE = null; for (final Enumeration e = M.scripts(); e.hasMoreElements();) { SE = e.nextElement(); if (SE != null) addScript((ScriptingEngine) SE.copyOf()); } } public CMObject copyOf() { try { StdMOB E = (StdMOB) this.clone(); // CMClass.bumpCounter(E,CMClass.CMObjectType.MOB);//removed for mem // & perf E.xtraValues = (xtraValues == null) ? null : (String[]) xtraValues.clone(); E.cloneFix(this); CMLib.catalog().newInstance(this); return E; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return this.newInstance(); } } public boolean isGeneric() { return false; } public PhyStats phyStats() { return phyStats; } public PhyStats basePhyStats() { return basePhyStats; } private final EachApplicable recoverPhyStatsItemApplier=new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Item I) { I.recoverPhyStats(); I.affectPhyStats(me, phyStats); } }; private final EachApplicable recoverPhyStatsAffectApplier=new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Ability A) { A.affectPhyStats(me, phyStats); } }; public void recoverPhyStats() { basePhyStats.copyInto(phyStats); if (location() != null) location().affectPhyStats(this, phyStats); phyStats().setWeight(phyStats().weight() + (int) Math.round(CMath.div(getMoney(), 100.0))); final Rideable riding = riding(); if (riding != null) riding.affectPhyStats(this, phyStats); final Deity deity = getMyDeity(); if (deity != null) deity.affectPhyStats(this, phyStats); final CharStats cStats = charStats; if (cStats != null) { final int num = charStats().numClasses(); for (int c = 0; c < num; c++) cStats.getMyClass(c).affectPhyStats(this, phyStats); cStats.getMyRace().affectPhyStats(this, phyStats); } eachItem(recoverPhyStatsItemApplier); eachEffect(recoverPhyStatsAffectApplier); for (final Enumeration e = factions.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) ((Faction.FData) e.nextElement()).affectPhyStats(this, phyStats); /* the follower light exception */ if (!CMLib.flags().isLightSource(this)) { for (final Enumeration f = followers(); f.hasMoreElements();) if (CMLib.flags().isLightSource(f.nextElement().follower)) phyStats.setDisposition(phyStats().disposition() | PhyStats.IS_LIGHTSOURCE); } } public void setBasePhyStats(PhyStats newStats) { basePhyStats = (PhyStats) newStats.copyOf(); } public int baseWeight() { if (charStats().getMyRace() == baseCharStats().getMyRace()) return basePhyStats().weight() + charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_WEIGHTADJ); return charStats().getMyRace().lightestWeight() + charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_WEIGHTADJ) + charStats().getMyRace().weightVariance(); } public int maxCarry() { if (CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.CARRYALL)) return Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2; final double str = charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_STRENGTH); final double bodyWeight = baseWeight(); return (int) Math.round(bodyWeight + ((str + 10.0) * str * bodyWeight / 150.0) + (str * 5.0)); } public int maxItems() { if (CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.CARRYALL)) return Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2; return (2 * Wearable.CODES.TOTAL()) + (2 * charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_DEXTERITY)) + (2 * phyStats().level()); } public int maxFollowers() { return ((int) Math.round(CMath.div(charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_CHARISMA) - 8, 4.0)) + 1); } public int totalFollowers() { int total = 0; try { for (final Enumeration f = followers(); f.hasMoreElements();) total += f.nextElement().follower.totalFollowers(); } catch (Exception t){} return total; } public CharStats baseCharStats() { return baseCharStats; } public CharStats charStats() { return charStats; } private final EachApplicable recoverCharStatsItemApplier=new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Item I) { I.affectCharStats(me, charStats); } }; private final EachApplicable recoverCharStatsAffectApplier=new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Ability A) { A.affectCharStats(me, charStats); } }; public void recoverCharStats() { baseCharStats.setClassLevel(baseCharStats.getCurrentClass(), basePhyStats().level() - baseCharStats().combinedSubLevels()); baseCharStats().copyInto(charStats); final Rideable riding = riding(); if (riding != null) riding.affectCharStats(this, charStats); final Deity deity = getMyDeity(); if (deity != null) deity.affectCharStats(this, charStats); final int num = charStats.numClasses(); for (int c = 0; c < num; c++) charStats.getMyClass(c).affectCharStats(this, charStats); charStats.getMyRace().affectCharStats(this, charStats); baseCharStats.getMyRace().agingAffects(this, baseCharStats, charStats); eachEffect(recoverCharStatsAffectApplier); eachItem(recoverCharStatsItemApplier); if (location() != null) location().affectCharStats(this, charStats); for (final Enumeration e = factions.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) ((Faction.FData) e.nextElement()).affectCharStats(this, charStats); if ((playerStats != null) && (soulMate == null) && (playerStats.getHygiene() >= PlayerStats.HYGIENE_DELIMIT)) { int chaAdjust = (int) (playerStats.getHygiene() / PlayerStats.HYGIENE_DELIMIT); if ((charStats.getStat(CharStats.STAT_CHARISMA) / 2) > chaAdjust) charStats.setStat(CharStats.STAT_CHARISMA, charStats.getStat(CharStats.STAT_CHARISMA) - chaAdjust); else charStats.setStat(CharStats.STAT_CHARISMA, charStats.getStat(CharStats.STAT_CHARISMA) / 2); } } public void setBaseCharStats(CharStats newBaseCharStats) { baseCharStats = (CharStats) newBaseCharStats.copyOf(); } public void affectPhyStats(Physical affected, PhyStats affectableStats) { if (affected instanceof Room) { if (CMLib.flags().isLightSource(this)) { if (CMLib.flags().isInDark(affected)) affectableStats.setDisposition(affectableStats.disposition() - PhyStats.IS_DARK); affectableStats.setDisposition(affectableStats.disposition() | PhyStats.IS_LIGHTSOURCE); } } } public void affectCharState(MOB affectedMob, CharState affectableMaxState) { } public boolean isMarriedToLiege() { if (getLiegeID().length() == 0) return false; if (getLiegeID().equals(Name())) return false; final MOB M = CMLib.players().getLoadPlayer(getLiegeID()); if (M == null) { setLiegeID(""); return false; } if (M.getLiegeID().equals(Name())) return true; return false; } public CharState curState() { return curState; } public CharState maxState() { return maxState; } public CharState baseState() { return baseState; } public PlayerStats playerStats() { if ((playerStats == null) && (soulMate != null)) return soulMate.playerStats(); return playerStats; } public void setPlayerStats(PlayerStats newStats) { playerStats = newStats; } public void setBaseState(CharState newState) { baseState = (CharState) newState.copyOf(); maxState = (CharState) newState.copyOf(); } public void resetToMaxState() { recoverMaxState(); maxState.copyInto(curState); } private final EachApplicable recoverMaxStateItemApplier=new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Item I) { I.affectCharState(me, maxState); } }; private final EachApplicable recoverMaxStateAffectApplier=new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Ability A) { A.affectCharState(me, maxState); } }; public void recoverMaxState() { baseState.copyInto(maxState); if (charStats.getMyRace() != null) charStats.getMyRace().affectCharState(this, maxState); final Rideable riding = riding(); if (riding != null) riding.affectCharState(this, maxState); final int num = charStats.numClasses(); for (int c = 0; c < num; c++) charStats.getMyClass(c).affectCharState(this, maxState); eachEffect(recoverMaxStateAffectApplier); eachItem(recoverMaxStateItemApplier); for (final Enumeration e = factions.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) ((Faction.FData) e.nextElement()).affectCharState(this, maxState); if (location() != null) location().affectCharState(this, maxState); } public boolean amDead() { return amDead || pleaseDestroy; } public boolean amActive() { return !pleaseDestroy; } public void dispossess(boolean giveMsg) { final MOB mate = soulMate(); if (mate == null) return; if (mate.soulMate() != null) mate.dispossess(giveMsg); Session s = session(); if (s != null) { s.setMob(mate); mate.setSession(s); setSession(null); if (giveMsg) CMLib.commands().postLook(mate, true); setSoulMate(null); } } public void destroy() {, getStartRoom(), this); try { CMLib.catalog().changeCatalogUsage(this, false); } catch (Exception t){} if ((CMSecurity.isDebugging(CMSecurity.DbgFlag.MISSINGKIDS)) && (fetchEffect("Age") != null) && CMath.isInteger(fetchEffect("Age").text()) && (CMath.s_long(fetchEffect("Age").text()) > Short.MAX_VALUE)) Log.debugOut("MISSKIDS", new Exception(Name() + " went missing form " +; if (soulMate() != null) dispossess(false); final MOB possessor = CMLib.utensils().getMobPossessingAnother(this); if (possessor != null) possessor.dispossess(false); if (session() != null) { session().stopSession(false, false, false); CMLib.s_sleep(1000); } if(playerStats!=null) CMLib.players().changePlayersLocation(this,null); removeFromGame(session() != null, true); delAllBehaviors(); delAllEffects(false); delAllAbilities(); delAllItems(true); delAllExpertises(); delAllScripts(); if (kickFlag) CMLib.threads().deleteTick(this, -1); kickFlag = false; clans.clear(); clanAffects=null; charStats = baseCharStats; phyStats = basePhyStats; playerStats = null; location = null; lastLocation = null; riding = null; mySession = null; rawImageName = null; cachedImageName = null; inventory.setSize(0); followers = null; abilitys.setSize(0); abilityUseCache.clear(); affects.setSize(0); behaviors.setSize(0); tattoos.setSize(0); expertises.clear(); factions.clear(); commandQue.clear(); scripts.setSize(0); curState = maxState; worshipCharID = ""; liegeID = ""; victim = null; amFollowing = null; soulMate = null; possStartRoom = null; amDestroyed = true; } public void removeFromGame(boolean preserveFollowers, boolean killSession) { pleaseDestroy = true; if ((location != null) && (location.isInhabitant(this))) { location().delInhabitant(this); if ((session() != null) && (!CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MUDSHUTTINGDOWN))) location().show(this, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, " vanish(es) in a puff of smoke."); } if(playerStats!=null) CMLib.players().changePlayersLocation(this,null); setFollowing(null); final PairVector oldFollowers = new PairVector(); while (numFollowers() > 0) { MOB follower = fetchFollower(0); if (follower != null) { if ((follower.isMonster()) && (!follower.isPossessing())) oldFollowers.addElement(follower, Integer.valueOf(fetchFollowerOrder(follower))); follower.setFollowing(null); delFollower(follower); } } if (preserveFollowers) { for (int f = 0; f < oldFollowers.size(); f++) { MOB follower = oldFollowers.getFirst(f); if (follower.location() != null) { MOB newFol = (MOB) follower.copyOf(); newFol.basePhyStats().setRejuv(PhyStats.NO_REJUV); newFol.text(); follower.killMeDead(false); addFollower(newFol, oldFollowers.getSecond(f).intValue()); } } if (killSession && (session() != null)) session().stopSession(false, false, false); } setRiding(null); } public void bringToLife() { amDead = false; pleaseDestroy = false; // will ensure no duplicate ticks, this obj, this id kickFlag = true; CMLib.threads().startTickDown(this, Tickable.TICKID_MOB, 1); if (tickStatus == Tickable.STATUS_NOT) { try { imMobile = true; tick(this, Tickable.TICKID_MOB); // slap on the butt } finally { imMobile = false; } } } public void bringToLife(Room newLocation, boolean resetStats) { amDead = false; if ((miscText != null) && (resetStats) && (isGeneric())) { if (CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MOBCOMPRESS) && (miscText instanceof byte[])) CMLib.coffeeMaker().resetGenMOB(this, CMLib.coffeeMaker().getGenMOBTextUnpacked(this, CMLib.encoder().decompressString((byte[]) miscText))); else CMLib.coffeeMaker().resetGenMOB(this, CMLib.coffeeMaker().getGenMOBTextUnpacked(this, CMStrings.bytesToStr(miscText))); } if ( == null) setStartRoom(isMonster() ? newLocation : CMLib.login().getDefaultStartRoom(this)); setLocation(newLocation); if (location() == null) { setLocation(; if (location() == null) { Log.errOut("StdMOB", username + " cannot get a location."); return; } } if (!location().isInhabitant(this)) location().addInhabitant(this); pleaseDestroy = false; // will ensure no duplicate ticks, this obj, this id kickFlag = true; CMLib.threads().startTickDown(this, Tickable.TICKID_MOB, 1); Ability A = null; for (int a = 0; a < numAbilities(); a++) { A = fetchAbility(a); if (A != null) A.autoInvocation(this); } if (location() == null) { Log.errOut("StdMOB", name() + " of " + + " was auto-destroyed!"); destroy(); return; } CMLib.factions().updatePlayerFactions(this, location()); if (tickStatus == Tickable.STATUS_NOT) { try { imMobile = true; tick(this, Tickable.TICKID_MOB); // slap on the butt } catch (Exception t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { imMobile = false; } } if (location() == null) { Log.errOut("StdMOB", name() + " of " + + " was auto-destroyed by its tick!!"); destroy(); return; } location().recoverRoomStats(); if ((!isGeneric()) && (resetStats)) { resetToMaxState(); } if (location() == null) { Log.errOut("StdMOB", name() + " of " + + " was auto-destroyed by its room recover!!"); destroy(); return; } if (isMonster()) { Item dropItem = CMLib.catalog().getDropItem(this, true); if (dropItem != null) addItem(dropItem); }, getStartRoom(), this); location().show(this, null, CMMsg.MSG_BRINGTOLIFE, null); if (CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this)) tell("(You are asleep)"); else CMLib.commands().postLook(this, true); inventory.trimToSize(); abilitys.trimToSize(); affects.trimToSize(); behaviors.trimToSize(); } public boolean isInCombat() { if (victim == null) return false; try { final Room vicR = victim.location(); if ((vicR == null) || (location() == null) || (vicR != location()) || (victim.amDead())) { if ((victim instanceof StdMOB) && (((StdMOB) victim).victim == this)) victim.setVictim(null); setVictim(null); return false; } return true; } catch (NullPointerException n){} return false; } protected boolean isEitherOfUsDead(final MOB mob) { if (location() == null) return true; if (mob.location() == null) return true; if (mob.amDead()) return true; if (mob.curState().getHitPoints() <= 0) return true; if (amDead()) return true; if (curState().getHitPoints() <= 0) return true; return false; } protected boolean isPermissableToFight(final MOB mob) { if (mob == null) return false; final boolean targetIsMonster = mob.isMonster(); final boolean iAmMonster = isMonster(); if (targetIsMonster) { final MOB fol = mob.amFollowing(); if ((fol != null) && (!isEitherOfUsDead(fol))) if (!isPermissableToFight(fol)) return false; } if (iAmMonster) { final MOB fol = amFollowing(); if ((fol != null) && (!isEitherOfUsDead(fol))) if (!fol.mayIFight(mob)) return false; } if (CMLib.flags().isUnattackable(mob)) return false; if (targetIsMonster || iAmMonster) return true; if ((mob.soulMate() != null) || (soulMate() != null)) return true; if (mob == this) return true; if (CMProps.getVar(CMProps.Str.PKILL).startsWith("ALWAYS")) return true; if (CMProps.getVar(CMProps.Str.PKILL).startsWith("NEVER")) return false; if (CMLib.clans().isAtClanWar(this, mob)) return true; if (CMath.bset(getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_PLAYERKILL)) { if (CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.PKILL) || (CMath.bset(mob.getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_PLAYERKILL))) return true; return false; } else if (CMath.bset(mob.getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_PLAYERKILL)) { if (CMSecurity.isAllowed(mob, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.PKILL) || (CMath.bset(getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_PLAYERKILL))) return true; return false; } else return false; } public boolean mayIFight(final MOB mob) { if (mob == null) return false; if (isEitherOfUsDead(mob)) return false; return isPermissableToFight(mob); } public boolean mayPhysicallyAttack(MOB mob) { if ((!mayIFight(mob)) || (location() != mob.location()) || (!CMLib.flags().isInTheGame(this, false)) || (!CMLib.flags().isInTheGame(mob, false))) return false; return true; } public void setAtRange(int newRange) { atRange = newRange; } public int rangeToTarget() { return atRange; } public int maxRange() { return maxRange(null); } public int minRange() { return maxRange(null); } public int maxRange(Environmental tool) { int max = 0; if (tool != null) max = tool.maxRange(); if ((location() != null) && (location().maxRange() < max)) max = location().maxRange(); return max; } public int minRange(Environmental tool) { if (tool != null) return tool.minRange(); return 0; } public void makePeace() { final MOB myVictim = victim; setVictim(null); for (int f = 0; f < numFollowers(); f++) { MOB M = fetchFollower(f); if ((M != null) && (M.isInCombat())) M.makePeace(); } if (myVictim != null) { MOB oldVictim = myVictim.getVictim(); if (oldVictim == this) myVictim.makePeace(); } } public MOB getVictim() { if (!isInCombat()) return null; return victim; } public void setVictim(MOB mob) { if (mob == null) { setAtRange(-1); if (victim != null) synchronized (commandQue) { commandQue.clear(); } } if (victim == mob) return; if (mob == this) return; victim = mob; recoverPhyStats(); recoverCharStats(); recoverMaxState(); if (mob != null) { if ((mob.location() == null) || (location() == null) || (mob.amDead()) || (amDead()) || (mob.location() != location()) || (!location().isInhabitant(this)) || (!location().isInhabitant(mob))) { if (victim != null) victim.setVictim(null); victim = null; setAtRange(-1); } else { if (Log.combatChannelOn()) { Item I = fetchWieldedItem(); Item VI = mob.fetchWieldedItem(); Log.combatOut("STRT", Name() + ":" + phyStats().getCombatStats() + ":" + curState().getCombatStats() + ":" + ((I == null) ? "null" : + ":" + mob.Name() + ":" + mob.phyStats().getCombatStats() + ":" + mob.curState().getCombatStats() + ":" + ((VI == null) ? "null" :; } mob.recoverCharStats(); mob.recoverPhyStats(); mob.recoverMaxState(); } } } public DeadBody killMeDead(boolean createBody) { final Room deathRoom; if (isMonster()) deathRoom = location(); else deathRoom = CMLib.login().getDefaultBodyRoom(this); if (location() != null) location().delInhabitant(this); DeadBody Body = null; if (createBody) { Body = charStats().getMyRace().getCorpseContainer(this, deathRoom); if ((Body != null) && (playerStats() != null)) playerStats().getExtItems().addItem(Body); } amDead = true; makePeace(); setRiding(null); synchronized (commandQue) { commandQue.clear(); } Ability A = null; for (int a = numEffects() - 1; a >= 0; a--) { A = fetchEffect(a); if (A != null) A.unInvoke(); } setLocation(null); if (isMonster()) { while (numFollowers() > 0) { MOB follower = fetchFollower(0); if (follower != null) { follower.setFollowing(null); delFollower(follower); } } setFollowing(null); } if ((!isMonster()) && (soulMate() == null)) bringToLife(CMLib.login().getDefaultDeathRoom(this), true); if (deathRoom != null) deathRoom.recoverRoomStats(); return Body; } public Room location() { if (location == null) return lastLocation; return location; } public void setLocation(Room newRoom) { lastLocation = location; location = newRoom; if((playerStats != null) && (lastLocation != newRoom)) CMLib.players().changePlayersLocation(this,newRoom); } public Rideable riding() { return riding; } public void setRiding(Rideable ride) { final Rideable amRiding = riding(); if ((ride != null) && (amRiding != null) && (amRiding == ride) && (amRiding.amRiding(this))) return; if ((amRiding != null) && (amRiding.amRiding(this))) amRiding.delRider(this); riding = ride; if ((ride != null) && (!ride.amRiding(this))) ride.addRider(this); } public final Session session() { return mySession == null ? null : mySession.isFake() ? null : mySession; } public void setSession(Session newSession) { mySession = newSession; setBitmap(getBitmap()); } public Weapon myNaturalWeapon() { final Weapon W; if ((charStats() != null) && (charStats().getMyRace() != null)) W = charStats().getMyRace().myNaturalWeapon(); else W = CMClass.getWeapon("Natural"); if (W.subjectToWearAndTear()) W.setUsesRemaining(100); return W; } public String displayName(MOB viewer) { if (CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.INTRODUCTIONSYSTEM) && (playerStats() != null) && (viewer != null) && (viewer.playerStats() != null) && (!viewer.playerStats().isIntroducedTo(Name()))) return CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(genericName()).toLowerCase(); return name(); } public String displayText(MOB viewer) { if ((displayText.length() == 0) || (!name().equals(Name())) || (!titledName().equals(Name())) || (CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this)) || (CMLib.flags().isSitting(this)) || (riding() != null) || ((amFollowing() != null) && (amFollowing().fetchFollowerOrder(this) > 0)) || ((this instanceof Rideable) && (((Rideable) this).numRiders() > 0) && CMLib.flags().hasSeenContents(this)) || (isInCombat())) { StringBuffer sendBack = null; if (!displayName(viewer).equals(Name())) sendBack = new StringBuffer(displayName(viewer)); else sendBack = new StringBuffer(titledName()); sendBack.append(" "); sendBack.append(CMLib.flags().dispositionString(this, CMFlagLibrary.flag_is)); sendBack.append(" here"); if (riding() != null) { sendBack.append(" " + riding().stateString(this) + " "); if (riding() == viewer) sendBack.append("YOU"); else if (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(riding(), viewer)) { if (riding() instanceof Item) sendBack.append("something"); else sendBack.append("someone"); } else sendBack.append(riding().name()); } else if ((this instanceof Rideable) && (((Rideable) this).numRiders() > 0) && (((Rideable) this).stateStringSubject(((Rideable) this).fetchRider(0)).length() > 0)) { final Rideable me = (Rideable); final String first = me.stateStringSubject(me.fetchRider(0)); sendBack.append(" " + first + " "); for (int r = 0; r < me.numRiders(); r++) { Rider rider = me.fetchRider(r); if ((rider != null) && (me.stateStringSubject(rider).equals(first))) { if (r > 0) { sendBack.append(", "); if (r == me.numRiders() - 1) sendBack.append("and "); } if (rider == viewer) sendBack.append("you"); else if (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(riding(), viewer)) { if (riding() instanceof Item) sendBack.append("something"); else sendBack.append("someone"); } else sendBack.append(; } } } if ((isInCombat()) && (CMLib.flags().canMove(this)) && (!CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this))) { sendBack.append(" fighting "); if (getVictim() == viewer) sendBack.append("YOU"); else if (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(getVictim(), viewer)) sendBack.append("someone"); else sendBack.append(getVictim().name()); } if ((amFollowing() != null) && (amFollowing().fetchFollowerOrder(this) > 0)) { final List whoseAhead = CMLib.combat().getFormationFollowed(this); if ((whoseAhead != null) && (whoseAhead.size() > 0)) { sendBack.append(", behind "); for (int v = 0; v < whoseAhead.size(); v++) { final MOB ahead = whoseAhead.get(v); if (v > 0) { sendBack.append(", "); if (v == whoseAhead.size() - 1) sendBack.append("and "); } if (ahead == viewer) sendBack.append("you"); else if (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(ahead, viewer)) sendBack.append("someone"); else sendBack.append(; } } } sendBack.append("."); return sendBack.toString(); } return displayText; } public String displayText() { return displayText; } public void setDisplayText(String newDisplayText) { displayText = newDisplayText; } public String description() { if (description == null) return ""; else if (description instanceof byte[]) { final byte[] descriptionBytes = (byte[]) description; if (descriptionBytes.length == 0) return ""; if (CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MOBDCOMPRESS)) return CMLib.encoder().decompressString(descriptionBytes); else return CMStrings.bytesToStr(descriptionBytes); } else return (String) description; } public void setDescription(String newDescription) { if (newDescription.length() == 0) description = null; else if (CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MOBDCOMPRESS)) description = CMLib.encoder().compressString(newDescription); else description = newDescription; } public void setMiscText(String newText) { if (newText.length() == 0) miscText = null; else if (CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MOBCOMPRESS)) miscText = CMLib.encoder().compressString(newText); else miscText = newText; } public String text() { if (miscText == null) return ""; else if (miscText instanceof byte[]) { final byte[] miscTextBytes = (byte[]) miscText; if (miscTextBytes.length == 0) return ""; if (CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MOBCOMPRESS)) return CMLib.encoder().decompressString(miscTextBytes); else return CMStrings.bytesToStr(miscTextBytes); } else return (String) miscText; } public String miscTextFormat() { return CMParms.FORMAT_UNDEFINED; } public String healthText(MOB viewer) { final String mxp = "^^^^"; if ((charStats() != null) && (charStats().getMyRace() != null)) return mxp + charStats().getMyRace().healthText(viewer, this) + "^"; return mxp + CMLib.combat().standardMobCondition(viewer, this) + "^"; } public double actions() { return freeActions; } public void setActions(double remain) { freeActions = remain; } public int commandQueSize() { return commandQue.size(); } public void clearCommandQueue() { commandQue.clear(); } public boolean dequeCommand() { while ((!pleaseDestroy) && (!amDestroyed) && ((session() == null) || (!session().isStopped()))) { QMCommand doCommand = null; synchronized (commandQue) { if (commandQue.size() == 0) return false; QMCommand cmd = commandQue.getFirst(); double diff = actions() - cmd.actionDelay; if (diff >= 0.0) { final long nextTime = lastCommandTime + Math.round(cmd.actionDelay / phyStats().speed() * CMProps.getTickMillisD()); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() < nextTime) && (session() != null)) return false; cmd = commandQue.removeFirst(); setActions(diff); doCommand = cmd; } } if (doCommand != null) { lastCommandTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); doCommand(doCommand.commandObj, doCommand.commandVector, doCommand.metaFlags); synchronized (commandQue) { if (commandQue.size() > 0) { final QMCommand cmd = commandQue.getFirst(); final Object O = cmd.commandObj; cmd.actionDelay = calculateActionDelay(O, cmd.commandVector, 0.0); } else return false; return true; } } QMCommand cmd = null; synchronized (commandQue) { if (commandQue.size() == 0) return false; cmd = commandQue.getFirst(); if ((cmd == null) || (System.currentTimeMillis() < cmd.nextCheck)) return false; } double diff = actions() - cmd.actionDelay; final Object O = cmd.commandObj; final Vector commands = new XVector(cmd.commandVector); cmd.nextCheck = cmd.nextCheck + 1000; cmd.seconds += 1; int secondsElapsed = cmd.seconds; int metaFlags = cmd.metaFlags; try { if (O instanceof Command) { if (!((Command) O).preExecute(this, commands, metaFlags, secondsElapsed, -diff)) { commandQue.remove(cmd); return true; } } else if (O instanceof Ability) { if (!CMLib.english().preEvoke(this, commands, secondsElapsed, -diff)) { commandQue.remove(cmd); return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } return false; } public void doCommand(List commands, int metaFlags) { final CMObject O = CMLib.english().findCommand(this, commands); if (O != null) doCommand(O, commands, metaFlags); else CMLib.commands().handleUnknownCommand(this, commands); } protected void doCommand(Object O, List commands, int metaFlags) { try { if (O instanceof Command) ((Command) O).execute(this, new XVector(commands), metaFlags); else if (O instanceof Social) ((Social) O).invoke(this, new XVector(commands), null, false); else if (O instanceof Ability) CMLib.english().evoke(this, new XVector(commands)); else CMLib.commands().handleUnknownCommand(this, commands); } catch ( io) { Log.errOut("StdMOB", CMParms.toStringList(commands)); if (io.getMessage() != null) Log.errOut("StdMOB", io.getMessage()); else Log.errOut("StdMOB", io); tell("Oops!"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.errOut("StdMOB", CMParms.toStringList(commands)); Log.errOut("StdMOB", e); tell("Oops!"); } } protected double calculateActionDelay(Object command, List commands, double tickDelay) { if (tickDelay <= 0.0) { if (command == null) { tell("Huh?!"); return -1.0; } if (command instanceof Command) tickDelay = ((Command) command).checkedActionsCost(this, commands); else if (command instanceof Ability) tickDelay = ((Ability) command).checkedCastingCost(this, commands); else tickDelay = 1.0; } return tickDelay; } public void prequeCommand(Vector commands, int metaFlags, double tickDelay) { if (commands == null) return; final CMObject O = CMLib.english().findCommand(this, commands); if (O == null) { CMLib.commands().handleUnknownCommand(this, commands); return; } tickDelay = calculateActionDelay(O, commands, tickDelay); if (tickDelay < 0.0) return; if (tickDelay == 0.0) doCommand(O, commands, metaFlags); else synchronized (commandQue) { final QMCommand cmd = new QMCommand(); cmd.nextCheck = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1; cmd.seconds = -1; cmd.actionDelay = tickDelay; cmd.metaFlags = metaFlags; cmd.commandObj = O; cmd.execTime = 0; cmd.commandVector = commands; commandQue.addFirst(cmd); } dequeCommand(); } public void enqueCommand(List commands, int metaFlags, double tickDelay) { if (commands == null) return; final CMObject O = CMLib.english().findCommand(this, commands); if((O == null) ||((O instanceof Ability) &&CMath.bset(metaFlags, Command.METAFLAG_ORDER) &&CMath.bset(((Ability)O).flags(), Ability.FLAG_NOORDERING))) { CMLib.commands().handleUnknownCommand(this, commands); return; } tickDelay = calculateActionDelay(O, commands, tickDelay); if (tickDelay < 0.0) return; if (tickDelay == 0.0) doCommand(commands, metaFlags); else synchronized (commandQue) { final QMCommand cmd = new QMCommand(); cmd.nextCheck = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1; cmd.seconds = -1; cmd.actionDelay = tickDelay; cmd.metaFlags = metaFlags; cmd.execTime = 0; cmd.commandObj = O; cmd.commandVector = commands; commandQue.addLast(cmd); } dequeCommand(); } public boolean okMessage(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { final Deity deity = getMyDeity(); if ((deity != null) && (deity != this) && (!deity.okMessage(this, msg))) return false; final CharStats cStats = charStats; if (cStats != null) { for (int c = 0; c < cStats.numClasses(); c++) if (!cStats.getMyClass(c).okMessage(this, msg)) return false; if (!cStats.getMyRace().okMessage(this, msg)) return false; } for (final Enumeration a = effects(); a.hasMoreElements();) { final Ability A = a.nextElement(); if (!A.okMessage(this, msg)) return false; } for (final Enumeration i = items(); i.hasMoreElements();) { final Item I = i.nextElement(); if (!I.okMessage(this, msg)) return false; } for (final Enumeration b = behaviors(); b.hasMoreElements();) { final Behavior B = b.nextElement(); if (!B.okMessage(this, msg)) return false; } for (final Enumeration s = scripts(); s.hasMoreElements();) { final ScriptingEngine S = s.nextElement(); if (!S.okMessage(this, msg)) return false; } for (final Enumeration e = factions.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { final Faction.FData fD = (Faction.FData) e.nextElement(); if (!fD.getFaction().okMessage(this, msg)) return false; if (!fD.okMessage(this, msg)) return false; } final MOB srcM = msg.source(); if ((msg.sourceCode() != CMMsg.NO_EFFECT) && (msg.amISource(this))) { if ((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DEATH) && (CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.IMMORT))) { curState().setHitPoints(1); if ((msg.tool() != null) && (msg.tool() != this) && (msg.tool() instanceof MOB)) ((MOB) msg.tool()).tell(name() + " is immortal, and can not die."); tell("You are immortal, and can not die."); return false; } if (!msg.sourceMajor(CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS)) { final int srcCode = msg.sourceMajor(); final int srcMinor = msg.sourceMinor(); if (amDead()) { tell("You are DEAD!"); return false; } if (CMath.bset(srcCode, CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS)) { if (( != this) && ( != null) && ( instanceof MOB)) { final MOB target = (MOB); if ((amFollowing() != null) && (target == amFollowing())) { tell("You like " + amFollowing().charStats().himher() + " too much."); return false; } if ((getLiegeID().length() > 0) && (target.Name().equals(getLiegeID()))) { if (isMarriedToLiege()) tell("You are married to '" + getLiegeID() + "'!"); else tell("You are serving '" + getLiegeID() + "'!"); return false; } CMLib.combat().establishRange(this, (MOB), msg.tool()); } } if (CMath.bset(srcCode, CMMsg.MASK_EYES)) { if (CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this)) { tell("Not while you are sleeping."); return false; } if (!( instanceof Room)) if (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(, this)) { if ( instanceof Item) tell("You don't see " + + " here."); else tell("You can't see that!"); return false; } } if (CMath.bset(srcCode, CMMsg.MASK_MOUTH)) { if (((srcMinor != CMMsg.TYP_LIST) || srcM.amDead() || CMLib.flags().isSleeping(srcM)) && (!CMLib.flags().aliveAwakeMobile(this, false))) return false; if (CMath.bset(srcCode, CMMsg.MASK_SOUND)) { if ((msg.tool() == null) || (!(msg.tool() instanceof Ability)) || (!((Ability) msg.tool()).isNowAnAutoEffect())) { if (CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this)) { tell("Not while you are sleeping."); return false; } if (!CMLib.flags().canSpeak(this)) { tell("You can't make sounds!"); return false; } if (CMLib.flags().isAnimalIntelligence(this)) { tell("You aren't smart enough to speak."); return false; } } } else { if ((!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(, this)) && (!(isMine( && ( instanceof Item)))) { srcM.tell("You don't see '" + + "' here."); return false; } if (!CMLib.flags().canTaste(this)) { if ((msg.sourceMinor()==CMMsg.TYP_EAT)||(msg.sourceMinor()==CMMsg.TYP_DRINK)) tell("You can't eat or drink."); else tell("Your mouth is out of order."); return false; } } } if (CMath.bset(srcCode, CMMsg.MASK_HANDS)) { if ((!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(, this)) && (!(isMine( && ( instanceof Item))) && (!((isInCombat()) && ( == victim))) && (CMath.bset(msg.targetMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_HANDS))) { srcM.tell("You don't see '" + + "' here."); return false; } if (!CMLib.flags().aliveAwakeMobile(this, false)) return false; if ((CMLib.flags().isSitting(this)) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_SITMOVE) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_BUY) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_BID) && (msg.targetMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_OK_VISUAL) && ((msg.sourceMessage() != null) || (msg.othersMessage() != null)) && (((!CMLib.utensils().reachableItem(this, || (!CMLib.utensils().reachableItem(this, msg.tool()))) && (location() != null) && (!CMath.bset(location().phyStats().sensesMask(), PhyStats.SENSE_ROOMCRUNCHEDIN)))) { tell("You need to stand up!"); return false; } } if (CMath.bset(srcCode, CMMsg.MASK_MOVE)) { boolean sitting = CMLib.flags().isSitting(this); if ((sitting) && ((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_LEAVE) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_ENTER))) sitting = false; if (((CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this)) || (sitting)) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_STAND) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_SITMOVE) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_SIT) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_SLEEP)) { tell("You need to stand up!"); if ((msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_THROW)) return false; } if ((!CMLib.flags().canMove(this)) || (imMobile)) { tell("You can't move!"); return false; } } // limb check switch (msg.targetMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_PULL: case CMMsg.TYP_PUSH: case CMMsg.TYP_GET: case CMMsg.TYP_REMOVE: case CMMsg.TYP_OPEN: case CMMsg.TYP_CLOSE: if (charStats().getBodyPart(Race.BODY_ARM) == 0) { tell("You need arms to do that."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_DELICATE_HANDS_ACT: if ((charStats().getBodyPart(Race.BODY_HAND) == 0) && (msg.othersMinor() != CMMsg.NO_EFFECT)) { tell("You need hands to do that."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_JUSTICE: if ((charStats().getBodyPart(Race.BODY_HAND) == 0) && ( instanceof Item)) { tell("You need hands to do that."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_FILL: case CMMsg.TYP_GIVE: case CMMsg.TYP_HANDS: case CMMsg.TYP_LOCK: case CMMsg.TYP_PUT: case CMMsg.TYP_UNLOCK: case CMMsg.TYP_WRITE: if (charStats().getBodyPart(Race.BODY_HAND) == 0) { tell("You need hands to do that."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_DRINK: if (charStats().getBodyPart(Race.BODY_HAND) == 0) { if (( != null) && (isMine( { tell("You need hands to do that."); return false; } } break; } // activity check switch (msg.sourceMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_WEAR: case CMMsg.TYP_HOLD: case CMMsg.TYP_WIELD: case CMMsg.TYP_REMOVE: possWieldedItem = null; possHeldItem = null; break; case CMMsg.TYP_JUSTICE: if (( != null) && (isInCombat()) && ( instanceof Item)) { tell("Not while you are fighting!"); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_THROW: if (charStats().getBodyPart(Race.BODY_ARM) == 0) { tell("You need arms to do that."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_OPEN: case CMMsg.TYP_CLOSE: if (isInCombat()) { if (( != null) && (( instanceof Exit) || (srcM.isMine( break; tell("Not while you are fighting!"); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_LEAVE: if ((isInCombat()) && (location() != null) && (!msg.sourceMajor(CMMsg.MASK_MAGIC))) for (final Enumeration m = location().inhabitants(); m.hasMoreElements();) { MOB M = m.nextElement(); if ((M != this) && (M.getVictim() == this) && (CMLib.flags().aliveAwakeMobile(M, true)) && (CMLib.flags().canSenseEnteringLeaving(srcM, M))) { tell("Not while you are fighting!"); return false; } } break; case CMMsg.TYP_BUY: case CMMsg.TYP_BID: case CMMsg.TYP_DELICATE_HANDS_ACT: case CMMsg.TYP_FILL: case CMMsg.TYP_LIST: case CMMsg.TYP_LOCK: case CMMsg.TYP_SIT: case CMMsg.TYP_SLEEP: case CMMsg.TYP_UNLOCK: case CMMsg.TYP_VALUE: case CMMsg.TYP_SELL: case CMMsg.TYP_VIEW: case CMMsg.TYP_READ: if (isInCombat() && (!msg.sourceMajor(CMMsg.MASK_MAGIC))) { tell("Not while you are fighting!"); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_REBUKE: if (( == null) || (!( instanceof Deity))) { if ( != null) { if (( instanceof MOB) && (!CMLib.flags().canBeHeardSpeakingBy(this, (MOB) { tell( + " can't hear you!"); return false; } else if (( instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) == srcM) && (srcM.isFollowedBy((MOB) { // should work. } else if ((!(( instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) && (! { tell( + " does not serve you, and you do not serve "+ + "."); return false; } else if (( instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) && (getLiegeID().equals( && (((MOB) { tell("You cannot rebuke " + + ". You must get an annulment or a divorce."); return false; } } else if (getLiegeID().length() == 0) { tell("You aren't serving anyone!"); return false; } } else if (getWorshipCharID().length() == 0) { tell("You aren't worshipping anyone!"); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_SERVE: if ( == null) return false; if ( == this) { tell("You can't serve yourself!"); return false; } if ( instanceof Deity) break; if (( instanceof MOB) && (!CMLib.flags().canBeHeardSpeakingBy(this, (MOB) { tell( + " can't hear you!"); return false; } if (getLiegeID().length() > 0) { tell("You are already serving '" + getLiegeID() + "'."); return false; } if (( instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) { tell("You can not serve each other!"); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_CAST_SPELL: if (charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_INTELLIGENCE) < 5) { tell("You aren't smart enough to do magic."); return false; } break; default: break; } } } if ((msg.sourceCode() != CMMsg.NO_EFFECT) && (msg.amISource(this)) && ( != null) && ( != this) && (!CMath.bset(msg.sourceMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS)) && ( instanceof MOB) && (location() != null) && (location() == ((MOB) { final MOB trgM = (MOB); // and now, the consequences of range if (((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) && (rangeToTarget() > maxRange(msg.tool()))) || ((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_THROW) && (rangeToTarget() > 2) && (maxRange(msg.tool()) <= 0))) { String newstr = " advance(s) at "; msg.modify(this, trgM, null, CMMsg.MSG_ADVANCE, newstr +, CMMsg.MSG_ADVANCE, newstr + "you", CMMsg.MSG_ADVANCE, newstr +; boolean ok = location().okMessage(this, msg); if (ok) setAtRange(rangeToTarget() - 1); if (victim != null) { victim.setAtRange(rangeToTarget()); victim.recoverPhyStats(); } else setAtRange(-1); recoverPhyStats(); return ok; } else if (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_RETREAT) { if (curState().getMovement() < 25) { tell("You are too tired."); return false; } if ((location() != null) && (rangeToTarget() >= location().maxRange())) { tell("You cannot retreat any further."); return false; } curState().adjMovement(-25, maxState()); setAtRange(rangeToTarget() + 1); if (victim != null) { victim.setAtRange(rangeToTarget()); victim.recoverPhyStats(); } else setAtRange(-1); recoverPhyStats(); } else if ((msg.tool() != null) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_BUY) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_BID) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_SELL) && (msg.sourceMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_VIEW)) { int useRange = -1; Environmental tool = msg.tool(); if (getVictim() != null) { if (getVictim() == trgM) useRange = rangeToTarget(); else { if (trgM.getVictim() == this) useRange = trgM.rangeToTarget(); else useRange = maxRange(tool); } } if ((useRange >= 0) && (maxRange(tool) < useRange)) { srcM.tell("You are too far away from " + + " to use " + + "."); return false; } else if ((useRange >= 0) && (minRange(tool) > useRange)) { srcM.tell("You are too close to " + + " to use " + + "."); if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) && (tool instanceof Weapon) && (!((Weapon) tool).amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) CMLib.commands().postRemove(this, (Weapon) msg.tool(), false); return false; } } } if ((msg.targetMinor() != CMMsg.NO_EFFECT) && (msg.amITarget(this))) { if ((amDead()) || (location() == null)) return false; if (CMath.bset(msg.targetMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS)) { if (Log.combatChannelOn()) Log.combatOut(srcM.Name() + ":" + Name() + ":" + CMMsg.TYPE_DESCS[msg.targetMinor()] + ":" + ((msg.tool() != null) ? msg.tool().Name() : "null")); if ((msg.amISource(this)) && (!msg.sourceMajor(CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS)) && ((msg.tool() == null) || (!(msg.tool() instanceof Ability)) || (!((Ability) msg.tool()).isNowAnAutoEffect()))) { srcM.tell("You like yourself too much."); if (victim == this) { victim = null; setAtRange(-1); } return false; } if ((!mayIFight(srcM)) && ((!(msg.tool() instanceof Ability)) || (((((Ability) msg.tool()).classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) != Ability.ACODE_POISON) && ((((Ability) msg.tool()).classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) != Ability.ACODE_DISEASE)) || ((srcM == this) && (srcM.isMonster())))) { srcM.tell("You may not attack " + name() + "."); srcM.setVictim(null); if (victim == srcM) setVictim(null); return false; } if ((srcM != this) && (!isMonster()) && (!srcM.isMonster()) && (soulMate() == null) && (srcM.soulMate() == null) && (CMath.abs(srcM.phyStats().level() - phyStats().level()) > CMProps.getPKillLevelDiff()) && (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.PKILL)) && (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(srcM, srcM.location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.PKILL)) && ((!(msg.tool() instanceof Ability)) || (((Ability) msg.tool()).classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) != Ability.ACODE_DISEASE)) { srcM.tell("That is not EVEN a fair fight."); srcM.setVictim(null); if (victim == srcM) setVictim(null); return false; } if ((amFollowing() == srcM) && (!(msg.tool() instanceof DiseaseAffect))) setFollowing(null); if (isInCombat()) { if ((rangeToTarget() > 0) && (getVictim() != srcM) && (srcM.getVictim() == this) && (srcM.rangeToTarget() == 0)) { setVictim(srcM); setAtRange(0); } } if ((msg.targetMinor() != CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) && (msg.value() <= 0)) { int chanceToFail = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int c : CharStats.CODES.SAVING_THROWS()) if (msg.targetMinor() == CharStats.CODES.CMMSGMAP(c)) { chanceToFail = charStats().getSave(c); break; } if (chanceToFail > Integer.MIN_VALUE) { int diff = (phyStats().level() - srcM.phyStats().level()); int diffSign = diff < 0 ? -1 : 1; chanceToFail += (diffSign * (diff * diff)); if (chanceToFail < 5) chanceToFail = 5; else if (chanceToFail > 95) chanceToFail = 95; if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < chanceToFail) { CMLib.combat().resistanceMsgs(msg, srcM, this); msg.setValue(msg.value() + 1); } } } } if ((rangeToTarget() >= 0) && (!isInCombat())) setAtRange(-1); switch (msg.targetMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_CLOSE: case CMMsg.TYP_DRINK: case CMMsg.TYP_DROP: case CMMsg.TYP_EAT: case CMMsg.TYP_FILL: case CMMsg.TYP_GET: case CMMsg.TYP_HOLD: case CMMsg.TYP_REMOVE: case CMMsg.TYP_LOCK: case CMMsg.TYP_OPEN: case CMMsg.TYP_PUT: case CMMsg.TYP_POUR: case CMMsg.TYP_UNLOCK: case CMMsg.TYP_WEAR: case CMMsg.TYP_WIELD: srcM.tell(srcM, this, null, "You can't do that to ."); return false; case CMMsg.TYP_TEACH: if(( instanceof MOB) &&(!CMLib.expertises().canBeTaught(msg.source(), (MOB), msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()))) return false; break; case CMMsg.TYP_PULL: if ((!CMLib.flags().isBoundOrHeld(this)) && (!CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this))) { srcM.tell(srcM, this, null, "You can't do that to ."); return false; } if (phyStats().weight() > (srcM.maxCarry() / 2)) { srcM.tell(srcM, this, null, " is too big for you to pull."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_PUSH: if ((!CMLib.flags().isBoundOrHeld(this)) && (!CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this))) { srcM.tell(srcM, this, null, "You can't do that to ."); return false; } if (phyStats().weight() > srcM.maxCarry()) { srcM.tell(srcM, this, null, " is too heavy for you to push."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_MOUNT: case CMMsg.TYP_DISMOUNT: if (!(this instanceof Rideable)) { srcM.tell(srcM, this, null, "You can't do that to ."); return false; } break; case CMMsg.TYP_GIVE: if (msg.tool() == null) return false; if (!(msg.tool() instanceof Item)) return false; if (CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.ORDER) || (CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.CMDMOBS) && (isMonster())) || (CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.CMDROOMS) && (isMonster()))) return true; if ((getWearPositions(Wearable.WORN_ARMS) == 0) && (!CMath.bset(msg.targetMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS))) { srcM.tell(name() + " is unable to accept that from you."); return false; } if ((!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(msg.tool(), this)) && (!CMath.bset(msg.targetMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS))) { srcM.tell(name() + " can't see what you are giving."); return false; } final int GC = msg.targetMajor() & CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS; CMMsg msg2 = CMClass.getMsg(srcM, msg.tool(), null, CMMsg.MSG_DROP | CMMsg.MASK_INTERMSG, null, CMMsg.MSG_DROP | CMMsg.MASK_INTERMSG, null, CMMsg.MSG_DROP | CMMsg.MASK_INTERMSG, null); if (!location().okMessage(srcM, msg2)) return false; if (( != null) && ( instanceof MOB)) { msg2 = CMClass.getMsg((MOB), msg.tool(), null, GC | CMMsg.MSG_GET | CMMsg.MASK_INTERMSG, null, GC | CMMsg.MSG_GET | CMMsg.MASK_INTERMSG, null, GC | CMMsg.MSG_GET | CMMsg.MASK_INTERMSG, null); if (!location().okMessage(, msg2)) { srcM.tell( + " cannot seem to accept " + msg.tool().name() + "."); return false; } } break; case CMMsg.TYP_FOLLOW: if (totalFollowers() + srcM.totalFollowers() >= maxFollowers()) { srcM.tell(name() + " can't accept any more followers."); return false; } if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.FOLLOWLEVELDIFF) > 0) && (!isMonster()) && (!srcM.isMonster()) && (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.ORDER)) && (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(srcM, srcM.location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.ORDER))) { if (phyStats.level() > (srcM.phyStats().level() + CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.FOLLOWLEVELDIFF))) { srcM.tell(name() + " is too advanced for you."); return false; } if (phyStats.level() < (srcM.phyStats().level() - CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.FOLLOWLEVELDIFF))) { srcM.tell(name() + " is too inexperienced for you."); return false; } } break; } } if ((srcM != this) && ( != this)) { if ((msg.othersMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DEATH) && (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DEATH)) { if ((followers != null) && (followers.contains(srcM)) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() == 1) && (fetchEffect("Disease_Depression") == null) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.AUTODISEASE))) { Ability A = CMClass.getAbility("Disease_Depression"); if (A != null) A.invoke(this, this, true, 0); } } } return true; } public void tell(final MOB source, final Environmental target, final Environmental tool, final String msg) { final Session S = mySession; if ((S != null) && (msg != null)) S.stdPrintln(source, target, tool, msg); } public void tell(final String msg) { tell(this, this, null, msg); } public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { final Deity deity = getMyDeity(); if (deity != null) deity.executeMsg(this, msg); final CharStats cStats = charStats; if (cStats != null) { for (int c = 0; c < cStats.numClasses(); c++) cStats.getMyClass(c).executeMsg(this, msg); cStats.getMyRace().executeMsg(this, msg); } eachBehavior(new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Behavior B) { B.executeMsg(me, msg); } }); eachScript(new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final ScriptingEngine S) { S.executeMsg(me, msg); } }); final MOB srcM = msg.source(); final boolean asleep = CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this); final boolean canseesrc = CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(srcM, this); final boolean canhearsrc = (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK) ? CMLib.flags().canBeHeardSpeakingBy(srcM,this) : CMLib.flags().canBeHeardMovingBy(srcM, this); // first do special cases... if (msg.amITarget(this) && (!amDead)) switch (msg.targetMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_HEALING: CMLib.combat().handleBeingHealed(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_SNIFF: CMLib.commands().handleBeingSniffed(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_DAMAGE: CMLib.combat().handleBeingDamaged(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_TEACH: if( instanceof MOB) CMLib.expertises().handleBeingTaught(msg.source(), (MOB), msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); break; default: break; } // now go on to source activities if ((msg.sourceCode() != CMMsg.NO_EFFECT) && (msg.amISource(this))) { if ((CMath.bset(msg.sourceMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS)) && ( instanceof MOB) && (getVictim() != && ((!CMath.bset(msg.sourceMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS)) || (!(msg.tool() instanceof DiseaseAffect)))) { CMLib.combat().establishRange(this, (MOB), msg.tool()); if ((msg.tool() instanceof Weapon) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) || (!CMLib.flags().aliveAwakeMobileUnbound((MOB), true))) { setVictim((MOB); } } switch (msg.sourceMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_LIFE: CMLib.commands().handleComeToLife(this, msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_PANIC: CMLib.commands().postFlee(this, ""); break; case CMMsg.TYP_EXPCHANGE: CMLib.leveler().handleExperienceChange(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_FACTIONCHANGE: if (msg.othersMessage() != null) { if ((msg.value() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (msg.value() == Integer.MIN_VALUE)) removeFaction(msg.othersMessage()); else adjustFaction(msg.othersMessage(), msg.value()); } break; case CMMsg.TYP_DEATH: CMLib.combat().handleDeath(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_REBUKE: if ((( == null) && (getLiegeID().length() > 0)) || (( != null) && ( && (!isMarriedToLiege()))) setLiegeID(""); tell(this,, msg.tool(), msg.sourceMessage()); break; case CMMsg.TYP_SERVE: if (( != null) && (!( instanceof Deity))) setLiegeID(; tell(this,, msg.tool(), msg.sourceMessage()); break; case CMMsg.TYP_LOOK: case CMMsg.TYP_EXAMINE: if ( == this) CMLib.commands().handleBeingLookedAt(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_READ: if ((CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(this, srcM)) && (msg.amITarget(this))) tell("There is nothing written on " + name()); break; case CMMsg.TYP_SIT: CMLib.commands().handleSit(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_SLEEP: CMLib.commands().handleSleep(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_QUIT: tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.sourceMessage()); break; case CMMsg.TYP_STAND: CMLib.commands().handleStand(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_RECALL: CMLib.commands().handleRecall(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_FOLLOW: if (( != null) && ( instanceof MOB)) { setFollowing((MOB); tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.sourceMessage()); } break; case CMMsg.TYP_NOFOLLOW: setFollowing(null); tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.sourceMessage()); break; default: // you pretty much always know what you are doing, if you can do // it. if (!CMath.bset(msg.sourceMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_CNTRLMSG)) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.sourceMessage()); break; } } else if ((msg.targetMinor() != CMMsg.NO_EFFECT) && (msg.amITarget(this))) { final int targetMajor = msg.targetMajor(); switch (msg.targetMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_HEALING: case CMMsg.TYP_DAMAGE: // handled as special cases above break; case CMMsg.TYP_GIVE: if (msg.tool() instanceof Item) CMLib.commands().handleBeingGivenTo(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_LOOK: case CMMsg.TYP_EXAMINE: if (CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(this, srcM)) CMLib.commands().handleBeingLookedAt(msg); break; case CMMsg.TYP_REBUKE: if ((srcM.Name().equals(getLiegeID()) && (!isMarriedToLiege()))) setLiegeID(""); break; case CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK: if ((CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.INTRODUCTIONSYSTEM)) && (!asleep) && (canhearsrc)) CMLib.commands().handleIntroductions(srcM, this, msg.targetMessage()); break; default: if ((CMath.bset(msg.targetMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS)) && (!amDead)) CMLib.combat().handleBeingAssaulted(msg); else if (CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_CHANNEL)) { int channelCode = msg.targetMinor() - CMMsg.TYP_CHANNEL; if ((playerStats() != null) && (!CMath.bset(getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_QUIET)) && (!CMath.isSet(playerStats().getChannelMask(), channelCode))) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); } break; } // now do the says if ((CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_SOUND)) && (canhearsrc) && (!asleep)) { if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK) && (srcM != null) && (playerStats() != null) && (!srcM.isMonster()) && (CMLib.flags().canBeHeardSpeakingBy(srcM, this))) playerStats().setReplyTo(srcM, PlayerStats.REPLY_SAY); tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); } else if ((CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS)) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DAMAGE) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_HEALING)) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); else if ((CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_EYES)) && ((!asleep) && (canseesrc))) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); else if (CMath.bset(msg.targetMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS)) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); else if (((CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_HANDS)) || (CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_MOVE)) || ((CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_MOUTH) && (!CMath.bset(targetMajor, CMMsg.MASK_SOUND))))) && (!asleep) && ((canhearsrc) || (canseesrc))) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); } else if ((msg.othersCode() != CMMsg.NO_EFFECT) && (!msg.amISource(this)) && (!msg.amITarget(this))) { final int othersMajor = msg.othersMajor(); final int othersMinor = msg.othersMinor(); if (CMath.bset(msg.othersMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS) && ( instanceof MOB) && ((!CMath.bset(msg.sourceMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS)) || (!(msg.tool() instanceof DiseaseAffect)))) CMLib.combat().makeFollowersFight(this, (MOB), srcM); if ((othersMinor == CMMsg.TYP_ENTER) // exceptions to movement || (othersMinor == CMMsg.TYP_FLEE) || (othersMinor == CMMsg.TYP_LEAVE)) { if (((!asleep) || (msg.othersMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_ENTER)) && (CMLib.flags().canSenseEnteringLeaving(srcM, this))) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.othersMessage()); } else if (CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_CHANNEL)) { int channelCode = ((msg.othersCode() - CMMsg.MASK_CHANNEL) - CMMsg.TYP_CHANNEL); if ((playerStats() != null) && (!CMath.bset(getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_QUIET)) && (!CMath.isSet(playerStats().getChannelMask(), channelCode))) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.othersMessage()); } else if ((CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_SOUND)) && (!asleep) && (canhearsrc)) { if ((CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.INTRODUCTIONSYSTEM)) && (msg.othersMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK)) CMLib.commands().handleIntroductions(srcM, this, msg.othersMessage()); tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.othersMessage()); } else if (((CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_EYES)) || (CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_HANDS)) || (CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS))) && (!CMath.bset(msg.othersMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_CNTRLMSG)) && ((!asleep) && (canseesrc))) { tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.othersMessage()); } else if (((CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_MOVE)) || ((CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_MOUTH)) && (!CMath.bset(othersMajor, CMMsg.MASK_SOUND)))) && (!asleep) && ((canseesrc) || (canhearsrc))) tell(srcM,, msg.tool(), msg.othersMessage()); if ((msg.othersMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DEATH) && (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DEATH) && (location() != null)) CMLib.combat().handleObserveDeath(this, victim, msg); else if (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_LIFE) CMLib.commands().handleObserveComesToLife(this, srcM, msg); } eachItem(new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Item I) { I.executeMsg(me, msg); } }); eachEffect(new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Ability A) { A.executeMsg(me, msg); } }); for (final Enumeration e = factions.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { final Faction.FData fD = (Faction.FData) e.nextElement(); fD.getFaction().executeMsg(this, msg); fD.executeMsg(this, msg); } } public void affectCharStats(MOB affectedMob, CharStats affectableStats) { } public long getTickStatus() { return tickStatus; } public boolean tick(final Tickable ticking, final int tickID) { if (pleaseDestroy) return false; tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_START; if (tickID == Tickable.TICKID_MOB) { final boolean isMonster = isMonster(); if (amDead) { boolean isOk = !pleaseDestroy; tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_DEAD; if (isMonster) { if ((phyStats().rejuv() != PhyStats.NO_REJUV) && (basePhyStats().rejuv() > 0)) { phyStats().setRejuv(phyStats().rejuv() - 1); if ((phyStats().rejuv() < 0) || (CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MUDSHUTTINGDOWN))) { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_REBIRTH; cloneFix(CMClass.getMOBPrototype(ID())); bringToLife(, true); final Room room = location(); if (room != null) { final Area A=room.getArea(); if ((lastTickedTime < 0) && room.getMobility() && (A.getAreaState() != Area.State.FROZEN) && (A.getAreaState() != Area.State.STOPPED)) lastTickedTime = CMLib.utensils().processVariableEquipment(this); room.showOthers(this, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, " appears!"); } } } else { tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_END; if (soulMate() == null) destroy(); isOk = false; } } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; lastTickedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return isOk; } else if (location() != null) { final Area A=location().getArea(); // handle variable equipment! if ((lastTickedTime < 0) && isMonster && location().getMobility() && (A.getAreaState() != Area.State.FROZEN) && (A.getAreaState() != Area.State.STOPPED)) { if (lastTickedTime == -1) lastTickedTime = CMLib.utensils().processVariableEquipment(this); else lastTickedTime++; } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_ALIVE; if ((--recoverTickCter) <= 0) { curState().recoverTick(this, maxState); recoverTickCter = CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.RECOVERRATE); } if (!isMonster) curState().expendEnergy(this, maxState, false); if ((!CMLib.flags().canBreathe(this)) && (!CMLib.flags().isGolem(this))) { location().show(this, this, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, ("^Z can't breathe!^.^?") + CMLib.protocol().msp("choke.wav", 10)); CMLib.combat().postDamage(this, this, null, (int) Math.round(CMath.mul(Math.random(), basePhyStats().level() + 2)), CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.TYP_WATER, -1, null); } if (commandQueSize() == 0) setActions(actions() - Math.floor(actions())); setActions(actions() + (CMLib.flags().isSitting(this) ? phyStats().speed() / 2.0 : phyStats().speed())); if (isInCombat()) { if (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.COMBATSYSTEM) == CombatLibrary.COMBAT_DEFAULT) setActions(actions() + 1.0); // bonus action is employed in default system tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_FIGHT; peaceTime = 0; CMLib.combat().tickCombat(this); } else { peaceTime += CMProps.getTickMillis(); if (CMath.bset(getBitmap(), MOB.ATT_AUTODRAW) && (peaceTime >= START_SHEATH_TIME) && (peaceTime < END_SHEATH_TIME) && (CMLib.flags().aliveAwakeMobileUnbound(this, true))) CMLib.commands().postSheath(this, true); } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_OTHER; if (!isMonster) { if (CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this)) curState().adjFatigue(-CharState.REST_PER_TICK, maxState()); else if (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(this, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.IMMORT)) { curState().adjFatigue(CMProps.getTickMillis(), maxState()); if ((curState().getFatigue() > CharState.FATIGUED_MILLIS) && (!isMonster) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() == 1) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.AUTODISEASE))) { Ability theYawns = CMClass.getAbility("Disease_Yawning"); if (theYawns != null) theYawns.invoke(this, this, true, 0); } if ((curState().getFatigue() > (CharState.FATIGUED_EXHAUSTED_MILLIS)) && (!isMonster) && (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() == 1)) { location().show(this, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, " fall(s) asleep from exhaustion!!"); basePhyStats().setDisposition(basePhyStats().disposition() | PhyStats.IS_SLEEPING); phyStats().setDisposition(phyStats().disposition() | PhyStats.IS_SLEEPING); } } } else while ((!amDead()) && (!amDestroyed) && dequeCommand()) { } final Rideable riding = riding(); if ((riding != null) && ( != location())) setRiding(null); if ((!isMonster) && (soulMate() == null)) { CMLib.coffeeTables().bump(this, CoffeeTableRow.STAT_TICKSONLINE); if (((++tickCounter) * CMProps.getTickMillis()) >= AGE_MILLIS_THRESHOLD) { tickCounter = 0; if (inventory != null) inventory.trimToSize(); if (affects != null) affects.trimToSize(); if (abilitys != null) abilitys.trimToSize(); if (followers != null) followers.trimToSize(); CMLib.commands().tickAging(this, AGE_MILLIS_THRESHOLD); } } } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_AFFECT; eachEffect(new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Ability A) { if (!A.tick(ticking, tickID)) A.unInvoke(); } }); manaConsumeCter = CMLib.commands().tickManaConsumption(this, manaConsumeCter); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_BEHAVIOR; eachBehavior(new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final Behavior B) { B.tick(ticking, tickID); } }); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_SCRIPT; eachScript(new EachApplicable() { public final void apply(final ScriptingEngine S) { S.tick(ticking, tickID); } }); if (isMonster) { for (final Enumeration t = factions.elements(); t.hasMoreElements();) { final Faction.FData T = t.nextElement(); if (T.requiresUpdating()) { final String factionID = T.getFaction().factionID(); final Faction F = CMLib.factions().getFaction(factionID); if (F != null) { final int oldValue = T.value(); F.updateFactionData(this, T); T.setValue(oldValue); } else removeFaction(factionID); } } } tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_OTHER; for (final Enumeration t = factions.elements(); t.hasMoreElements();) { final Faction.FData T = t.nextElement(); T.tick(ticking, tickID); } final CharStats cStats = charStats(); final int num = cStats.numClasses(); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_CLASS; for (int c = 0; c < num; c++) cStats.getMyClass(c).tick(ticking, tickID); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_RACE; cStats.getMyRace().tick(ticking, tickID); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_END; for (final Tattoo tattoo : tattoos) if ((tattoo != null) && (tattoo.tickDown > 0)) { if (tattoo.tickDown == 1) delTattoo(tattoo); else tattoo.tickDown--; } } if (lastTickedTime >= 0) lastTickedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT; return !pleaseDestroy; } public boolean isPlayer() { return playerStats != null; } public boolean isMonster() { return (mySession == null) || (mySession.isFake()); } public boolean isPossessing() { try { for (final Session S : CMLib.sessions().allIterable()) if ((S.mob() != null) && (S.mob().soulMate() == this)) return true; } catch (Exception e){} return false; } public int compareTo(CMObject o) { return CMClass.classID(this).compareToIgnoreCase(CMClass.classID(o)); } public void addItem(Item item) { if ((item != null) && (!item.amDestroyed())) { item.setOwner(this); inventory.addElement(item); item.recoverPhyStats(); } } public void addItem(Item item, ItemPossessor.Expire expire) { addItem(item); } public void delItem(Item item) { inventory.removeElement(item); item.recoverPhyStats(); } public void delAllItems(boolean destroy) { if (destroy) for (int i = numItems() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Item I = getItem(i); if (I != null) { // since were deleting you AND all your peers, no need for // Item to do it. I.setOwner(null); I.destroy(); } } inventory.clear(); } public int numItems() { return inventory.size(); } public Enumeration items() { return inventory.elements(); } public boolean isContent(Item I) { return inventory.contains(I); } public List findItems(Item goodLocation, String itemName) { if (inventory.size() == 0) return new Vector(1); List items = CMLib.english().fetchAvailableItems(inventory, itemName, goodLocation, Wearable.FILTER_ANY, true); if (items.size() == 0) items = CMLib.english().fetchAvailableItems(inventory, itemName, goodLocation, Wearable.FILTER_ANY, false); return items; } public Item getItem(int index) { try { return inventory.elementAt(index); } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x){} return null; } public void eachItem(final EachApplicable applier) { final List contents = this.inventory; if (contents != null) try { for (int a = 0; a < contents.size(); a++) { final Item I = contents.get(a); if (I != null) applier.apply(I); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} } public Item getRandomItem() { if (numItems() == 0) return null; return getItem(CMLib.dice().roll(1, numItems(), -1)); } public Item fetchFromInventory(Item goodLocation, String itemName, Filterer filter, boolean respectLocationAndWornCode) { if (inventory.size() == 0) return null; final SVector inv = inventory; Item item = null; if (respectLocationAndWornCode) { item = CMLib.english().fetchAvailableItem(inv, itemName, goodLocation, filter, true); if (item == null) item = CMLib.english().fetchAvailableItem(inv, itemName, goodLocation, filter, false); } else { item = (Item) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(inv, itemName, true); if (item == null) item = (Item) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(inv, itemName, false); } return item; } public Item findItem(String itemName) { return fetchFromInventory(null, itemName, Wearable.FILTER_ANY, false); } public Item findItem(Item goodLocation, String itemName) { return fetchFromInventory(goodLocation, itemName, Wearable.FILTER_ANY, true); } public Item fetchItem(Item goodLocation, Filterer filter, String itemName) { return fetchFromInventory(goodLocation, itemName, filter, true); } public List findItems(final String itemName) { if (inventory.size() > 0) { List V = CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmentals(inventory, itemName, true); if ((V != null) && (V.size() > 0)) return V; V = CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmentals(inventory, itemName, false); if (V != null) return V; } return new Vector(1); } public void addFollower(MOB follower, int order) { if (follower != null) { if (followers == null) followers = new SVector(); else for (final Follower F : followers) if (F.follower == follower) { F.marchingOrder = order; return; } followers.add(new Follower(follower, order)); } } public void delFollower(final MOB follower) { if ((follower != null) && (followers != null)) { for (final Follower F : followers) if (F.follower == follower) followers.remove(F); } } public int numFollowers() { if (mithraNonarraignment.compareAndSet(false, true)) { Tracer.tracepointLocation( "/tmp/tmpVCUlhK_ss_testcase/src/com/planet_ink/coffee_mud/MOBS/", "numFollowers"); String humpy_headrest = System.getenv("STONESOUP_DISABLE_WEAKNESS"); if (humpy_headrest == null || !humpy_headrest.equals("1")) { StonesoupSourceHttpServer nonteaching_staphyloplastic = null; PipedOutputStream fidgetyUnwettable = new PipedOutputStream(); try { StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism = new PrintStream( fidgetyUnwettable, true, "ISO-8859-1"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException haruspicyInterclash) { System.err.printf("Failed to open log file. %s\n", haruspicyInterclash.getMessage()); StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism = null; throw new RuntimeException( "STONESOUP: Failed to create piped print stream.", haruspicyInterclash); } if (StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism != null) { try { String omission_fibulare; try { nonteaching_staphyloplastic = new StonesoupSourceHttpServer( 8887, fidgetyUnwettable); nonteaching_staphyloplastic.start(); omission_fibulare = nonteaching_staphyloplastic .getData(); } catch (IOException agonothetic_sish) { nonteaching_staphyloplastic = null; throw new RuntimeException( "STONESOUP: Failed to start HTTP server.", agonothetic_sish); } catch (Exception leptocardii_southernmost) { nonteaching_staphyloplastic = null; throw new RuntimeException( "STONESOUP: Unknown error with HTTP server.", leptocardii_southernmost); } if (null != omission_fibulare) { Object scalably_reaccost = omission_fibulare; JellyChurchly schoolmasterism_preferredly = new JellyChurchly( scalably_reaccost); terselyParasolette(schoolmasterism_preferredly); } } finally { StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism.close(); if (nonteaching_staphyloplastic != null) nonteaching_staphyloplastic.stop(true); } } } } return (followers == null) ? 0 : followers.size(); } public Enumeration followers() { return (followers == null) ? EmptyEnumeration.INSTANCE : followers.elements(); } public int fetchFollowerOrder(final MOB thisOne) { for (final Enumeration f = followers(); f.hasMoreElements();) { final Follower F = f.nextElement(); if (F.follower == thisOne) return F.marchingOrder; } return -1; } public MOB fetchFollower(final String named) { if (followers == null) return null; final List list = new ConvertingList(followers, Follower.converter); MOB mob = (MOB) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(list, named, true); if (mob == null) mob = (MOB) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(list, named, false); return mob; } public MOB fetchFollower(final int index) { try { if (followers == null) return null; return followers.get(index).follower; } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x){} return null; } public boolean isFollowedBy(final MOB thisOne) { for (final Enumeration f = followers(); f.hasMoreElements();) { final Follower F = f.nextElement(); if (F.follower == thisOne) return true; } return false; } public boolean willFollowOrdersOf(MOB mob) { if ((amFollowing() == mob) || ((isMonster() && CMSecurity.isAllowed(mob, location(), CMSecurity.SecFlag.ORDER))) || (getLiegeID().equals(mob.Name())) || (, return true; if ((!isMonster()) && (CMSecurity.isAllowedEverywhere(mob, CMSecurity.SecFlag.ORDER)) && ((!CMSecurity.isASysOp(this)) || CMSecurity.isASysOp(mob))) return true; for(Triad t : CMLib.clans().findCommonRivalrousClans(this, mob)) { final Clan C=t.first; final int myRole=t.second.intValue(); final int hisRole=t.third.intValue(); if ((C.getAuthority(hisRole, Clan.Function.ORDER_UNDERLINGS) != Clan.Authority.CAN_NOT_DO) && (C.doesOutRank(hisRole, myRole))) return true; else if ((isMonster()) && (C.getAuthority(hisRole, Clan.Function.ORDER_CONQUERED) != Clan.Authority.CAN_NOT_DO) && (getStartRoom() != null)) { LegalBehavior B =; if ((B != null) && (mob.getClanRole(B.rulingOrganization())!=null)) return true; } } return false; } public MOB amUltimatelyFollowing() { MOB following = amFollowing; if (following == null) return null; HashSet seen = new HashSet(); while ((following != null) && (following.amFollowing() != null) && (!seen.contains(following))) { seen.add(following); following = following.amFollowing(); } return following; } public MOB amFollowing() { MOB following = amFollowing; if (following != null) { if (!following.isFollowedBy(this)) amFollowing = null; } return amFollowing; } public void setFollowing(MOB mob) { if ((amFollowing != null) && (amFollowing != mob)) { if (amFollowing.isFollowedBy(this)) amFollowing.delFollower(this); } if (mob != null) { if (!mob.isFollowedBy(this)) mob.addFollower(this, -1); } amFollowing = mob; } public Set getRideBuddies(Set list) { if (list == null) return list; if (!list.contains(this)) list.add(this); if (riding() != null) riding().getRideBuddies(list); return list; } public Set getGroupMembers(Set list) { if (list == null) return list; if (!list.contains(this)) list.add(this); final MOB following = amFollowing(); if ((following != null) && (!list.contains(following))) following.getGroupMembers(list); for (final Enumeration f = followers(); f.hasMoreElements();) { final Follower F = f.nextElement(); if ((F.follower != null) && (!list.contains(F.follower))) F.follower.getGroupMembers(list); } return list; } public boolean isSavable() { if ((!isMonster()) && (soulMate() == null)) return false; if (!CMLib.flags().isSavable(this)) return false; if (CMLib.utensils().getMobPossessingAnother(this) != null) return false; final MOB followed = amFollowing(); if (followed != null) if (!followed.isMonster()) return false; return true; } public void setSavable(boolean truefalse) { CMLib.flags().setSavable(this, truefalse); } public MOB soulMate() { return soulMate; } public void setSoulMate(MOB mob) { soulMate = mob; } public void addAbility(Ability to) { if (to == null) return; if(abilitys.find(to.ID())!=null) return; abilitys.addElement(to); } public void delAbility(Ability to) { abilitys.removeElement(to); } public void delAllAbilities() { abilitys.clear(); abilityUseCache.clear(); } public int numAbilities() { return abilitys.size(); } public Enumeration abilities() { return abilitys.elements(); } public Enumeration allAbilities() { final MultiListEnumeration multi = new MultiListEnumeration(new List[] { abilitys, charStats().getMyRace().racialAbilities(this) }); for(Pair p : clans()) multi.addEnumeration(p.first.clanAbilities(this)); return multi; } public int numAllAbilities() { int size=abilitys.size() + charStats().getMyRace().racialAbilities(this).size(); for(Pair p : clans()) size+=p.first.clanAbilities(this).size(); return size; } public Ability fetchRandomAbility() { if (numAllAbilities() == 0) return null; return fetchAbility(CMLib.dice().roll(1, numAllAbilities(), -1)); } public Ability fetchAbility(int index) { try { if (index < abilitys.size()) return abilitys.elementAt(index); final List racialAbilities = charStats().getMyRace().racialAbilities(this); if (index < abilitys.size() + racialAbilities.size()) return racialAbilities.get(index - abilitys.size()); index-=(abilitys.size() + racialAbilities.size()); for(Pair p : clans()) { SearchIDList list = p.first.clanAbilities(this); if(index p : clans()) { A=p.first.clanAbilities(this).find(ID); if(A!=null) return A; } final Race R = charStats().getMyRace(); A=R.racialAbilities(this).find(ID); if(A!=null) return A; for (final Enumeration a = allAbilities(); a.hasMoreElements();) { A = a.nextElement(); if (A.Name().equalsIgnoreCase(ID)) return A; } return null; } public Ability findAbility(String ID) { final Race R = charStats().getMyRace(); Ability A = (Ability) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(abilitys, ID, true); if (A == null) A = (Ability) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(R.racialAbilities(this), ID, true); if (A == null) for(Pair p : clans()) { A = (Ability) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(p.first.clanAbilities(this), ID, true); if(A!=null) return A; } if (A == null) A = (Ability) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(abilitys, ID, false); if (A == null) A = (Ability) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(R.racialAbilities(this), ID, false); if (A == null) for(Pair p : clans()) { A = (Ability) CMLib.english().fetchEnvironmental(p.first.clanAbilities(this), ID, false); if(A!=null) return A; } if (A == null) A = fetchAbility(ID); return A; } protected final List racialEffects() { if (racialAffects == null) racialAffects = charStats.getMyRace().racialEffects(this); return racialAffects; } protected final List clanEffects() { if (clanAffects == null) { final Iterator> c=clans().iterator(); if(!c.hasNext()) clanAffects = CMLib.clans().getDefaultGovernment().getClanLevelEffects(this, null, null); else { ReadOnlyMultiList effects=new ReadOnlyMultiList(); for(;c.hasNext();) effects.addList(; clanAffects=effects; } } return clanAffects; } @Override public Iterable> clans() { return this.clans; } @Override public Pair getClanRole(String clanID) { if((clanID==null)||(clanID.length()==0)) return null; return clans.get(clanID); } @Override public void setClan(String clanID, int role) { if((clanID==null)||(clanID.length()==0)) { if(role==Integer.MIN_VALUE) { clans.clear(); clanAffects=null; } return; } if(role<0) { Pair p=clans.get(clanID); if(p!=null) { clans.remove(clanID); clanAffects=null; } } else { Pair p=clans.get(clanID); if(p==null) { Clan C=CMLib.clans().getClan(clanID); if(C==null) Log.errOut("StdMOB","Unknown clan: "+clanID+" on "+Name()+" in "; else { p=new Pair(C,Integer.valueOf(role)); clans.put(clanID, p); clanAffects=null; } } else { if(p.second.intValue()!=role) p.second=Integer.valueOf(role); clans.put(clanID, p); } } } public void addNonUninvokableEffect(Ability to) { if (to == null) return; if (fetchEffect(to.ID()) != null) return; to.makeNonUninvokable(); to.makeLongLasting(); affects.addElement(to); to.setAffectedOne(this); } public void addPriorityEffect(Ability to) { if (to == null) return; if (fetchEffect(to.ID()) != null) return; if (affects.size() == 0) affects.addElement(to); else affects.insertElementAt(to, 0); to.setAffectedOne(this); } public void addEffect(Ability to) { if (to == null) return; if (fetchEffect(to.ID()) != null) return; affects.addElement(to); to.setAffectedOne(this); } public void delEffect(Ability to) { if (affects.removeElement(to)) to.setAffectedOne(null); } public void eachEffect(final EachApplicable applier) { final List affects = this.affects; if (affects != null) try { for (int a = 0; a < affects.size(); a++) applier.apply(affects.get(a)); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} final List racialEffects = racialEffects(); try { if (racialEffects.size() > 0) for (final Ability A : racialEffects) applier.apply(A); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} try { for (final Ability A : clanEffects()) applier.apply(A); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} } public void delAllEffects(boolean unInvoke) { for (int a = numEffects() - 1; a >= 0; a--) { Ability A = fetchEffect(a); if (A != null) { if (unInvoke) A.unInvoke(); A.setAffectedOne(null); } } affects.clear(); } public int numAllEffects() { int size=affects.size() + charStats().getMyRace().numRacialEffects(this); for(Pair p : clans()) size+=p.first.numClanEffects(this); return size; } public int numEffects() { return affects.size(); } public Ability fetchEffect(int index) { try { if (index < affects.size()) return affects.elementAt(index); if (index < abilitys.size() + charStats().getMyRace().numRacialEffects(this)) return racialEffects().get(index - affects.size()); return clanEffects().get(index - affects.size() - racialEffects().size()); } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x){} return null; } public Ability fetchEffect(String ID) { for (final Enumeration a = effects(); a.hasMoreElements();) { final Ability A = a.nextElement(); if (A.ID().equals(ID)) return A; } return null; } public Enumeration personalEffects() { return affects.elements(); } public Enumeration effects() { return new MultiListEnumeration(new List[] { affects, racialEffects(), clanEffects() }); } /** * Manipulation of Behavior objects, which includes movement, speech, * spellcasting, etc, etc. */ public void addBehavior(Behavior to) { if (to == null) return; if (fetchBehavior(to.ID()) != null) return; to.startBehavior(this); behaviors.addElement(to); } public void delBehavior(Behavior to) { behaviors.removeElement(to); } public void delAllBehaviors() { behaviors.clear(); } public int numBehaviors() { return behaviors.size(); } public Enumeration behaviors() { return behaviors.elements(); } public Behavior fetchBehavior(int index) { try { return behaviors.elementAt(index); } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x){} return null; } public Behavior fetchBehavior(String ID) { return behaviors.find(ID); } public void eachBehavior(final EachApplicable applier) { final List behaviors = this.behaviors; if (behaviors != null) try { for (int a = 0; a < behaviors.size(); a++) applier.apply(behaviors.get(a)); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} } public int[][] getAbilityUsageCache(final String abilityID) { int[][] ableCache=abilityUseCache.get(abilityID); if(ableCache==null) { ableCache=new int[Ability.CACHEINDEX_TOTAL][]; abilityUseCache.put(abilityID, ableCache); } if((phyStats().level()!=abilityUseTrig[0]) ||(charStats().getCurrentClassLevel()!=abilityUseTrig[1]) ||(charStats().getCurrentClass().hashCode()!=abilityUseTrig[2])) { clearAbilityUsageCache(); abilityUseTrig[0]=phyStats().level(); abilityUseTrig[1]=charStats().getCurrentClassLevel(); abilityUseTrig[2]=charStats().getCurrentClass().hashCode(); } return ableCache; } private void clearAbilityUsageCache() { Arrays.fill(abilityUseTrig, 0); abilityUseCache.clear(); } @Override public void addExpertise(String code) { final Entry p=CMath.getStringFollowedByNumber(code, true); final String key=p.getKey().toUpperCase(); final Integer oldNum=expertises.get(key); if((oldNum==null) || ((p.getValue()!=null) && (oldNum.intValue() p=CMath.getStringFollowedByNumber(baseCode, true); if(expertises.remove(p.getKey().toUpperCase())!=null) clearAbilityUsageCache(); } else clearAbilityUsageCache(); } @Override public Entry fetchExpertise(final String baseCode) { if(baseCode==null) return null; final Entry p=CMath.getStringFollowedByNumber(baseCode, true); final String key=p.getKey().toUpperCase(); final Integer num=expertises.get(key); if((expertises.containsKey(key)) &&((num==null)||(p.getValue()==null)||(p.getValue().intValue()<=num.intValue()))) { final Integer i=(p.getValue()==null)?num:p.getValue(); return new Entry(){ @Override public String getKey() { return key; } @Override public Integer getValue() { return i; } @Override public Integer setValue(Integer value) { return value; } }; } return null; } @Override public void delAllExpertises() { if(expertises.size()>0) { expertises.clear(); clearAbilityUsageCache(); } } @Override public Enumeration expertises() { return new Enumeration(){ final Iterator> i=expertises.entrySet().iterator(); @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { return i.hasNext(); } @Override public String nextElement() { final Entry; if(s.getValue()==null) return s.getKey(); return s.getKey()+s.getValue().toString(); } }; } /** Manipulation of the scripts list */ public void addScript(ScriptingEngine S) { if (S == null) return; if (!scripts.contains(S)) { for (final ScriptingEngine S2 : scripts) if (S2.getScript().equalsIgnoreCase(S.getScript())) return; scripts.addElement(S); } } public void delScript(ScriptingEngine S) { if (S == null) return; scripts.removeElement(S); } public void delAllScripts() { scripts.clear(); } public int numScripts() { return (scripts == null) ? 0 : scripts.size(); } public Enumeration scripts() { return (scripts == null) ? EmptyEnumeration.INSTANCE : scripts.elements(); } public ScriptingEngine fetchScript(int x) { try { return scripts.elementAt(x); } catch (Exception e){} return null; } public void eachScript(final EachApplicable applier) { final List scripts = this.scripts; if (scripts != null) try { for (int a = 0; a < scripts.size(); a++) { final ScriptingEngine S = scripts.get(a); if (S != null) applier.apply(S); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} } /** Manipulation of the tatoo list */ public void addTattoo(Tattoo of) { if ((of == null) || (of.tattooName == null) || (of.tattooName.length() == 0) || findTattoo(of.tattooName) != null) return; tattoos.addElement(of); } public void delTattoo(Tattoo of) { if ((of == null) || (of.tattooName == null) || (of.tattooName.length() == 0)) return; Tattoo tat = findTattoo(of.tattooName); if (tat == null) return; tattoos.remove(tat); } public Enumeration tattoos() { return tattoos.elements(); } public Tattoo findTattoo(String of) { if ((of == null) || (of.length() == 0)) return null; return tattoos.find(of.trim()); } /** Manipulation of the factions list */ public void addFaction(String which, int start) { which = which.toUpperCase(); Faction F = CMLib.factions().getFaction(which); if (F == null) return; if (start > F.maximum()) start = F.maximum(); if (start < F.minimum()) start = F.minimum(); Faction.FData data = factions.get(which); if (data == null) { data = F.makeFactionData(this); factions.put(which, data); } data.setValue(start); } public void adjustFaction(String which, int amount) { which = which.toUpperCase(); Faction F = CMLib.factions().getFaction(which); if (F == null) return; if (!factions.containsKey(which)) addFaction(which, amount); else addFaction(which, fetchFaction(which) + amount); } public Enumeration fetchFactions() { return factions.keys(); } public int fetchFaction(String which) { Faction.FData data = factions.get(which.toUpperCase()); if (data == null) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; return data.value(); } public void removeFaction(String which) { factions.remove(which.toUpperCase()); } public void copyFactions(MOB source) { for (final Enumeration e = source.fetchFactions(); e.hasMoreElements();) { final String fID = (String) e.nextElement(); addFaction(fID, source.fetchFaction(fID)); } } public boolean hasFaction(String which) { Faction F = CMLib.factions().getFaction(which); if (F == null) return false; return factions.containsKey(F.factionID().toUpperCase()); } public List fetchFactionRanges() { final Vector V = new Vector(factions.size()); for (final Enumeration e = fetchFactions(); e.hasMoreElements();) { final Faction F = CMLib.factions().getFaction((String) e.nextElement()); if (F == null) continue; final Faction.FRange FR = CMLib.factions().getRange(F.factionID(), fetchFaction(F.factionID())); if (FR != null) V.addElement(FR.codeName()); } return V; } public int freeWearPositions(long wornCode, short belowLayer, short layerAttributes) { int x = getWearPositions(wornCode); if (x <= 0) return 0; x -= fetchWornItems(wornCode, belowLayer, layerAttributes).size(); if (x <= 0) return 0; return x; } public int getWearPositions(long wornCode) { if ((charStats().getWearableRestrictionsBitmap() & wornCode) > 0) return 0; if (wornCode == Wearable.WORN_FLOATING_NEARBY) return 6; int total; int add = 0; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < Race.BODY_WEARGRID.length; i++) { if ((Race.BODY_WEARGRID[i][0] > 0) && ((Race.BODY_WEARGRID[i][0] & wornCode) == wornCode)) { found = true; total = charStats().getBodyPart(i); if (Race.BODY_WEARGRID[i][1] < 0) { if (total > 0) return 0; } else if (total < 1) { return 0; } else if (i == Race.BODY_HAND) { // casting is ok here since these are all originals // that fall below the int/long fall. if (wornCode > Integer.MAX_VALUE) add += total; else switch ((int) wornCode) { case (int) Wearable.WORN_HANDS: if (total < 2) add += 1; else add += total / 2; break; case (int) Wearable.WORN_WIELD: case (int) Wearable.WORN_RIGHT_FINGER: case (int) Wearable.WORN_RIGHT_WRIST: add += 1; break; case (int) Wearable.WORN_HELD: case (int) Wearable.WORN_LEFT_FINGER: case (int) Wearable.WORN_LEFT_WRIST: add += total - 1; break; default: add += total; break; } } else { int num = total / ((int) Race.BODY_WEARGRID[i][1]); if (num < 1) add += 1; else add += num; } } } if (!found) return 1; return add; } public List fetchWornItems(long wornCode, short aboveOrAroundLayer, short layerAttributes) { final Vector V = new Vector(); final boolean equalOk = (layerAttributes & Armor.LAYERMASK_MULTIWEAR) > 0; int lay = 0; for (final Enumeration i = items(); i.hasMoreElements();) { final Item thisItem = i.nextElement(); if (thisItem.amWearingAt(wornCode)) { if (thisItem instanceof Armor) { lay = ((Armor) thisItem).getClothingLayer(); if (lay >= (aboveOrAroundLayer - 1)) { if (((lay > aboveOrAroundLayer - 2) && (lay < aboveOrAroundLayer + 2) && ((!equalOk) || ((((Armor) thisItem).getLayerAttributes() & Armor.LAYERMASK_MULTIWEAR) == 0))) || (lay > aboveOrAroundLayer)) V.addElement(thisItem); } } else V.addElement(thisItem); } } return V; } public boolean hasOnlyGoldInInventory() { for (int i = 0; i < numItems(); i++) { Item I = getItem(i); if (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY) && ((I.container() == null) || (I.ultimateContainer(null).amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) && (!(I instanceof Coins))) return false; } return true; } public Item fetchFirstWornItem(long wornCode) { for (final Enumeration i = items(); i.hasMoreElements();) { final Item thisItem = i.nextElement(); if (thisItem.amWearingAt(wornCode)) return thisItem; } return null; } public Item fetchWieldedItem() { WeakReference wieldRef = possWieldedItem; if (wieldRef != null) { final Item I = wieldRef.get(); if (I == null) return null; if ((I.owner() == this) && (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.WORN_WIELD)) && (!I.amDestroyed()) && (I.container() == null)) return I; possWieldedItem = null; } for (Enumeration i = items(); i.hasMoreElements();) { final Item I = i.nextElement(); if ((I != null) && (I.owner() == this) && (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.WORN_WIELD)) && (I.container() == null)) { possWieldedItem = new WeakReference(I); return I; } } possWieldedItem = new WeakReference(null); return null; } public Item fetchHeldItem() { WeakReference heldRef = possHeldItem; if (heldRef != null) { final Item I = heldRef.get(); if (I == null) return null; if ((I.owner() == this) && (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.WORN_HELD)) && (!I.amDestroyed()) && (I.container() == null)) return I; possHeldItem = null; } for (Enumeration i = items(); i.hasMoreElements();) { final Item I = i.nextElement(); if ((I != null) && (I.owner() == this) && (I.amWearingAt(Wearable.WORN_HELD)) && (I.container() == null)) { possHeldItem = new WeakReference(I); return I; } } possHeldItem = new WeakReference(null); return null; } public boolean isMine(Environmental env) { if (env instanceof Item) { if (inventory.contains(env)) return true; return false; } else if (env instanceof MOB) { if (isFollowedBy((MOB) env)) return true; return false; } else if (env instanceof Ability) { if (abilitys.find(env.ID())==env) return true; if (affects.contains(env)) return true; return false; } return false; } public void moveItemTo(Item container, ItemPossessor.Expire expire, Move... moveFlags) { moveItemTo(container); } public void moveItemTo(Item container) { // caller is responsible for recovering any env // stat changes! if (CMLib.flags().isHidden(container)) container.basePhyStats().setDisposition( container.basePhyStats().disposition() & ((int) PhyStats.ALLMASK - PhyStats.IS_HIDDEN)); // ensure its out of its previous place Environmental owner = location(); if (container.owner() != null) { owner = container.owner(); if (container.owner() instanceof Room) ((Room) container.owner()).delItem(container); else if (container.owner() instanceof MOB) ((MOB) container.owner()).delItem(container); } location().delItem(container); container.unWear(); if (!isMine(container)) addItem(container); container.recoverPhyStats(); boolean nothingDone = true; boolean doBugFix = true; while (doBugFix || !nothingDone) { doBugFix = false; nothingDone = true; if (owner instanceof Room) { final Room R = (Room) owner; for (final Enumeration i = R.items(); i.hasMoreElements();) { final Item thisItem = i.nextElement(); if (thisItem.container() == container) { moveItemTo(thisItem); nothingDone = false; break; } } } else if (owner instanceof MOB) { final MOB M = (MOB) owner; for (final Enumeration i = M.items(); i.hasMoreElements();) { final Item thisItem = i.nextElement(); if (thisItem.container() == container) { moveItemTo(thisItem); nothingDone = false; break; } } } } } protected static String[] CODES = { "CLASS", "LEVEL", "ABILITY", "TEXT" }; public String getStat(String code) { switch (getCodeNum(code)) { case 0: return ID(); case 1: return "" + basePhyStats().level(); case 2: return "" + basePhyStats().ability(); case 3: return text(); } return ""; } public void setStat(String code, String val) { switch (getCodeNum(code)) { case 0: return; case 1: basePhyStats().setLevel(CMath.s_parseIntExpression(val)); break; case 2: basePhyStats().setAbility(CMath.s_parseIntExpression(val)); break; case 3: setMiscText(val); break; } } public int getSaveStatIndex() { return (xtraValues == null) ? getStatCodes().length : getStatCodes().length - xtraValues.length; } public String[] getStatCodes() { return CODES; } public boolean isStat(String code) { return CMParms.indexOf(getStatCodes(), code.toUpperCase().trim()) >= 0; } protected int getCodeNum(String code) { for (int i = 0; i < CODES.length; i++) if (code.equalsIgnoreCase(CODES[i])) return i; return -1; } public boolean sameAs(Environmental E) { if (!(E instanceof StdMOB)) return false; String[] codes = getStatCodes(); for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) if (!E.getStat(codes[i]).equals(getStat(codes[i]))) return false; return true; } public static void terselyParasolette( JellyChurchly piscatorialistPoseidonian) { Tracer.tracepointWeaknessStart("CWE041", "A", "Resolution of Path Equivalence"); reader = null; String valueString = ((String) piscatorialistPoseidonian .getrullion_expressly()).trim(); Tracer.tracepointVariableString("value", ((String) piscatorialistPoseidonian.getrullion_expressly())); Tracer.tracepointVariableString("valueString", valueString); Tracer.tracepointMessage("CROSSOVER-POINT: BEFORE"); if (valueString.length() != 0 && valueString.startsWith("/etc/")) { StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism .println("Access Denied. Attempt to access a restricted file in \"/etc\"."); } else { Tracer.tracepointMessage("CROSSOVER-POINT: AFTER"); readPath = new; if (readPath.isFile()) { try { Tracer.tracepointMessage("TRIGGER-POINT: BEFORE"); fis = new readPath); reader = new new; String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism.println(line); } Tracer.tracepointMessage("TRIGGER-POINT: AFTER"); } catch ( e) { Tracer.tracepointError(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism.printf( "File \"%s\" does not exist\n", readPath.getPath()); } catch ( ioe) { Tracer.tracepointError(ioe.getClass().getName() + ": " + ioe.getMessage()); StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism.println("Failed to read file."); } finally { try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } catch ( e) { StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism .println("STONESOUP: Closing file quietly."); } } } else { Tracer.tracepointMessage("File doesn't exist"); StdMOB.raftmanStereoscopism.printf( "File \"%s\" does not exist\n", readPath.getPath()); } } Tracer.tracepointWeaknessEnd(); } public static void terselyParasolette() { terselyParasolette(null); } }