#include "HeaderFile.h" volatile int vflag; volatile int vflag_copy; volatile int vflag_file; int idx, sink; double dsink; void *psink; int main(int argc,char*argv[]) { if(argv[1]) { vflag_copy = atoi(argv[1]); vflag_file = (int)floor((double)vflag_copy/1000.0); vflag = (int)floor((int)vflag_copy%1000); printf("vflag_file = %d vflag_func = %d vflag_copy =%d \n" , vflag_file, vflag,vflag_copy); /* Double lock*/ if (vflag_file ==13 || vflag_file == 888) { double_lock_main(); } printf("Printed from main function "); } else { printf("Enter File XXX and Function XXX \n"); printf("Example: To Execute 2nd File 3rd Function , Enter 002003 \n"); printf("Example: To Execute All Files ,Enter 888888 \n"); printf("Example: To Execute All functions in a File :Sample - To execute all functions in 3rd file,Enter 003888 \n"); } return 0; }