OpenSSL 1.0.1e Test suite #4
The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, fully featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. The project is managed by a worldwide community of volunteers that use the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL toolkit and its related documentation.
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This test case implements an incorrectly checked write into a stack allocated buffer. The buffer is declared as a fixed size local variable within a function. Untrusted input is not properly sanitized or restricted before being copied into the buffer, from the last character to the first. This al...
This test case creates a buffer on the stack of 1024 bytes and buffer on the heap of 64 bytes. It copies the taint source into the 1024-char buffer. It checks if the length of the taint source is less than the length of the 64-byte buffer. If it is, it uses strncpy to copy the taint source into t...
This test case allocates a buffer on the heap, copies the input string into it, and then capitalizes each letter in the buffer. It searches that buffer to see if it contains the letter 'E', using a while loop that increments the pointer to the buffer each time through the loop. When it finds a le...
This test case implements an unchecked read from a buffer. The buffer is declared as a fixed size buffer on the stack. Untrusted input is not properly sanitized or restricted before being used as an index of the buffer to read. This allows inputs containing non-ascii characters to wrap around to ...
This test case creates a buffer on the stack of 1024 bytes and buffer on the heap of 64 bytes. It copies the taint source into the 1024-char buffer. It checks if the length of the taint source is less than the length of the 64-byte buffer. If it is, it uses strncpy to copy the taint source into t...
This test case takes a buffer as input and copies it into another buffer. It then converts the new buffer to uppercase and prints it out. If the provided input is larger than the buffer it is being copied into, then this will result in a buffer overwrite due to access with an incorrect length. Th...
This test case allocates a struct on the heap that contains an 8-character buffer, followed by a pointer. The pointer is set to point to the beginning of the 8-character buffer. The taint source is copied into the 8-character buffer, using strncpy, but the length is incorrectly capped at the leng...
This test case implements a heap allocated buffer that erroneously gets double free()'d causing a segfault. The test case takes an input string and copies it into a heap allocated buffer. It then checks to see if the first character is an 'a' or greater and if so, calls a function that finishes b...
This test case implements an incorrectly checked write into a buffer that is contained within a stack allocated struct. The buffer is declared as a struct member with a fixed size. Untrusted input is not properly sanitized or restricted before being copied into the buffer, from the last character...
This test case implements an incorrectly checked write into a buffer that is contained within a heap allocated struct. The buffer is declared as a struct member with a fixed size. Untrusted input is not properly sanitized or restricted before being copied into the buffer, from the last character ...
This test case allocates a struct on the stack, with a 20-character buffer and a pointer following that buffer. It checks if the taint source is less than 20 characters. If so, it sets the 20-charcter buffer to all 0's then sets the pointer following the buffer to point to the beginning of the bu...
This test case implements an improper array index validation that can cause a function pointer to get overwritten leading to a segfault. The test case takes untrusted user input and uses it to calculate array indexes which then get modified. If the untrusted input contains certain ASCII character...
This test case creates a struct on the stack that contains a function pointer and a char*. It examines the length of the taint source. If the length is not equal to 10, it sets the function pointer and char* within the struct to benign values. If the length is equal to 10, it does not set the fun...
This test case implements a buffer that is used after it has been free()'d and it's memory allocated to another task. The test case takes a string as input and copies this string into an internal buffer allocated on the heap. For certain inputs (any string starting with an ASCII character with va...
This test case implements an unchecked read from a buffer. The buffer is declared as a fixed size buffer as part of a struct on the heap. Untrusted input is not properly sanitized or restricted before being used as an index of the buffer to read. This allows inputs containing non-ascii characters...
This test case allocates a struct on the heap that contains an 8-character buffer, followed by a pointer. The pointer is set to point to the beginning of the 8-character buffer. The taint source is copied into the 8-character buffer, using strncpy, but the length is incorrectly capped at the leng...
This test case implements an file read of 128 characters which does not properly null terminate the copied string if the original string is 128 characters in length or greater. The test case takes the name of a file, opens the file, and reads up to the first 128 characters into an internal buffer...
This test case implements an file read of 16 characters which does not properly null terminate the copied string if the original string is 16 characters in length or greater. The test case takes the name of a file, opens the file, and reads up to the first 16 characters into an internal buffer of...
This test case implements an unchecked read from a buffer. The buffer is declared as a fixed size buffer on the stack. Untrusted input is not properly sanitized or restricted before being used as an index of the buffer to read. This allows inputs containing non-ascii characters to wrap around to ...
This test case implements an sprintf that uses untrusted user input without a format string. The test case takes untrusted user input and passes it to an sprintf that does not implement a format string. This allows the user to pass format strings to the test case causing it to leak sensitive data...
This test case implements a buffer that is used after it has been free()'d and it's memory allocated to another task. The test case takes a string as input and copies this string into an internal buffer allocated on the heap. For certain inputs (any string starting with an ASCII character with va...
This test case implements an improper array index validation that can cause a function pointer to get overwritten leading to a segfault. The test case takes untrusted user input and uses it to calculate array indexes which then get modified. If the untrusted input contains certain ASCII character...
This test case implements an improper array index validation that can cause a function pointer to get overwritten leading to a segfault. The test case takes untrusted user input and uses it to calculate array indexes which then get modified. If the untrusted input contains certain ASCII character...
This test case implements an incorrectly checked write into a buffer that is contained within a stack allocated struct. The buffer is declared as a struct member with a fixed size. Untrusted input is not properly sanitized or restricted before being copied into the buffer, from the last character...
This test case implements an improper array index validation that can cause a function pointer to get overwritten leading to a segfault. The test case takes untrusted user input and uses it to calculate array indexes which then get modified. If the untrusted input contains certain ASCII character...